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Regarding the "Omnibus Regional Title Act"
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • I saw that there wasn't a Citizen topic for this, but this would have been my response had there been one (and there is now):


    When I proposed a title for Mateo, it came from a place of feeling like the situation with him and that title was persistent, unique, and special enough to be submitted for consideration by the Storting. I think that he's been an uniquely positive influence in our community, especially on Discord, and I've had the privilege of watching him start to open up, explore and navigate social relationships, and grow as a person thanks to our influence on him. I know that there are people who don't agree that he's deserving of that title or any title, particularly Chanku, and while I disagree with her I respect her opinion.

    But I don't feel like this proposal comes from the same place. It's not meant to recognize the contributions and character of people in our region, as deserving as I think some of them are of doesn't even bother to explain why the Storting would be handing out these titles. Instead, the purpose of this proposal is to blatantly utilize a portion of the regional government to legislatively pick on and troll Chanku in response of an honestly legitimate concern that she had.

    I'm honestly dismayed to see a proposal with such malicious intent appear in this of all's beneath the type of government and community that we aspire to be and that I believe we are, and it does a disservice to those in the proposal who do deserve recognition for them to be granted honours just to spite someone else in the community. I understand that there's some sentiment currently that the Underhusen should be sillier to show how irrelevant it is, but when that sentiment takes the form of using the government to spite and provoke a Citizen, then it's gone too far.

    I know we're all better than this.
    8 people like this post: HannahB, Chanku, Ruguo, taulover, Marzipan, Arenado, Michi, Doc
    « Last Edit: October 15, 2019, 06:02:40 AM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • While a fair interpretation, as the originator of the legislation, I'd like to stress that there was not and remains no malice towards Chanku in the proposal. Now that its been mentioned, I can indeed see how it might be perceived as malicious, particularly when combined with my initial platform in the first place which seemed targeted at annoying Chanku (which, to be fair, was intended to be annoying, but in the 'okay ha ha you're hilarious, what a goofball, now shut up' sense, not the 'I legitimately want to drive you insane' sense).
    I'd like to stress that I intended no malice, continue to intend no malice, and hope that Chanku sees it in the nature of light-hearted ribbing I intended it as. If that is not the case - and I think me and Chanku's friendship is solid enough that she can point that out to me without fear of me branding her a spoilsport - I'll withdraw the legislation forthwith.

    I do think some positives have come out of what was arguably joke legislation to begin with (even though, while 'in character' as BID-Doc, I will insist with my dying breath that it was 100% legitimate legislation that must happen, it's pretty clear outside that context that it's as serious as the Righteous Potatoe Resolution) though, which is that it's gotten the ball rolling on seriously looking at people who deserve some form of recognition. I think Hannah, Pengu, Crush, and Laurentus all merit some level of (in Pengu's case, additional) recognition in this regard.

    But yeah, if there was any hurt caused, even though it was not intentional I apologize for that and I'll make amends, up to and including tabling the legislation myself.
    if there wasn't though then I'm totes taking this shit to vote, you can vote it down in the OH if you want Moot but by god it's going to cross your desk
    3 people like this post: taulover, Imaginative Kane, Michi
    « Last Edit: October 15, 2019, 07:34:35 PM by Doc »
    Proud Burner
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