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The Monarch's Third Ice Cream Social!
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  • The Monarch's Third Ice Cream Social

    Greetings to everyone running for Underhusen, everyone watching them, and everyone considering voting for them! I originally started this event because there hadn't been a steak fry for some time, and since then I've just kept doing it each election. And who wouldn't want to come to the Castle and enjoy some delicious ice cream, anyways? :D

    This is an opportunity for candidate to talk about themselves, their ideas and opinions on the issues, and explain why they're running and why you should vote for them...while having unlimited amounts of free ice cream. So let's get this thing started!

    1. First, introduce yourself, especially to voters that may not be familiar with you. Why are you running for Underhusen?

    2. What's your favourite memory of Wintreath so far?

    3. And your favourite part of Wintreath currently?

    4. What one person from Wintreath's past or present would you most consider a role model for yourself, and why?

    5. What do you believe is the biggest strength and the biggest weakness in Wintreath right now?

    6. Recently, there has been talk of changing the Underhusen term from two to three months. How do you feel about this?

    7. It was also brought up earlier in the term that perhaps some members of the outgoing Storting hadn't been as active as they needed to be. What are your thoughts on the activity of the outgoing Storting, and how will you remain active and on top of things if elected this term?

    8. In the course of THOSE discussions, the role of the Underhusen came up a lot. What role do you feel the Underhusen serves in Wintreath, and is it currently fulfilling that role?

    9. Hot-button real-life issue time! What are your thoughts on climate change?

    10. If you are elected, what's something you would be able to do from your position to build activity in the region, and especially on the forums?

    11. Are there any other issues in the region you feel that the candidates running for election should address?

    12. Finally, what is your favourite flavour of ice cream? :)

    13. Oh yeah, we have a toppings bar now. What's your favourite ice cream topping? :)
    2 people like this post: Katie, Red Mones

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • 1. First, introduce yourself, especially to voters that may not be familiar with you. Why are you running for Underhusen? Hi y'all! I'm Katie. I've been on the Underhusen for 4 terms now, and for each one I executed the duties of the Office of Information dutifully and consistently, pumping out my patented publication The Underhusen Weekly Report! This term, I aim to become Speaker for the first time, and hopefully, I can feel my way around from there.

    2. What's your favourite memory of Wintreath so far? My favorite memory of Wintreath so far would have to be when I first came and ran for the Underhusen. I was already certain I was going to move here, and when I came people were excited for me to run!

    3. And your favourite part of Wintreath currently? Currently, my favorite part of Wintreath is the potential we hold with other regions, and all the new people coming in as a result of recent diplomatic actions.

    4. What one person from Wintreath's past or present would you most consider a role model for yourself, and why? I would definitely consider Wintermoot to be my biggest role model, especially right now. I've been going to him for personal and work advice since I entered the cabinet, and even before then! He's an amazing King and I couldn't be more grateful to have him in this community.

    5. What do you believe is the biggest strength and the biggest weakness in Wintreath right now? Right now, Wintreath's biggest strength is the RMB community. I think if we tap into it correctly we could gain many new active forum members, and that's what I'm attempting to do in my capacity as Thane of Integration.
    Its biggest weakness at the moment is probably its Legislature, although nowadays I think it won't require a constitutional convention :P The Overhusen, aside from Wuufu, has been relatively slow to move, and only trader and Wintermoot have ever involved themselves in discussions in the Citizen's Platform. Wuufu, of course, has a real life, but otherwise, it's not good. The Underhusen hasn't passed good legislation consistently since the 28th Term, and it was only during this past term that I pumped out 6 pieces of legislation by myself and got things going.

    6. Recently, there has been talk of changing the Underhusen term from two to three months. How do you feel about this? While I'm not the one who initially proposed it, I highly agree with the change and aim to produce legislation related to it in the next term

    7. It was also brought up earlier in the term that perhaps some members of the outgoing Storting hadn't been as active as they needed to be. What are your thoughts on the activity of the outgoing Storting, and how will you remain active and on top of things if elected this term?
    Well, I've already been active and on top of things, and whether I become Speaker or not I will continue to make absolutely sure I'm pushing and poking people enough to wake up from their eternal slumber :P It's worked so far!

