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Werewolf XVIII: Wintreath's Got Talent! - Champions Edition
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction

  • Oh, hello old chap! I was just reading this lovely news article about the winners of that most recent talent show that took place on the moon! Quite delightful stuff, I must say, but it certainly doesn't beat that time when you were on that show now does it?  Yes, I quite seem to remember it as if it was yesterday...

    *~*Flashback sounds*~*

    Nigel: Welcome folks! I'm your host, Nigel Thornberry and welcome to another smashing game of...Wintreath's Got Talent!

    Last season, we saw one of our tourists from another region claim the title of Top Talent.  Coincidentally, he was also the title holder in his region's own version of our show.  This season, we're focusing on all of the smashing champions from our many previous seasons.  Before you ask, we couldn't persuade Barry the Butler to come back to fight for the crown of Top Champion.  I was so very excited to send him his invitation, but the answer was so very un-smashing!

    But there's no time for tears when we've got such a smashing show ahead of us!  So without further ado, let me introduce the Judges of this competition:

    First off, he comes from right here on Earth, but sources say that he's from the very distant future (we're still fact checking that smashing fact).  He's a scientist who came to us to judge a competition...let's give it up for Professor Ogden Wernstrom!

    Wernstrom: Yes yes, let's get this over with.


    Our next judge comes to us from Third Street Elementary School, give it up for miss Muriel Finster!

    Finster: That's enough out of you you little hooligan!

    And our final judge also comes to us from school, P.S 118 to be exact! We're not sure it's legal to have her as a judge, but her hair is just smashing! Give it up for Helga Pataki!

    Helga: Make it quick, I'm going to miss Wrestlemania! And if I miss it, you'll have to answer to old Betsie.

    Nigel: Smashing! Now that we've gotten the much more exciting part out of the way, here's what kind of exciting people you can expect to see:

    The Magician (1)
    The Seer of the game.  They'll scan each Commercial Break for good/bad guys.  Anyone scanned as a Contestant/Guardian will have the chance to join the Magician's Troupe PM.  The Magician can use knowledge of any Saboteurs/Leader of the Saboteurs as they see fit in the game thread, and can choose to oust the Blunderer or add them to the Troupe at their own risk.  During each Commercial Break, the Magician will be given a Scenario.  Their choice will inflict a Benefit, a Consequence, or Nothing.

    The Scouts (2)
    The Defenders of the game.  Each Scout will pick one person to protect, but cannot protect the same person for 2 consecutive Commercial Breaks.  The Scouts do not know each other.

    The Blunderer (1)
    The Negator of the game.  For 2 Commercial Breaks, the Negator can cause chaos in the studio and disrupt all powers.

    The Saboteurs (3)
    The Werewolves of the game.  During each Commercial Break, the Saboteurs and their leader can vote as a group as to who to get booted off the show.

    The Leader of the Saboteurs (1)
    The Head Wolf of the game.  During each Commercial Break, they'll vote with the other Saboteurs as to who to get booted from the show.  In a separate PM, they'll also be given a Scenario each Commercial Break.  Their choice will inflict a Benefit, a Consequence, or Nothing.  The Leader cannot die until all of the other Saboteurs have been voted off.

    The Contestants (5)
    The Villagers of the game.  During each Showtime, they'll vote as to who they believe the Saboteurs are, with the majority-vote being booted from the show. During each Commercial Break, they'll be waiting, doing nothing.

    Nigel: Brilliant! And no show is complete without some smashing rules!

    1) The Scouts cannot defend the same person for two consecutive Commercial Break.  Because of a mixup somewhere, the Scouts do not know who each other are.

    2) During each Commercial Break, both the Leader of the Saboteurs as well as the Magician will be given scenarios.  Their choice can either benefit another good/bad player, punish a good/bad player, or do absolutely nothing.  These can range from role reveals, added points for the saboteur, a removed/auto-successful defense/scan, double kills, or no kills.

