The way this game will work is that we will present 5 multiple choice questions simultaneously for the players and audience to answer. Answers are to be sent through private messages to the hosts. Players who get a question wrong are sent to the killing floor while anybody who managed to get all of the questions right is safe for that round and (probably depending on the minigame) will get to add to the challenge of the killing floor. In the Killing Floor, players are presented with one challenge. There are quite a few challenges some of which won't be in this forum edition while some will be there but only one will be done at a time. If you want to see what some possible challenges are here is a
link. Unlike in the actual game, if everybody gets all of the questions correct (or all of the players that are still alive), then they will all be sent to the floor anyway so as to save time because this game can take a while. If we run out of questions and multiple players are still alive then the remaining players will go to the Killing Floor and participate in the Loser's Wheel minigame until there is only 1 alive.
There will be opportunities to backstab other players in a few of the Killing Floor challenges
![Evil >:D](
Score is important in this game because it will determine how much of a head start you get in the race to escape at the end of the game. The way scoring works in the question rounds is that every question a player answers correctly earns them $1000. Players can also earn points in the Killing Floor even if they die. Players who complete the Fingers "challenge" earn $33 from it being sold on eBay. In the race to escape, points work differently let's say for now it is $100 for each correct choice.
The audience also gets to play the game. They don't have to worry about dying the same way as the players but it is still in their best interest to get as many questions correct as possible because they can still die but if they do is not determined until the game ends. The audience earns $1000 multiplied by the proportion of correct answers and guesses in each round. The audience dies if their final score is less than that of the winning player.
Anybody can join after the game has started, just specify audience or player when you join.
The fingers challenge will occur with the first Killing Floor minigame for each player. For that challenge, players choose a finger to cut off(don't worry that is not real). You will have 4 to choose from and whichever one you cut off prevents you from choosing the corresponding answer while you are still alive. So if you are alive and you cut #3 off then you can't pick answer #3 in later questions until you die(or the final race).
Please do not look up the answers for these questions. We can't actually stop you but it can be more fun if you don't look up the answers.