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Werewolf XIX: Just a Husk in the Masses
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  • So he has to be a bad guy.
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  • It definitely means they likely have a power role.  There are non evil power roles that can take a hit in Town of Salem like the Survivor and the Veteran.  Yes this isn't Town of Salem but it is somewhat similar.

    I agree that Shadow would be someone to keep an eye on whether or not they actually are a plant.
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    Now tell me.  What do you see?
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  • Now I'm wondering if it was a one-time thing or if "cannot be lynched" is his role's power.
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  • Running down my whole long list of Mass Effect characters, the best fit I can think of is Morinth, what with her Domination ability (and all the backstory stuff she does to explicitly mindfuck people).
    That gives me the impression that Shadow is, if not Crew (depends on whether we have a Samara or not, innit), then at least Neutral, in which case I don't particularly care (which is not very Paragon of me considering she's an evil alien sex vampire, but we have bigger fish to fry right now).
    The only alternative is that he's actually a WHOLE REAPER, but considering that we'd all doubtless not be fooled that the bare-minimum-150-meter-long-squid-warship was actually a person, I'm willing to shelve that possibility.

    Considering his commitment to the bit, North is clearly trying to do a bit to get himself lynched, which would make us not lynch him.
    Which, ironically, makes me think he's totally scum and we should lynch him next go.

    (a gif of some people looking suspicious which i don't really follow, honestly, but have edited away to avoid image use)
    What? It's true. I've used it like, a good 4 times on this page alone, generally because of typos of my own, or simply to signal to other people that it works (three fucking times already, which you'd think would make you guys eventually start to believe me).
    If you think I'm just playing mindgames with you to try and get you to 'self-incriminate' with a big old 'edited' line on a post, just go post somewhere else on the forum and try it yourself, because it's not just something in the Werewolf board, it's all over the forum. That's how I figured it out in the first place.
    I was going to follow Pengu's lead and vote for myself, but I guess that's not an option anymore. I'll Vote: Wintermoot to stay alive.
    Ordinarily, I'd say your forbearance was scum trying to avoid making an enemy, but on the other hand I would and have made the exact same move myself.
    ugh why can't the scum just clearly signal their scumminess and make it easy for everyone so I can finally actually win a game
    I'm going to vote for German because his logic on the first day struck me as pretty scummy, and he argued pretty strongly with Deku (who we now know was definitely Crew).
    Eh, it was day one. I think that's NAI.
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  • So do we know if this is a specific character protection ability or if someone has a "nobody dies next day voting" special or something?
    Sir Robin of Camelot

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  • So he has to be a bad guy.
    So what was Shadow?
    Considering his commitment to the bit, North is clearly trying to do a bit to get himself lynched, which would make us not lynch him.
    Which, ironically, makes me think he's totally scum and we should lynch him next go.
    Wait, hang on.
    It seems North and Kane's similarity of profile picture content (both are Chrysalids, my brain glossed them both as identical, yes I've played too much XCOM, shut up), made me fail to notice the fact that he has not kept up the bit going into today.
    About the only thing I can say for it is that he started it last night phase and did it until this night phase started, which...if he'd only started doing it during the day phase, the obvious conclusion would be that it's a power of some variety, but he started during the previous night phase, which just renders this rather deeply confusing.
    Frankly I'm kind of embarrassed to be admitting I was wrong, but what looked like very alignment-indicative behavior is no longer happening and seems to be coerced in some capacity - and is thus NAI.
    TL;DR: I withdraw my suggestion to lynch North because the ramp-on and ramp-off of the 'I am totally a Reaper' bit suggests it's NAI.
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  • Actually, Doc, allow me to explain what happened to me.

    I was targeted by an unknown role which meant that I was only allowed to speak those three phrases for the day phase. Once the day phase was over, I could speak normally again. However, I also know that it was Gerrick that targeted me. I don't know if he was a plant or a neutral but I do know with absolute certainty that it was him that attacked me.

    Something else caught my eye during the day phase as well.

    Does the person who was attacked know that they were attacked?