    3) The show will have two sections:  Showtime, in which our cameras will be rolling for 48 hours as the contestants decide who to send up next...and Commercial Break, where the specialty roles will be off doing their own thing for 24 hours.

    4) To choose a contestant to send up after deciding who you want, simply say Vote: Send ______ to the stage.  All votes must be placed in the thread in bold or they will not count.  You're welcome to talk as a group and discuss who you believe should be sent up next.

    5) A show can't go on without a performer, but we here at the studio do understand stage fright.  While you're not individually required to vote someone to perform, No Lynch votes in this game are considered the same as not voting, and will not be counted in the tally (meaning only contestants with votes against them will be considered).  If everyone chooses "No Lynch" or to not vote, a contestant will be chosen at random and booted from the stage.

    6) There is no rule against inactivity this game.  You may choose not to vote and simply discuss with no repercussion or threat of penalty (or simply lurk and not post at your own risk of being considered suspicious).  However, remember that a single vote may condemn/save a contestant that you may have your eye on (or if you're wanting to save yourself from being a victim), so voting can potentially help push odds in your favor (although nothing is guaranteed).

    7) There are no rules against role revealing for this game, just keep in mind that you do so at your own risk.

    8 ) PMs will be provided by the host.  Rogue PMs aren't advised, but they can't be stopped.

    9) There will be a Behind the Scenes PM for those who are booted off the show.  If you're booted from the show, you can say your final goodbye in the game (much like if you're kicked from a reality show, you get that last moment to talk), and then you can move on to the Behind the Scenes PM if you choose.

    10) All contestants (even those chosen for the specialty roles) may choose to message the Host (aka PM me) with the talent they choose.  This can be a simple line saying what you wish to do in front of the judges, or it can be a detailed scenario.  If you end up being booted from the show, your talent will be shown for all to see, for example:

    Host: Hey folks, and welcome back to Taco Island's Got Talent! Our next performer is a bit of a doozy, and might make some of you at home a bit queezy, but we hope you'll enjoy this next amazing feat!

    Alfred "Ater Nox" Noxuma walks on stage.

    Alfred: Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen. Tonight I will perform a feat unseen by man for centuries. I learnt this death defying skill on from an ancient tribe located in the deepest, darkest corners of the Amazon. Tonight, I will attempt to eat a Peanut Butter Sandwich using only one hand. Before I begin, I must warn you: Do not try this at home.

    Ater Nox approaches the sandwich and slowly lifts it with his right hand.

    Alfred: Wait, this isn't right... This is a Jam Sandwich!

    Alfred wipes some sweat from his brow with his other hand as he tries to lift the sandwich to biting height. Unfortunately his hand is shaking so much with nerves all he manages to do is smear the sandwich all over his face. As the crowd begins to boo, security guards enter the stage to remove him.

    As he is dragged from the stage, Ater Nox shouts

    Alfred: Wait, I have more tricks! I can drink a glass of water blindfolded! I can walk backwards with no shoes on! I can even arrive at a bus stop exactly a minute before the bus arrives! Please, give me another chance!

    Alfred "Ater Nox" Noxuma's trick has been sabotaged, and he has been booted from the show. He was the only contestant that the audience fell asleep watching.
    an example of a contestant-submitted scenario.  All ending scenarios may follow this structure when I write them up.

    Nigel: And that explains the show! Smashing, right?  If there's any questions, comments, or concerns, you can write them down in our suggestion box, and we'll answer them as quick as possible.  (in other words, ask in here or PM :P)  Have a positively smashing game!
    Please post in here to let me know that you've gotten your PM and are ready.  The game will begin once everyone has posted.