    8. In the course of THOSE discussions, the role of the Underhusen came up a lot. What role do you feel the Underhusen serves in Wintreath, and is it currently fulfilling that role? Now, this is where I think I'll diverge from some other opinions. As it stands the Underhusen serves little purpose outside of helping the newer members of this region "learn the government", and it barely does that correctly. The Underhusen was necessary in the early days of Wintreath, but now it's become less and less relevant. Making it more relevant would have to tap into some other resource to draw activity and perhaps expanding its power or the power of the Government as a whole. However, it's currently too early to say any of that, so I'm not sure what will happen!

    9. Hot-button real-life issue time! What are your thoughts on climate change? I think Climate Change is a major issue that needs to be acted on immediately by everyone. I'm personally very environmentally friendly in real life, and I think we all should be too.

    10. If you are elected, what's something you would be able to do from your position to build activity in the region, and especially on the forums? Well, I have considered posting notifications on the RMB regarding new bills and such, but the thing is that without a real purpose, nobody will be attracted to the UH. It doesn't control cultural aspects of the region and stays away from Foreign Affairs nowadays, so its power is limited.

    11. Are there any other issues in the region you feel that the candidates running for election should address? I think candidates should think long and hard about the questions posited here, but also about where specifically they see themselves going in the UH.

    12. Finally, what is your favourite flavour of ice cream? :) Vanilla!

    13. Oh yeah, we have a toppings bar now. What's your favourite ice cream topping? :) Rainbow Sprinkles!
    2 people like this post: taulover, Wintermoot
    Lady Katherine Ostergaard
    Countess of Osterfell, Matriarch of the Noble House of Ostergaard

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      • Fmr. Thane of WA Affairs
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  • 1. First, introduce yourself, especially to voters that may not be familiar with you. Why are you running for Underhusen?
    Hello! I'm Ruguo! I've been around the forums for about six months now, and while I've mostly stayed in the cultural side of things, I'm running for Underhusen because I want to try something new and hopefully learn something along the way.

    2. What's your favourite memory of Wintreath so far?
    My favourite Wintreath memory would have to be from the MC server when I met Trader for the first time and went on a crazy Llama expedition!

    3. And your favourite part of Wintreath currently?
    Ooooh! I love the people the most, and how open and encouraging people are here.

    4. What one person from Wintreath's past or present would you most consider a role model for yourself, and why?
    I would most consider Gerrick as a role model because he's always active, always trying to help, and so encouraging all the time. He's all over the place, doing so many things and it's amazing.

    5. What do you believe is the biggest strength and the biggest weakness in Wintreath right now?
    Wintreath's biggest strength would have to be it's community, where everyone is supportive and accepting. I think the biggest weakness would probably be that we aren't doing enough to keep people in the forums. I see so many new citizen apps, but rarely do I see someone new post beyond that.

    6. Recently, there has been talk of changing the Underhusen term from two to three months. How do you feel about this?
    I feel that this may not be the best idea. For someone like myself that has no idea what will be going on in two months IRL, let alone three, the longer period would be a deterrent. However, I do acknowledge that having a longer period of stability can be beneficial to the government as a whole.

    7. It was also brought up earlier in the term that perhaps some members of the outgoing Storting hadn't been as active as they needed to be. What are your thoughts on the activity of the outgoing Storting, and how will you remain active and on top of things if elected this term?
    I really can't comment on the outgoing Storting at this time because I don't really know enough about them, and don't have sufficient data to compare them to other Stortings at this time. I will be active and on top of things if elected simply because I'm far to stubborn to give up if I make it that far.

    8. In the course of THOSE discussions, the role of the Underhusen came up a lot. What role do you feel the Underhusen serves in Wintreath, and is it currently fulfilling that role?
    I see the Underhusen as the groundwork of Wintreath. It seems to be where people start out in the government and is where most legislation starts. I see it as currently fulfilling the role of being the starting point for government.