    Why would he ask that? At this point, I had voted for Gerrick, in fact it was the first thing I did. He then asked if you would have known who attacked you. Considering that I do know that Gerrick was the one who attacked me I somewhat expected him to be surprised but Fiji asking that question is suspicious. My suspicion is that Fiji and Gerrick are plants and Fiji was surprised that I voted for Gerrick, the man who attacked me, and asked if I would have known who attacked me because he was curious. I might be wrong but the one thing that I do know with absolute certainty is that it was Gerrick that targeted me in the first night.
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  • I was targeted by an unknown role which meant that I was only allowed to speak those three phrases for the day phase. Once the day phase was over, I could speak normally again. However, I also know that it was Gerrick that targeted me. I don't know if he was a plant or a neutral but I do know with absolute certainty that it was him that attacked me.
    The man I thought was Gerrick Vakarian was secretly Harbinger this whole time.
    I'm very disappointed.
    Mostly because it seems I have been fooled, insofar as Space Batman was actually a two-kilometer-long-squid-warship this whole time.
    Considering that I do know that Gerrick was the one who attacked me I somewhat expected him to be surprised but Fiji asking that question is suspicious.
    I think you're attributing his question about one of Ruguo's statements to be about you.
    My contacts were more than a little useless last night, bringing me only grainy footage of the last night's events. In one corridor, there was an attack by a grey blur of an assailant, but the attacked successfully fought them off.
    That seems to me an indication that either there's a protector role in game who self-protected (because if the protector had targeted and saved someone else, presumably we'd get that information, however obliquely), or else has some kind of passive 'can't be night killed' power.
    But Fiji's question is clearly about that - not an indicator of knowledge of you being hit by what is, now that we know of its existence, kind of a silly power.
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  • Perhaps, I will defer to your understanding though I cannot say I really trust Fiji now. However, we absolutely must not trust Gerrick, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is a negative power role, plant or neutral.
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  • My present reads:

    Me, obviously - I mean, yes, obviously, but everybody is obviously going to say they're obviously town.

    Melehan - So far, seems to have sided with me, which is a great indicator of towniness in my book.
    BSR - Picked the wrong victim, but with his head also on the chopping block, can't say I wouldn't make the same call myself.
    Fiji - Not sure why I'm leaning town, but I trust my gut. My best guess is probably that because of all the people I think are scum-leaning, German is 'the most' (insofar as, like, a 2 on a 10-point scale is more than a 1) scum, and Fiji and German seem to be tangling with each other. 'The enemy of my enemy', and so forth.

    Gerrick - Assuming he is, in fact, Harbinger, that's not really Cerberus. Still a bad guy! But not really Cerberus material. The fact we know he has a power that isn't 'kill' tells me 'not Cerberus', as well...unless it's a team kill, shit, now I'm not quite so sure anymore...
    Shadow - Assuming he's Morinth, that's either Crew or Neutral. Either way, that's not Scum-indicative. If we do have someone with a Scanning power, though - he's probably a priority target!

    Scum-Leaning (Note for people looking to use this to guide your own decisions in whichever direction: all of these are very low-grade suspicion, which seems sort of appropos considering it's Night 2 with 2 deaths thus far: we've not got a ton to work with in terms of shitty picks or suspicious behavior so far. Nobody is sufficiently scum to merit its own 'Definitely Scum' section, incidentally).
    Hydra - Primarily on the basis of past biases about staying in the shadows, but I'll admit it's primarily a bias, and so he's lowest on the list of suspects. Honestly if I weren't biased, he'd be in the 'no idea' category.
    German - Picked the wrong lynch victim day 1.
    Mars - Picked the wrong lynch victim day 1.

    No Idea
    Wintermoot - I leaned scum initially, but that piling avoidance comment made me backtrack on it. No clue!
    North - I swung way hard on 'scum', now I've swung back towards 'town-leaning', but that sort of averages out as 'who the fuck knows'.
    Kane - self-voting two days in a row is kind of out-there suspicious. Could be just trying to keep his head down and make no enemies, but could also be trying to deflect attention from scumminess. Still, uncertain.
    Pengu - Vague agreement with Melehan on suspicion, based primarily on low-activity play, but not enough to justify A Slot In Maybe Scum.

