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Deep Space Wintreath: Character Applications
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Imaginative Kane
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    Character Name: Doesn't have one but let's call her "Scary".

    Age: 1

    Species: Chryssalid

    Biography: This nameless Chryssalid was born and raised by some smugglers.  She was fed the meat of many humanoid species and was often outfitted with four different collars to ensure she didn't attack her handlers.  Two of these are electric collars which are controlled by transmitters which can be used from a maximum distance of 300 light years away.  The other two collars are telepathically controlled and are meant to be used as backups.  The electric collars when activated will start off with enough electricity to stun the Chryssalid (about 400 volts) but that voltage increases the longer they remain active.  If the electric collars can't be used then the system the collars are attached to will send a signal to all telepathic handlers who will then be ordered to stun it with strong blasts of energy transmitted through the mind.  This female Chryssalid is being sent alone and unrestrained on a self operating ship to Deep Space Wintreath by members of the smuggler cartel "Spiritus".  The cartel has been targeted by the Federation and they are currently at war with each other.  If the cartel has a headquarters, no one knows where it is or what it is called (at least no Wintrean does).  Seeing that this space station is in some disarray the cartel hopes to kill the crew and make it useless by sending in "Scary".  This ship known as the SS Mom is stocked with enough fuel for a trip to the station and enough meat and dead corpses that "Scary" won't destroy the ship looking for food.  She was raised to kill and trained to always attack no matter what the situation until collars were activated.  However she only views humanoids as food if she isn't starving.  She also will impregnate live humanoids that she kills and will fiercely defend the corpse until the hatchling is born.

    Role: Shock Trooper

    Other: OOC: This character is just here to fight and to be killed. :P  IC: She would likely be impossible to calm down.  Her insectoid body is easily capable of killing many living things but she will generally ignore robots (not cyborgs though) and living things that aren't humanoid.  Her claws can slice through flesh and damage armor but they won't be able to do much damage to the station.  She can also climb many surfaces but not all of them.  Her incubation period is about two hours.  She also tends to target individuals more often than groups although occasionally she will target groups if she is that desperate for food.  Her body is tough and can take multiple bullets and even a weak laser blast before she starts getting weaker.
    See the trick with this one is that it's not really sentient... and also I'm not sure that anyone would let an unmanned ship dock with the station.  We'll see though it could be interesting so for now we can approve it, tentatively.  We should check with the folks on discord though to see first I'd say :)
    Maybe I could alter the character slightly so that it is sentient enough to think on its own but still relatively "dumb"?
    Peace through Power!!!
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    Now tell me.  What do you see?
    Imaginative Kane
    • Wintreath's Unofficial King of Command & Conquer Single Player and Skirmish vs Easy Opponents as any Faction and against any Faction
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    • Young pessimistic technologically challenged somewhat ignorant animal and especially cat loving idiot.
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    Jarl Aragonn
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    • To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will.
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    Imaginative Kane
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  • At least she won't be a "super predator". :P
    Peace through Power!!!
    One Vision, One Purpose!!!!!!!!!
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    Let us not repeat the mistakes of history.

    Now tell me.  What do you see?
    Imaginative Kane
    • Wintreath's Unofficial King of Command & Conquer Single Player and Skirmish vs Easy Opponents as any Faction and against any Faction
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    • Young pessimistic technologically challenged somewhat ignorant animal and especially cat loving idiot.
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  • Village Drifter

    Character Name: Onni Korhonen

    Age: 28

    Species: Human w/ Heavy Cybernetic Augments

    Biography: Onni was born on an industrial planet. His parents are a mystery, all he knows is that whatever happened, he was left to survive on the streets. He was raised by a man named Väino, who taught him how to use machines. Onni managed to put this skill to use, first becoming an industrial mechanic and eventually working his way up to an engineer aboard a fleet vessel that was going to be sent on an exploratory mission. "Going" is the operative word, since there was a miscommunication and the engine was not properly calibrated before the ship took off. Onni was still tuning everything up when the engine exploded, and he ended up getting caught in the destruction. Luckily, since he was on an industrial planet, the augments required to bring him back on his feet were relatively cheap. After he had fully recovered and gotten used to his augments, he was reassigned to the Deep Space Wintreath, where he would continue his work as an engineer.

