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The Writer's Pub
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  • Tēnā koutou katoa! Welcome to The Writer's Pub!

    There's a lot of games kicking off in the next few days, and not a lot of places to chill out and chatter with your neighbours. So, instead of making this hyper competitive, let's make this Pub full of noise. Welcome to The Writer's Pub! Feel free to share anything you've written or comment on what others may have made. If you're so inclined, feel free to take a look at the Pub's menu this week. Oh, and if anyone has any menu ideas, I'd appreciate a hand. I'm not the best chef.

    Put your feet up, order a hot meal, and grab your notepads, everyone!

    Breakfast Menu
    Basic Breakfast Tacos. Served on a mountaintop with a jaw-dropping view. The nearby rock mounds are a known tourist attraction. I wonder way? Optionally served with dragons, snowstorms, or stars.

    Bangers And Mash. Served with a touch of violence on the part of the waitress and a garnish of shame. I really ought to fire the girl someday soon. Optionally served with a woolly blanket or an arrest warrant.

    Fried Potatoes and Sausage Skillet. A family meal with plenty of food to go around. While not everyone at the table may see eye to eye, or be here today, at the end of the day everyone will be fed. Optionally served with childish mischief, a wise elder, or teenage romance.
    Lunch Menu
    Pizza. Unfortunately a badger broke into our van. It contaminated all our planned pizza toppings, except for out pineapple ones. When I find that badger there will be hell to pay. Served in third or first person.

    French Onion Soup. Served on the side of a lake. I don't know what's down there, but the last three people who explored lost limbs. None of them told me, either. Served in present or future tense.

    Stuffed Ranchero. Someone already ordered this one. A tall person with a crooked jaw, sitting at the back of the pub. You'll have to ask them their story for this meal. I believe they were in a war, or were they an inventor? Either way, they're missing an arm. Served without first person perspective.
    Dinner Menu
    Vegetarian Lasagne. Served with something in the news that made you laugh. This one may be unavailable, but laughter is a wonderful thing. Served in first person.

    Bobotie. Ack, I'll have to open another crate of cheese for this. Are there any boxes in your house? Without opening it, why don't you share what could be inside to your meal mates while you wait? Minimum meal size is 500 words.

    Steak. The grill's just outside. Could you take care of it? I'm terrible with steaks, and every time I head out there... I think someone is behind me. Served with at least five metaphors or similes.
    Dessert Menu
    Fried Banana. 200 words about the nearest tree to your bedroom, served without any colours.

    Hokey Pokey Ice Cream. 200 words about any topic, served without the first letter of your username in it.***
    ***If your username begins with a "hardly used" letter, try it anyway. You might be surprised. Or, just use the first two letters.

    Chocolate Mousse. 400 words about something you've done in the past week, served without any commentary on your part.

    No, this is not for tokens. Other menu options may appear later in the festival. Please remember that all parts of your orders can be modified for health and/or sanity purposes. Some meals may contain nuts.

    3 people like this post: taulover, Gerrick, Grasswhistle
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