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Deep Space Wintreath: So It Begins (IC Thread)
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Deep Space Wintreath, Promenade

    "You let a bar fight and stabbing happen today of all days?" Chief of Security Lieutenant Paeban Wlo growled into his communicator as he strode through the promenade.

    "Sorry, sir, we're stretched thin as it is!" a security officer replied over the communicator.

    "Could you repeat that?" Paeban snapped.

    "Er, no excuse, sir!" the security officer called back.

    Paeban slapped shut the communicator as he arrived at Kuark's Bar. A few security officers were standing around, two leaning against the bar and chatting with each other and a third staring at the floor until he noticed Paeban and quickly snapped to attention.

    "Sir!" the security officer's voice cracked. The other two security officers without looking, turned and jumped to attention.

    "What are you all still doing here? The incident is over," Paeban sternly asked the first then looked at the others with a disapproving glance.

    "We were... securing the area, sir," the first answered nervously.

    Paeban looked around as pedestrians strolled the promenade. "Well, I think you've completed you mission," he added sarcastically. "And did you write an incident report?"

    "W-- no, I..." he stuttered as he looked at the other two who shrugged, afraid of what would come next but relieved that the conversation was focused on the first security officer.

    "Leave," Paeban said bluntly. The three security officers saluted then scurried off. The security chief sighed, massaged his forehead, then walked up to the bar.

    "You, robot," he called to HKR-07. "Where is the owner of this bar?" He looked around, but there was no one who seemed like they owned the place nearby.
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    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
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  • Deep Space Wintreath, Akra's Food Boutique

    Not even a dirty fight across the walkway could distract or annoy the dancing Alfir as they cleaned tables around the cozy coffee shop, making sure everything looked perfect for the grand opening. The food was in the oven, the drink machines were running, and music was playing, all that was left was decorating the place, which Akra was already half way done with anyway. Admittedly, even though she had yet to officially open the shop, the businesses was definitely already making a profit, with all the sleep deprived engineers craving coffee to stay awake during work hours. They did feel a tiny bit of guilt for profiting off of the tired workers, but then again, they came for the coffee out of their own free will, and who was she to stop them?

    Out of the corner of her eye though, Akra did spot a new figure walking down the promenade, who one could imagine to be the new commander that had just arrived to the station. She stopped for a moment, considering the idea of going up to the main bridge to offer some "Welcome" snacks and beverages, ultimately deciding to do just that once she was done with the tables.
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  • Medical Bay, Deep Space Wintreath

    Kry breathed a sigh of relief as the last of the fight victims left the medbay. This was not how she had pictured her first day on the station, but knowing she had helped so many people brought a small smile to her lips. She noted the janitor was the only one left in the room with her at this point. Noting his rhythm and not wanting to disturb it, she searched for her own clean up equipment and began working beside him.

    "How long have you worked on the station?" She attempted to strike up a small conversation as she worked, extra legs pushing debris into a pile ahead of her as she worked.
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  • Deep Space Wintreath Medical Bay

    It had been a long process, but it seemed the worst of the job was done for the time being as the last of the brawlers were sent on their way after treatment. Usually he was the last one left in a room doing clean up, but the Cyarenea who he had learned through the course of action that day was the new Chief Medical Officer, was still there with him, and much to the Clone's surprise began trying to help him clean up. It made him feel uncomfortable, and this was further intensified when she tried to speak to him.

    "How long have you worked on the station?" she said politely.

    K011 paused in his work for a moment, it was a rare thing for people to speak with him. His first thought was to brush her off and get his work done quickly, but he thought back on Venora's teachings and chose to take the opportunity to exercise 'social activity.'

    "A few months," he replied, putting the finishing touches on the table he was cleaning before moving on to mopping the floor around it.

    Fortis Scriptor
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    Promenade, Deep Space Wintreath, Maigar System

    LST: 28:31:50, 04/14/7051 Mayyoran Calendar

    Before QWERTY had the opportunity to proceed to the bridge, his audio receptors picked up a guy giving a scolding of a lifetime to some security officers. He chuckled quietly to himself. Finally, security might actually be worth something on this godforsaken hellhole. It would definitely mean that QWERTY would have to be more careful with his gallivanting to places he shouldn't be at. For starters, he began a query to see who the voice belonged to.

    Analysing Voice...
    Cross-referencing Deep Space Wintreath Database
    Analysis Complete.

    Quickly enough, the droid was flooded with a stream of information. Well, all accessible and relevant information that wasn't blocked by privacy rights. A complete biography wasn't available, only age, cultural background, home planet, name. The basic crap.