    9. Hot-button real-life issue time! What are your thoughts on climate change?
    Climate change is a real danger to the future of our planet. I'm actually going to school so I can try and help combat it, and it is my dream to see self sustaining houses commonplace and one day cities that can produce solely on renewable energy.

    10. If you are elected, what's something you would be able to do from your position to build activity in the region, and especially on the forums?
    I think the most obvious answer here is to talk to people. Really make them feel that their voices are being heard on both a personal and professional level. People are drawn to places they feel heard, and I want to see the forums become that place.

    11. Are there any other issues in the region you feel that the candidates running for election should address?
    Not at this time, but I'll be sure to update this as I think of stuff.

    12. Finally, what is your favourite flavour of ice cream? :) Chocolate Vanilla Swirl!

    13. Oh yeah, we have a toppings bar now. What's your favourite ice cream topping? :) Chocolate shell
    3 people like this post: taulover, Gerrick, Wintermoot
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  • 1. First, introduce yourself, especially to voters that may not be familiar with you. Why are you running for Underhusen?
    Because I always do, and I want to introduce a few things to the Underhusen that I've been working on for the past few months.

    2. What's your favourite memory of Wintreath so far?
    I guess when I finally came out and was heavily embraced.

    3. And your favourite part of Wintreath currently?
    I dunno, the community is rather nice though.

    4. What one person from Wintreath's past or present would you most consider a role model for yourself, and why?
    Honestly, the Monarch himself. In many ways, I've worked to try and be a decent reflection of much of how he does things, and how he is usually calm and fair.

    5. What do you believe is the biggest strength and the biggest weakness in Wintreath right now?

    6. Recently, there has been talk of changing the Underhusen term from two to three months. How do you feel about this?
    I am heavily against it. I think two months is a decent sweet-spot in NS legislatures. It's not too long to be considered a long-term thing, and it's short enough that people can easily leave after one session if they need to without resigning. Additionally, it does mean that people have more chance to try and enter the Underhusen than if it were three months.

    7. It was also brought up earlier in the term that perhaps some members of the outgoing Storting hadn't been as active as they needed to be. What are your thoughts on the activity of the outgoing Storting, and how will you remain active and on top of things if elected this term?
    I'll try to just keep what I can in my mind.

    8. In the course of THOSE discussions, the role of the Underhusen came up a lot. What role do you feel the Underhusen serves in Wintreath, and is it currently fulfilling that role?
    To be a source of stability and to legislate for Wintreath. It's a first-stepping stone for many new members of our region. Many of our long-time members and government officials have been a Skrifa at one point.

    9. Hot-button real-life issue time! What are your thoughts on climate change?
    It exists and we should work to stop it.

    10. If you are elected, what's something you would be able to do from your position to build activity in the region, and especially on the forums?
    I'll try to contribute to discussion and activity in the UH when possible.

    11. Are there any other issues in the region you feel that the candidates running for election should address?
    Not at this time.

    12. Finally, what is your favourite flavour of ice cream? :)

    13. Oh yeah, we have a toppings bar now. What's your favourite ice cream topping? :)
    Chocolate, with Sprinkles and Gummi Bears
    2 people like this post: taulover, Wintermoot
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

    Current Positions in Wintreath
    Matriarch of House Kaizer
    Speaker of the 29th Underhusen
    Advisor to the Riksråd
    Positions I've held
    Riksrad(1st Jarl of Information, 3rd Jarl of Foreign Affairs, 2nd Jarl of Defense)
    Member of the WHR
    Speaker of the Underhusen (3rd)
    Speaker Pro Tempore of the Underhusen (1st)
    Underhusen Member (1st-3rd)
    Member of the 5th Overhusen
    Chairman of the 5th Overhusen
    6th Underhusen
    Speaker of the 6th Underhusen
    Mandate Holder for Jarl of Defense
    Member of the 8th Storting (Underhusen)
    Royalty of Wintreath
    Ambassador for the Department of Foreign Affairs.
    Underhusen Terms I've been a part of
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    8th Underhusen
    Overhusen Terms I've been a part of
    5th Overhusen
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    Kaizer - Matriarch (REFORMED)
    Kestar - Child of Wintermoot (REMOVED)
  • Citizen
  • 1. First, introduce yourself, especially to voters that may not be familiar with you. Why are you running for Underhusen?
    Sup. I'm Doc, you may know me as 'very smug in #politics', 'the Tomato Pope', and 'that guy who seems kind of mean on the RMB'.
    I am running for UH to burn it down. Vive la roi.