    Role: Engineer

    Other: Follows a religion called Mechanimism, a somewhat animistic system in which machines are considered to have something of a life and a spirit of their own. He doesn't personally regret the explosion, as he believes that the augments bring him closer to machines. One arm has tendrils that are good for grasping things, the other has a toolbox attached to it.

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    « Last Edit: September 23, 2019, 10:49:08 PM by Psychowan »
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  • Name: Raia Hatori

    Race: Sitari

    Race Info: An insectoid race from the planet Sitari. Main features include green skin of varying shades, green hair, and antennae with split ends.

    Character Portrait:

    Age: 23

    Bio: From a Sitari Colony that was divided into castes, Raia Hatori was always a bit rebellious. When she reached the age of education she was put into a Sitari science program. Sitari schooling takes two years on intensive holotraining, after which they are sent to their appointed jobs. Raia was sent to explore a local Nebula. At the age of 20 she took her first trip off-planet. She fell in love with the wonders of space, and as soon as she could, left the planet to take in the wonders of the galaxy.

    Note: While not exactly a fugitive, her people are looking for her, not to arrest her, but to guide her home.

    Role: Scientist
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    Drexyl Nox
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  • Character Name: IM-Sol

    Age: Unknown

    Species: Irismar Mortnix

    Background IMs are a rare species that colonize the Nuraya system in clans of 10-30 on almost every planet. Some planets have hunted them to extinction. They are valuable to many because their leaves, and when carrying a ward, their internal 'pot' carry a liquid that when properly purified can preserve life, stop decay, and in rare cases fully reverse aging. Hunting them is now a serious crime, though governments refuse to recognize their sentience due to the value they possess.
    Being a plant species, they cannot survive more than twelve hours at a time without roots on the ground as they have a natural magnetic field that needs recharging or else their neural network, woven into their very leaves and roots, will cause an overload and kill them. Because of their skin literally containing their brain, many wounds that would be minor to others can be fatal to them.Hence they have developed an outer layer of leaves that protects most of their abdomen and roots. They do not have legs, father use their magnetic field to hover about 3 cm off the ground at any given time to move about. When on a planet, they rarely move. They require special platforms to rest on while in space to prevent overloads. They have tendrils that serve as arms which can lift objects of about 20kg when their roots are on a stable surface. If they are hovering, it is much less.
    They get most of their sustenance from water and light like a normal plant, but enjoy consuming bipedal foods. They do this by dumping it into their heads and letting their internal juices distribute nutrients accordingly. However, eating too much can kill them.
    IMs can carry the brain of any living being within their center, which is a deep bowl. When carrying said brain, they are very maternalistic and fiercely defensive. No one knows quite why they carry brains around, but studies reveal that the brains are in a state of suspended animation whilst being carried. IM-871 carried a brain for 37 years before his death by poacher, and it was revealed that the brain, once belonging to a 26 year old science officer, had shrunk in size but not capacity and appeared to be being grown into a new body. The brain awakened moments before it too died, displaying a full range of awareness. All poachers involved in IM-871's death were arrested and placed in a psychiatric unit for trauma caused by killing a baby accidentally.
    IMs are rarely seen off planet as setting up a space for them in space is time consuming. But many private clinics and collectors have one anyway. They are always accompanied by someone, be it their collector, master, or hunter.
    IMs are most commonly found in medical clinics these days as a form of last resort treatment. It is a form of slavery that no one really acknowledges. And the IMs themselves are a bit to helpless to strike out on their own.