    The man was Paeban Wlo, the Chief of Security, who interestingly enough participated in the Knoparsus Incident which caused him to attain the rank of Lieutenant.

    QWERTY was jolted from his short analysis when Paeban shouted, "You, robot!" A flash thought of confusion flashed through his processor, visualised by a series of rapid "blinks," until he realised he was speaking to the HKR-07 who ran the bar. A brief tug of familiarity from his databanks about the word "HKR" always alerted him, but QWERTY was never too bothered to actually dig into the information. He simply didn't care. Sure, the robot was interesting, but HKR-07 never interfered in QWERTY's business, at least to his knowledge. Everyone had to keep their secrets. Nevertheless, HKR-07 held Robot Rights even if it had no knowledge of it, so it was better to be in solidarity with a fellow comrade.

    Quickly, he decided to move on from the scene. QWERTY would have to simply deal with the Chief of Security at a later date when he actually gets into trouble for once. He had an unplanned appointment with the Commander after all! To get there in due time, QWERTY decided to take an alternative route he found on one of his explorations of the station. The droid was pretty sure he knew the station and its... many, many faults, more than any plebeian that lived there.

    See, he was a walking encyclopedia, with a storage that could store an astonishing amount of data. Unfortunately for anyone that would actually want anything accomplished, anything of great importance would likely be stored in the abyssal depths of his mind which would take a very, very, long time to search. Instead, QWERTY only prepares for ready use what was of great value, a crap ton of ancient references.

    So, he began looking for the vent, which QWERTY assumed was used for emergencies or some sort of maintenance system, that led to the bridge. After all, there was no telling whether the turbolift would get stuck mid-journey. Oh, the amount of times the engineering crew had to be diverted to save whatever poor sap used the thing.
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  • Main Bridge, Deep Space Wintreath

    "Hey, I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but there's a hole in the floor here right above the munitions station."

    The Mikaala almost seemed to squeeze up through the hole, a thoroughly worried look on his face. I'd heard there was a brawl earlier, but damn... I didn't think it would look this bad...

    His attention was suddenly drawn to a figure he hadn't seen before, a half-Voloran in red.

    "Ah, you must be Captain Kusulk! Ugh, this place is such a mess... I'm sorry this had to be the first time you saw her.
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  • Deep Space Wintreath, Kuark's Bar


    HKR had been picking up pieces of glass off the floor with a spacedustpan when a new person came up behind him and proceeded to first talk to then dismiss the security personnel that had lingered in the bar after the fight. While HKR's 'face' was not facing the new guy's direction his rear photo receptor scanned him.

    A Xlakrii, wearing Wintrean uniform, gold. Either operations or security and considering he was ordering around security people HKR guessed security. In fact, HKR guessed it was none other then Paeban Wlo, the chief of security on this station. Excellent. This was exactly what it wanted. Access to security was paramount for what HKR was here for.

    The Xlakrii then faced HKR and pointed, asking it a question.

    HKR brought itself to its full height and turned to face the security chief. It was taller then he was but that was no surprise, HKR was taller then most organics. HKR straightened it's bowtie (Kuark had insisted) and took several steps until it was close to Paeban, servos whirring as he did so.

    "Paeban Wlo. Chief of Security on Deep Space Wintreath. Welcome to Kuark's. The location of the proprietor is unknown." As HKR said that Kuark came around the corner, took one look at the security chief, stopped dead in his tracks with a look of concern on his face and quietly backed away while putting a finger on his mouth. "However, Paeban Wlo, I would be more then willing to answer and questions you have about this situation."

    As it said this it scanned the security chief for any communication devices or anything else it could potentially............access. Other then the standard issue Wintrean communication device there was nothing HKR could see. Accessing the station wide communication feed would be useful but dangerous. Leave that for another time. It also looked through Paeban Wlo's service record. Several years ago HKR had been able to create a backdoor into the Wintrean Central Database, now it could access most files except to top secret ones. Paeban Wlo's record was.....interesting, to say the least. HKR compiled all he knew into a projection Paeban's personality.

