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Gallynukes Productions Proudly Presents: Battle of the Bennihanas!
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  • So, probably going to change the title to just 100 or something. Then again, that's way too boring. Are people gonna click thru to check out a game called "100" or "Battle of the Bennihanas?"

    Uhhhh... yeah, you're gosh darn right.

    *taps his temple with his finger a few times*

    Plus bennihana is one of my favorite words of all time. It stems from... Benjamin Franklin...hana. You know, the guy on the $100 bill who did some other stuff? Yep. That's the one!

    You see, in addition to being called C-notes, hundos, hunnids and five twenty-dollar bills, $100 dollar bill are ALSO called bennihanas.

    So... get it? Not yet?

    Well, good, cause there's more instructions. So please calm down.

    Basically there is one main "subject" of the game "100." That person is either picked by myself, the humble, All-World Good Lad, the gamemaster, or you in subsequent  games. I will then provide both the subject -- and all of ya'll -- with a list of TEN different subjects. Random, completely unrelated subjects.

    The subject of this inaugural game of The 100's/Bennihanas is... drumroll please!


    The Artist Formerly Known as Beo! Aka Beohel. Aka Beo. Aka that nice kid with the Discord profile picture of what looks like a really sad man on the moon with a huge nose, but only because you haven't bothered to fix your appearance settings and make the profile pictures be bigger.

    Yes, him!

    What we do now is twofold. I'm going to bust out some bullets because everything looks better and is easier to with them as is known worldwide.

    • Reply back to this thread affirming in some positive way that you'd like to participate in The 100's/Bennihanas.
    • Copy-paste the following list of 10 subjects/things and PM me WITH THE SCORE (OF 1-100) WHAT YOU THINK BEO IS GOING TO RATE IT. I put that in caps, bolded and underlined it because it's important, you see. So maybe read it again because I worded it kind of horribly and since we're spiraling towards the finish line -- it stays.

    Now, you don't HAVE to put your own text snippets explaining why you think Beo rated what he did what he did, but it'd be a LOT cooler if you did, man. Heh heh.


    For real. Just PM them to me and I'll take care of the rest. Then we'll go through each one, one-by-one and I'll keep track who's guesses were closest and tally everything up.

    It's the bees knees, kids. It definitely doesn't translate to explaining it out in text cause that didn't even sound like fun to me and I love this game.

    If you have any questions, you can also post those in here and I'll answer them omnipotently.

    Now, let's cue the list of 10 subjects/topics/things ol' Beo is going to rank, shall we?


    1. Cephalopods
    2. Cinnamon Applesauce
    3. Star Wars
    4. The month of October
    5. LifeAlert
    6. Plums
    7. Daddy Long Leg spiders
    8. Blackberry phones
    9. Low fat milk
    10. The state of Florida

    I don't really care about the formatting, but if you could possibly make sure the topic in question is bolded and then your answer and THEN your snippet of reasoning in plain text... yeah, that'd be great.

    Think that's about it, though. Don't forget to confirm in the affirmative if you want to play so I can add you to the master sign-up list I'll be using so I don't go insane getting 84 different PM's.


    "The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing."
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  • To get this straight, the point of the game is to come closest to what Beo would rate each one of those items? Just want to make sure I'm clear on that.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Oof I thought you meant Benihana the teppanyaki restaurant lol

    Probably would not be a good idea for me to participate, don't think I know Beohel well enough to do particularly well at this haha
    1 person likes this post: Imaginative Kane
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  • What is cinnamon applesauce, what is LifeAlert and by 'state of florida' do you mean the condition or the nation?
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  • To get this straight, the point of the game is to come closest to what Beo would rate each one of those items? Just want to make sure I'm clear on that.

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing."
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    "Does anyone actually trust quotes?"
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  • Oof I thought you meant Benihana the teppanyaki restaurant lol

    Probably would not be a good idea for me to participate, don't think I know Beohel well enough to do particularly well at this haha

    That's okay, you still can. I think most people are unaware of how he likes a lot of stuff, it's more that you base your scores on what you DO know about them. But then again, if you know nothing it's just a shot in the dark. But that can be fun, too, lol.
    2 people like this post: taulover, Imaginative Kane
    "The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing."
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    "Does anyone actually trust quotes?"
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  • What is cinnamon applesauce, what is LifeAlert and by 'state of florida' do you mean the condition or the nation?

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing."
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    "Does anyone actually trust quotes?"
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  • Anybody wanna play or what? Shutting it down if not at least TWO people by the morning.

    NOTE: We already have a Mars submission but she didn't follow directions and request sign-up in thread, as is tradition. But I have gone ahead and ordered this as allowed as she's such a swell gal.

    Don't judge a book by its horribly-explained cover. It's fun!

    Ya'll on the clock. No skin off my back. Just trynna do something fun. :shrug:

    1. Mars
    2. North
    « Last Edit: October 19, 2019, 03:31:53 PM by Gallynukes »
    "The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing."
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    "Does anyone actually trust quotes?"
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  • Oh to be awake but still blissfully dreaming
  • Oops! My bad :D

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  • Sure, count me in. I have no idea what I am doing but Im in.
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
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  • I'm with North, but count me in. :P

    I'll try to send you a PM later today. :)
    1 person likes this post: Gallynukes

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • I just sent a PM so I am in even though I don't know Beohel at all. :P
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  • So, wait, now I have to PM you what I think the numbers are, @Gallynukes?
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
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  • So, wait, now I have to PM you what I think the numbers are, @Gallynukes?

    Yes, North, my buddy, my pal.

    Stat, sir.
    "The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing."
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    "Does anyone actually trust quotes?"
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  • So, wait, now I have to PM you what I think the numbers are, @Gallynukes?

    Yes, North, my buddy, my pal.

    Stat, sir.

    Just waiting on North and Moot. No real rush but I'll try to get this shindig started later on this afternoon. :thumbup:
    "The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing."
    -- Socrates

    "Does anyone actually trust quotes?"
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