    Biography: Sol was part of the IM clan based on Kry's home planet, deemed IM da Rayn. Ten or so years back an Earth ship crash landed on their planet. There were no survivors but a seven year old girl who was rapidly dying before medical help could arrive. Being near the clan's home, Sol and her people saved the girl's brain in the hopes of one day restoring her to a physical state once more. Sol sustained several near fatal injuries from the burning wreckage while attempting the rescue. Her people were discovered at the crash site not long after, and the Cyraneans captured them for their own medicinal purposes. They do not seem to accept that these plant creatures are fully sentient, would rather be left alone, and were perfectly happy before. Unlike other species, the Cyraneans have not simply killed thier clan, but rather split them up. Sol - given this designation for the origin system of her ward - belongs to Kry. She is one of the few IMs to ever live in space. She's mischievous and constantly getting in trouble, but her cute appearance (Or maybe it's just that harming or killing an IM is a serious crime in most parts of the galaxy due to their unique nature and rareness, plus the inability to reproduce) is a great way to avoid most people's bad sides. While she has no mouth to talk like a biped, she hopes that space will offer her a new life, one where she isn't reliant on people and can start making a new name for her people. But first, she has to take care of her ward. She will be the first IM to carry the brain to full term.

    Fun fact: Sol enjoys wearing objects that should never be hats as a hat. No one complains as it keeps them from having to stare at her 'ward'.
    Role: Kry's companion. Hopefully some future antics with her 'child'.
    (Fine, I just wanted a less serious character that could get into trouble with the robots. And security.)

    Not the most detailed, but you get the gist. I'll update it as I finish it out more.
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    « Last Edit: October 18, 2019, 01:10:59 AM by Ruguo »
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    Character Name: Dharma Sarkar

    Age: 70

    Species: Human

    Biography: Born on a colony world on the edge of Wintreath space, Dharma was born into a wealthy family on the colony world. She was born to middle class atheistic parents. During her teenage years, she was never popular, she was never interested in the stereotypically feminine things her society constantly pushed on girls her age, instead she longed for adventure and loved to see the natural beauty of the world. She always felt connected with nature and was fascinated by the cycle of life, she began collecting plants and got into vulture culture. She began to become much more spiritual and began to talk to other people who felt a similar way, developing a belief in souls and that all things were connected. From there, she began collecting crystals and other objects she believed to have a spiritual energy or that she believed could help connect with spirits, as well as getting into herbology and natural remedies. Her parents always saw these things as dumb and believed she would 'never get anywhere in life acting like a crazy theist'. In her early twenties, she received her tarot deck from a friend online, she was a natural at reading the cards. She felt at one with them. She spent her twenties working a meaningless factory job, since she never received any qualifications beyond high school, something her parents felt ashamed of. She eventually grew tired of the monotony of life, she wanted to explore but had no clue if it was the best course of action. Unsure, she asked her tarot ‘What would life be like if I stayed in my job?’ to which she drew the tower, showing her a future of destruction. She read this destruction as a break down of what she held dear- her love of nature and connection to the universe. She then shuffled the deck again and questioned ‘and what if I abandon everything for adventure and exploration?’, to which she pulled Judgement. She read this card as being on the cusp of rebirth, a chance to look back on her past and evaluate her life. To her, her choice was clear, continuing in a dead end job would do nothing for her but exploring the galaxy was what she always wanted. From then on, she bought a ticket off world, she never cared for the destination just the freedom of adventure. She has since spent the last 40 years hopping around the galaxy, offering her service for just enough money to get by while being able to find new artefacts, learn new cultures, learn about alien life and the properties of alien plants. In her mid 50’s, Dharma began to lose her vision (like literal vision like seeing) and lost all sight by 60. Since then she has learned to use sound and scent to gather an image of the world as well as relying on the spirits for guidance. Despite her lack of eyesight, she believes she can ‘feel’ the physical presence of others and can still accurately read her tarot through her connection with it. Her next destination is Deep Space Wintreath, the next location on her journey. It was the cheapest flight.

    Role: [Not Station Personnel] Spiritual Adviser/Guide, Tourist

    Other: I wanted a spiritual character. I’m trying to learn how to read tarot cards so she does that. Also, I think that writing from a blind persons perspective could be a good way to get me thinking about smells, sounds and touch more. Don’t really know where else to say this but I like to think she sees robots as beings with souls, on par with sentient lifeforms.
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