    "I also am required to make an inquiry on behalf of my employer, Kuark, about the necessity for security to be so close to his establishment." HKR was already deciding on a strategy for how to get what it wanted from Paeban. It doubted the terribly friendly approach would would work and it was concerned that if it was on Paeban's radar, so to speak, he would quickly figure out what HKR really was. Best to take a more....subtle route.
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  • The Blade of Aiur
  • Onboard the TSS El'Var'Kas

    "Po'vre Tel'Yorak? We will be arriving at Deep Space Wintreath, estimated time of arrival 2 zivs, 3 microzivs," The pilot of the small transport ship spoke through the communion bead in Aki's ear. "Understood," he responded. Aki Tel'Yorak looked out the viewport at the vast space station coming into view. Out of habit, he checked his data-slate and read through the communique sent to him by the Gorram Diplomatic Corp. Sighing, he put it away and began making his preparations for debarkation. He secured his belongings into the porter drone, and issued quick commands to his assistant drones to use full cogitation as soon as they stepped off the vessel. Checking the spread of his defense drones, he nodded in approval and laid back in his seat.

    Deep Space Wintreath, Hangar Bay 1
    As soon as the ship touched down in Hangar Bay 1, he strode off quickly, giving a sharp nod of thanks to the pilot before following the directions he had received prior to his assignment. He moved quickly towards the main bridge, taking in the sights around him. "Hangar Bay operating at sixty-four percent efficiency," he muttered, "Increases in the speeds of the automated unloading/offloading drones could lead to a three percent increase in efficiency, while overclocking the cogitators on the fuel drones could lead to another five percent increase. More in depth studies will be required to boost hangar to maximum efficiency. He moved quickly through the halls of DSW with his entourage following quickly behind him.

    Deep Space Wintreath, Main Bridge
    Aki Tel'Yorak finally arrived at the main bridge. Walking with purposeful intent through the doors. He made the sign of greetings before saying to Commander Kuselk, "Aki Tel'Yorak, Gorram Technocracy. Reporting for active service."
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  • Kuark's Bar

    Hmm, the nerve of this robot, Paeban thought to himself, half disgusted and half amused.

    "I didn't choose the location of security," Paeban replied to HKR. "But it seems whomever did had the right idea with the all commotion that has to be dealt with here."

    He looked HKR up and down. It was quite tall for a protocol droid. By the look of that scratch on its head, it was most likely reprogrammed by some scavver and sold to the owner, this "Kuark". His absence after a bar fight and that ridiculous bowtie he put on this old robot makes it seem like he's the kind to cut corners. Will have to keep an eye on him, wherever he is. Paeban then checked his timepiece.

    The Commander should be arriving any minute, Paeban thought. And with these incompetent security officers, I bet they won't even send me a notification... I don't have time for this.

    "Fill this out and send it back to security," Paeban said curtly as he handed HKR a datapad. "And stop getting the crew drunk. I'll have Kuark's license revoked if it gets any worse."

    Used to giving orders to security officers, he stared back at HKR's emotionless face. God, I hate robots.
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  • Deep Space Wintreath, Kuark's


    "Apologies, it was an instruction from my employer to ask when possible. When you meet Kuark yourself I am sure you will be able to reach an accommodation. As for the crew, there is no crime in serving legal substances to willing buyers on their off time. Perhaps it is your responsibility to ensure your crew maintains discipline, not ours."

    HKR took the datapad that the security chief handed him. By the look on his face and the fact that he kept checking his chronometer HKR guessed he was in a bit of a hurry. Good. Rushed and annoyed was just what it wanted Paeban to feel right now, it would make his next step slightly easier.

    "I shall enter all known data into this datapad and deliver it to your office as soon as possible, Paeban Wlo. After all, when the Hero Of The Knoparsus gives an instruction it is wise to follow it."

    HKR threw that reference from Paeban's record in, trying to elicit a response. HKR had to hand it to this organic, if the file was accurate then he was not an incapable fighter. But testing how he felt about his.....heroics was going to give him an insight into this man's mind.
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  • My Dear Jean-Luc!
  • Main Bridge, Deep Space Wintreath

    Saav smiled at the Fenrir's remark, chuckling:

    "Well don't worry Lieutenant, I won't hold you responsible for it for at least another month!  Until things are fixed up I'll be diverting most station assets to your arena.  Command assures me we have spare engineering teams from the Belladonna, Icarus and Monument as well as the ships themselves to lend a hand for at least two weeks.  After that, we'll probably be mostly on our own, and we'll have to train some Mayyoran engineers to supplement our own teams."

    He turned to Omlo, slightly less amused by her quick remark on address. 

    "Talaria Omlo.  Delighted to have you aboard.  While I'm sure we will all look forward to your briefing next week on your doctoral research on the promenade, for now your fleet rank will suffice—lieutenant... junior grade.  In any case, I'm sure that the Admiralty hasn't made a mistake and that you'll make an excellent science officer." 