    Incidentally, a detail I noticed from reviewing the story material (since information seems to get hidden in there, or else I'm reading way too much into it): whoever killed TIM did it with a shotgun, suggestive of, like, Grunt or Jack, either of which would be a good fit for a Vigilante role, so we can assume it was actually one of them who landed the kill, rather than it being a Cerberus night kill - which means that whoever the protector, uh, protected last night should really get on that again.
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  • This would be so much easier if there were a list of roles.

    At this point, I'm going to agree that's there's likely a protector out there since one kill was clearly blocked, though it's hard to say for certain until another kill is blocked because it could be a one-time survival ability for all we know. But games like this usually have a protector of some sort, so let's hope that bit of meta holds true.

    Plants having powers in addition to a group kill (like Doc seems to be implying is a thing, though how would he know...) is all sorts of:

    I did think it was rather strange that North suddenly tuned in to the Reaper Quotes channel, and I suppose we'll find out tomorrow IF 1) Gerrick was actually scum and 2) IF the plants have powers in addition to a group kill IF we lynch Gerrick and IF he turns out to be one of the plants.

    Which is a lot of ifs.

    And even if all the above holds true, North could still be a neutral, or else it's part of an elaborate ruse to get the crew to believe one of the plants is clear.

    I may be hopping down the rabbit hole with that theory, but with how many unknowns there are right now, I'm not willing to discount anything at this point.

    I'm going to wait and see what happens tomorrow before anything else because I'm leery of the wagon North and Doc are working on building. Because that's a really loud wagon.
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  • There are way too many "What Ifs" to point my fingers in any direction firmly.

    I'll admit I agree with Doc's point on Hydra- if history is any indication, that could be their calling card. Other than that, I'm at a loss.

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  • Plants having powers in addition to a group kill (like Doc seems to be implying is a thing, though how would he know...) is all sorts of:
    I'm primarily basing this off of the last deception game we had.
    Avalon, wherein the Bad Guys did, in a way, have access to both their individual powers and a group kill (since Tau cut the Assassin from the game and said it would be a group power).
    Maybe it's wrong, but...I'm reasonably confident pretty much everyone has a power, and to make it so that the scum only have a team power seems a little off.
    Not perfectly comparable, but a distinct possibility.
    Obviously, you can take that how you want.

    I'm going to wait and see what happens tomorrow before anything else because I'm leery of the wagon North and Doc are working on building. Because that's a really loud wagon.
    That's hardly building a wagon.
    Seriously: I've basically stated 'I think Gerrick can safely be ignored', not 'we need to lynch him today first thing'.
    Counting that as a wagon is...kinda dumb?
    Understandable, I guess, but that's obviously changing my reasoning for 'you're probably town' to 'I have no clue again'.
    Mars, on the other hand, might be moving up on that list - but then might just be trying to get me to redirect my attention, since I've announced some suspicion.

    In other news, have y'all heard of an acrostic?
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  • Does the person who was attacked know that they were attacked?
    Why would he ask that? At this point, I had voted for Gerrick, in fact it was the first thing I did. He then asked if you would have known who attacked you. Considering that I do know that Gerrick was the one who attacked me I somewhat expected him to be surprised but Fiji asking that question is suspicious. My suspicion is that Fiji and Gerrick are plants and Fiji was surprised that I voted for Gerrick, the man who attacked me, and asked if I would have known who attacked me because he was curious. I might be wrong but the one thing that I do know with absolute certainty is that it was Gerrick that targeted me in the first night.
    The reason I asked was because the information wasn't granted in Ruguo's post, and because I wasn't privy to the knowledge you were. I was asking because I wanted the person who was attacked to reveal that to the rest of us, as you have now done.

    As for the rest of the discussion, I tend to agree with Doc and Melahan based on the way my own feelings about different people are lining up with what they've said in their posts. However, I don't really have a certified-scum list. I'm not entirely convinced it's a bad idea to take out the neutrals if we don't otherwise have any idea of who to lynch, but to simply default to voting Gerrick like you have is, I think, somewhat suspicious.
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  • I am unconvinced, though suitably amused, by the acrostic.

    I'm also a bit skeptical of North being neutral because, in a game with all the roles hidden as they are, giving the wolves a role that would help them pinpoint town power roles or a town role the ability to suss out other town and wolves makes more sense. Thus I think it's safe to say that North is either town or scum and not in between.
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