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Where is your box? (geographically speaking)
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  • Also I just want to mention that I'm pretty sure that either St. Enoch or Kelvinbridge station on the Glasgow Subway is my lowest point, but I can't find any sources proving or disproving that either is indeed below sea level.
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  • Farthest north: Trollstigen, Norway
    Farthest south: southern coast of Tahiti Nui, French Polynesia
    Farthest east: Berlin, Germany
    Farthest west: Lijiang, Yunnan, China
    Highest elevation: Zugspitze, Bavaria, Germany
    Lowest elevation: New Orleans, LA, USA

    I think.

    (I know that the farthest/furthest distinction is prescriptivist bs but I did it anyway lol)

    Edit: and I'm from Los Angeles, CA, USA

    Damn, Tau, you ate mine for breakfast!

    Catching up a little:
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  • Furthest south I've been is Stirling Point. That's just below Bluff, NZ.

    East-most would be somewhere in Tonga. I can't recall where, exactly.

    The furthest north and west would be around London. I know we went to Cambridge but we were mostly in London.

    Highest point I'm guessing is Mount Ruapehu. The High Noon Express goes up to 2,322m and I know I've done that run.

    Lowest, I'm assuming was the Chunnel to Paris from London. So that's about 75m below sea level?

    I just went with the biggest island in Tonga.
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  • Mine's pretty pathetic:

    Farthest north: San Jose, CA
    Farthest south: San Diego, CA
    Farthest west: pretty sure it's still San Jose, CA
    Farthest east: Phoenix, AZ

    I ain't zooming in for nothing. Someone needs to take Mones on a road trip!

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  • The Potato Pope
  • Better than me:
    Farthest north: Sault Ste Marie, ON
    Farthest south: Leamington, ON
    Farthest west: Also Sault Ste Marie, ON
    Farthest east: Toronto, ON
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  • My furthest north is Whistler CA, my furthest south would be Sydney AU.

    Highest point is probably one of the peaks at Breckenridge CO, that one's around 13,000 feet.
    Lowest...probably like North said, that MRT station in Singapore that dips down to ~40m below sea level.

    As for East/West; assuming the IDL as the 0-point; my furthest east would be Brisbane, AU, my furthest west would be Olympia, WA.
    If you'd rather use Greenwich Meridian, my furthest east would be Boston, my furthest west would be this nowhere place in China on the Burmese border, Fugong.

    one day i will go to the shore of the dead sea and dramatically increase the volume of my cuboid
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  • As for East/West; assuming the IDL as the 0-point; my furthest east would be Brisbane, AU, my furthest west would be Olympia, WA.
    If you'd rather use Greenwich Meridian, my furthest east would be Boston, my furthest west would be this nowhere place in China on the Burmese border, Fugong.
    I think people have been using their hometowns as the 0-point, but for Singapore that might be weird since that'd split the Americas in half...
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  • I think people have been using their hometowns as the 0-point, but for Singapore that might be weird since that'd split the Americas in half...
    Fair, I just wanted to be more precise, since it seems Ponderosa is using different projections now.
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    Furthest North: Tromsø, Norway
    Furthest East: Dresden, Germany
    Furthest West: Las Vegas, Nevada
    Furthest South: Albuquerque, NM
    1 person likes this post: taulover
    Sir Robin of Camelot

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