    "As far as assignments go, all science staff on the vessel presently should assist with upgrades to the medical bay and sensor systems to acceptable fleet specifications.  Afterward we can begin scans of the system and upgrade the astrometry for the surrounding sector.  Apart from that I'll fully willing to entertain suggestions from within the ranks of the scientific attachment to the station?  Sound reasonable?"

    Suddenly, a molluscoid popped out from what seemed like nowhere.

    My word, what an eclectic bunch this is becoming!  I guess discipline deteriorates with the station itself  Kusulk thought. 

    "Indeed it is presently.  Though I think this crew has the capabilities to return this station to impeccable operation and become one of the greatest outposts of the Wintrean Federation.  That is, if we can fix the holes in the floor of the bridge, of course.  Pleasure to meet you, Chief Makuun."

    Finally, just as things seemed to be winding down, the turbolift opened and out paraded creature and his baubles which Saav could only ever picture as large, hyperintelligent Anoles—a Gorram. 

    "Ahh Mr. Aki.  Excellent to meet you!  For those of you who do not know, Mr. Aki has been selected as a member of the officer exchange program between the Federation and the Gorram Technocracy, and will be overseeing logistics on the station in conjunction with Mayyoran customs officials and station security."

    The commander then walked over toward the large door to what in the station specifications he had reviewed was his ready room—and the door didn't open. 

    Well, he thought, I suppose this is my first task of the day, as he moved back toward the center of the bridge, looking for a toolbox of some sort.
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    Sir Robin of Camelot

    "Whilst the men of Caenia were scattered far and wide, pillaging and destroying, Romulus came upon them with an army, and after a brief encounter taught them that anger is futile without strength."  -Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita

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  • Medical Bay, Deep Space Wintreath

    Kry nodded. A few months was shorter than she had expected, but it still meant the Janitor- what was his name anyway?- would have know how things were supposed to look and run. That could be useful around this place.

    "You wouldn't happen to know how to put this place back together, would you?" She asked, gesturing to a pile of parts she had separated from the general dirt and unsalvageable objects. It was still covered in a slight film of grime, her not being the neatest being in the universe. "I'd be happy to lend a hand if it means getting this place into a more respectable condition faster. I doubt maintenance will be able to spare much for us for a bit yet, if the rest of the station is worse than this."

    She then realized she hadn't properly introduced herself yet. She had just kinda asked him to start working.
    "I'm Kry. Please no Doctor or any of that. What can I call you?"

    She wasn't sure if he used a name or a designation, or if he didn't like being called anything at all. She only had one encounter with his kind before and it wasn't the best point of comparison.
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  • "Allow me to get that for you, sir," Zerick said as he grabbed his toolbox and rushed over to the Commander's ready room door. As he was making short work of the repairs, he started going on about his progress with the station. "Main power and life support systems are fully functioning, but many doors and lifts are inoperable still. I've had to fix main power three times, life support twice, and this is my fourth time working on the sensors. I'm pretty certain there's a saboteur on board. Wintrean tech doesn't just fail like this." And after that last sentence, the door opens.
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  • “Pleasure to meet you as well, Captain! I just wanted to make sure you guys knew about that... particular hole.”

    Lishku looked around. There were way too many holes.

    “Well, I’d best get back to stocking kits. I’m sure I’ll see you folks around!”

    Lishku takes the proper way out this time, going back down to the munitions station.

    Supply Hold, Deep Space Wintreath

    He had left the unpacked kits just by the door. They were mostly full, just missing some self-defense items.

    He wanted to give his people some rest after the last expedition, telling them to go up to the tavern while he restocked. He started humming an old Mikaala drinking song, in hopes of getting done quickly so that he could join his compatriots.
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    « Last Edit: September 21, 2019, 06:44:38 AM by Beohel »
    "Ne cynningas, ne drihtnas, eall miht to ĂŸÄ folc."
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  • DSW, Akra's Food Boutique

    With all the tables clean, and most of the shop ready to go, Akra promptly went to the kitchen to grab her nicest tray and snacks fresh out of the oven, as well as a few small cups, filling each with a different drink to offer to the captain and whoever might be present in the bridge by the time she gets there. With that said, she covered the tray, put up a "closed, sorry!" sign by the front door, locked that, and started making her way to the main bridge, the smell of pastries and hot beverages following her every step.

    DSW, Main Bridge

    With a somewhat surprising lack of discretion, the Alfir chef walked into the room and looked around at the various faces currently standing there, immediately recognizing the Fenrir lieutenant from the couple of times he had showed up to buy coffee, but otherwise being somewhat unsure of everyone else's identities. "Excuse my interruption, but I've come to welcome our new Captain, and hopefully I have enough food for all of you~."
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