    Living Roles (10)
    4 Saboteurs
    2 Scouts
    1 Magician
    1 Blunderer
    2 Contestants

    4 Bad roles
    5 Good roles
    1 Neutral role

    Current Contestants (10)
    @Doc - Stephe Colberion - Booted during the 2nd Showtime after malfunctioning while reading a CAPTCHA.
    @Laurentus - Mortimer Aragonnus
    @North - Bertram 'Bertie' Westmoreland
    @Ruguo - Lady Rena of clan MacTire
    @_zM - John Barrison - Booted during the 1st Showtime after failing to impress the judges with their chocolate eating.
    @taulover - Perry Tealeaf
    @Gerrick - Colonel Angus
    @Pj123 - Duke Oswald of the house of Wittelsbag
    @Hydra - Ash Goldfinch
    @A self deprecating Kane - Nathaniel Essex Sabotaged during the first Commercial Break
    @Gabrielle - Iolana Kala
    @Mathyland - Vincent Brimble
    @davidd1979 - Bartholomew Bricklemeyer III, Esq.
    6 people like this post: Arenado, Gabrielle, Laurentus, taulover, Ruguo, Imaginative Kane
    « Last Edit: June 22, 2019, 04:37:07 AM by Doggu »
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • I am ready.

    Also let me just say how disappointed I am that the first time round (prior to the reset), you once again drew me as a Werewolf, Pengu. What are the odds? Astronomical. They are astronomical. I hope you redrew because you realized what nonsense it would be for me to be a wolf, and thus once again lynched unconscionably early.
    Fortunately, we redrew and now I get to be part of the not-saboteur gang, where I hope to remain without either being lynched or sabotaged, until the glorious day where we win.

    tl;dr: please don't day 1 lynch me y'all i finally broke the curse
    Proud Burner
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  • Let's Lynch Doc.

    All kidding aside, good luck everyone and godspeed.
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
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  • Well, its an honor to share stage with such a talented group. I hope fair play from all of you. Good luck, and broke a leg
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  • I am very much ready.
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  • Good morning, everyone. hands out Hawaiian lei to each player
    I am ready !

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    ~Gabriella Eydís Ostergaard~
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  • I am ready to lynch Doc first round.

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    So the word "majority" is used multiple times, but do you actually mean plurality? Do we need a majority vote to vote someone off, or is the person with the most votes (even without a majority of votes) voted off? And does No Lynch have to reach a majority in order for there to be a random vote-off, or does it just need to have the most votes (even without a majority)?
    2 people like this post: Mathyland, taulover

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  • It's used the same way as normal, the person with the most votes would be the chosen one for each Showtime.

    And basically if No Lynch is the only choice, someone will be chosen randomly.  If it has the most votes but there are other choices, it'll trickle down to the next on the list with the most votes.  So basically it'll be counted as not voting.  And while there's no inactivity rule this time around, there's a consequence for not choosing someone.
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    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • Hello, my fellow talented Wintreans & visitors alike... question, Pengu: When should we send you our talent, if we have one? Should we do so now?
    (Thank you for orchestrating all of this, @Pengu!!)
    1 person likes this post: Laurentus
    ~Gabriella Eydís Ostergaard~
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    • Skrifa in the 34th Session of the Underhusen

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    ... to commit some murders and get paranoid and shit.

    I will vote: Doc because that whole statement about not being a Wolf finally is exactly what a Wolf would say. I'll just conveniently forget that I asked Pengu not to make him a Wolf for once

    Anyway, enjoy the game everyone! We have quite a few new and returning players. I hope you will thoroughly participate in what is, in my opinion, the best recurring event we have in Wintreath. Just remember that this is a game with a lot of theatrics, so don't take anything we say or do to each other too seriously. :D
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • Hello, my fellow talented Wintreans & visitors alike... question, Pengu: When should we send you our talent, if we have one? Should we do so now?
    (Thank you for orchestrating all of this, @Pengu!!)

    For Talent, you can send that to me any time, because that just pertains to if/when you're booted from the show.

    If you mean choices for the power roles, those choices will be sent every commercial break, which will be announced when we cut to one.

    And that's 9/13 people.  When the other 4 have responded, we'll start our first Showtime.
    My Wintreath Resumé
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  • Just waiting to hear from @davidd1979 and @A self deprecating Kane and we should be good to start!
    1 person likes this post: Arenado
    My Wintreath Resumé
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