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[UPCOMING] Season 2 Development and Features
Posts: 6 Views: 2120

  • Regional Stability Squad
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  • I'm happy to say after some delays that I have started work on Season 2 of Clickwar! I've spent a lot of time going over the feedback after the last season and thinking back to my own impressions during the game, and based on that I've put together a list of features that I would like to add for the next season that I think will make the game more fun and exciting. :)

    Starting in Season 2, you will no longer have to play alone. By popular demand, players will be able to band together as a faction! Players who are part of the same faction will not be able to attack tiles owned by another player in the same faction, but will be able to attack tiles on behalf on behalf of other faction members. If the tile is owned by another faction member, members will be able to attack on behalf of the owner, else they will be able to attack on behalf of any fellow faction member. If a player is ejected from a faction, the restriction against attack or being able to attack other faction members will continue for 12 hours as a grace period. Factions will also have their own profiles that will allow the the appropriate people to add a faction description and image, as well as list all members in that faction.

    Less popular for ruling players, season 2 will also be a time for rebellion. Rebellions will have a chance of breaking out in tiles that have been neglected by their owner for some amount of time, with a rebellion being more likely the longer it has been neglected. When a rebellion breaks out, the owner will be able to use their attack to put down the rebellion, while other players will be able to use their attack to influence it. While a rebellion is ongoing, the owner will not be able to attack the tile itself either, while other players will be able to, which will present a second danger to the tile owner.

    If the owner has not been able to put down the rebellion fully within 12 hours, other players will receive points on that tile based on how many points they invested into the rebellion and how strong the rebellion was at the end (up to 3x the amount of points they invested). If the owner is able to put down the rebellion within that time, they will receive all points invested into the rebellion by other players, and the tile will be immune from rebellion for the next two days.

    New Game Victory Condition!
    For the first time, it may be possible to end the season early with an absolute winner. It's quite simple, really. If all players who hold tiles declare their support for a particular player to win and that support holds for 48 hours (meaning no player withdraws that support or loses a tile to a player not supporting that person), then that person will be declared the winner and the season will end. Ok, maybe it's not that simple, but on other other hand, it's not required for this to happen, and if it doesn't, the game will end at the end of the season as regularly scheduled. I don't know, can someone gain the support of the entire game board?

    There will also be several minor enhancements, including a new leaderboard for players who have the most points in a single tile, the ability for donators to change their map colour, and game player profiles where players can describe their character/force or roleplay through the game if they want. I think these will be some exciting enhancements that will liven up the game, and I hope you'll agree when you're playing the game, hopefully sometime soon!

    Please feel free to post questions, comments, and anything related to these features here. :)
    6 people like this post: Gerrick, Ruguo, Elbbsas, taulover, Crushita, Hydra

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  • I LOVE these changes. How long will Season 2 be, though? I think one month would be reasonable.
    Red Mones
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  • I LOVE these changes. How long will Season 2 be, though? I think one month would be reasonable.
    Thanks! I figure I'll pencil in three months, because I think some of these features will keep the game going for longer, but I may also make it that the game would end early if nobody made a move in a few days. I'd rather the game end early for reasons determined by players than by an arbitrary declaration from me.
    2 people like this post: Red Mones, taulover

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Fair enough. Can't wait!
    1 person likes this post: Wintermoot
    Red Mones
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  • These changes sound awesome, I can't wait to play this season!
    1 person likes this post: Wintermoot
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  • In the last week I've worked quite a bit in Clickwar, but none of it has been on the features I announced yet. Instead, I've been doing a lot of stuff behind the scenes to make things easier to develop going forward:

    1) Make Development/Testing Easier
    I've created a new game mode called dev mode, that enables two features that will help me test things in the game: the ability to play the game as other players and the ability to run the legacy/point decay script from the game. This will allow me to virtually play through an entire game by myself to test the features, without the need to wait on someone else to help test things for me.

    2) Making Clickwar Code More Modular
    In the past, a lot of the Clickwar code has been deeply integrated into the forum code, especially the topic page code, and a lot of the game variables are hard-coded in the script. This has meant that each game has needed its own game file as well as its own code calling that file in the forum topic code, which gets more messy with each new game. I've been putting lots of work into separating the code out into its own module, to the point that I believe Clickwar could theoretically be integrated into any system that had users. In the future, I'll also be working to move the game variables to the database, so that technically any number of games can be ran from the same Clickwar code. This may open the way to things like private, non-official games that individual members could launch.
    5 people like this post: Wuufu, taulover, Gerrick, Crushita, _zM

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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