    2. What's your favorite memory of Wintreath so far?
    Banding together for Z- and N-Day. The commonality of purpose and sense of unity. Also a tiny power trip from calling targets, really.

    3. And your favorite part of Wintreath currently?
    Getting to argue whenever I feel like it. #politics is such a drug.
    The multitude of options we have available. Sure, arguing whenever I want is fun. But getting to casually shoot the shit, talk about serious issues, and RP with the same group of people is a nice thing to have, whether IRL or virtually like Wintreath makes so readily available.

    4. What one person from Wintreath's past or present would you most consider a role model for yourself, and why?
    Me, because I'm the best form of me there is.
    It may sound sarcastic, but in a weird way, Gov. That ravenous tenacity in the face of immense opposition is weirdly inspirational, even if the form it took was pretty detrimental.
    I'm a lazy person. I like the easy route. And so someone who just doesn't give a fuck about all the opposition in his path is oddly inspiring. In like the most terrible way imaginable.

    5. What do you believe is the biggest strength and the biggest weakness in Wintreath right now?
    We're an open society. That's both.
    We accept other viewpoints. We encourage them.
    And, at times, it creates dissent and dissatisfaction because nobody likes to be told they are wrong. And at times, we leave ourselves exposed to bad actors who come in to stir the pot for their own benefit, generally in the form of a vindictive form of self-entertainment at the expense of others.
    But we showcase our belief in the fundamental goodness of humanity by remaining open in spite of this risk of bad actors, and in so doing continue to remain open to the good actors that make up the overwhelming majority of our community.

    6. Recently, there has been talk of changing the Underhusen term from two to three months. How do you feel about this?
    It is irrelevant to my campaign, because if I succeed UH terms will be abolished. I'm not acknowledging the other possibility because I don't want to dignify it.

    7. It was also brought up earlier in the term that perhaps some members of the outgoing Storting hadn't been as active as they needed to be. What are your thoughts on the activity of the outgoing Storting, and how will you remain active and on top of things if elected this term?
    Enforcing activity in the Storting is a fool's errand. Democracy is a means of government that is explicitly meant to be slow and meandering, to prevent excesses of fervor from causing harm to a community. The flip side of this security is that it is slow and meandering. A democratic system that does little is working as intended.

    8. In the course of THOSE discussions, the role of the Underhusen came up a lot. What role do you feel the Underhusen serves in Wintreath, and is it currently fulfilling that role?
    In one light, it is the basis by which people start their Wintreath political careers. It was certainly the start of mine. But that role can be fulfilled through the Cabinet ministries, particularly if and as their roles are expanded as the community expands with it.
    In another, it is a means by which the will of the community can be gauged through the representatives they select, in order to pass legislation. But that can, in broad strokes, be done by polls or referenda, while the specifics of certain policies are hashed out by the Ministries with the relevant portfolio and experience.

    9. Hot-button real-life issue time! What are your thoughts on climate change?
    It's imminent, pressing, and depressingly will likely not be stopped because of rabid short-termism in our economic and political spheres. It is an object lesson in how people acting in their personal best interests in the short term can have systemic effects that are detrimental to societies' best interests and their long-term personal interest.

    10. If you are elected, what's something you would be able to do from your position to build activity in the region, and especially on the forums?
    Nothing I haven't already done. The UH adds no mechanisms by which members of it can advance activity beyond the introduction of bills - which, generally speaking, are often pointless make-work to make an institution which, when operating ideally, should do as little as possible, appear to be doing something. It is the classic managerial dilemma - if a system works perfectly, you look extraneous, and so you deliberately throw wrenches into the machine to make yourself seem irreplaceable. Hence constant reorganizations in otherwise successful business areas so managers have 'deliverables' they can highlight to their superiors, when doing nothing would have been more beneficial.

    11. Are there any other issues in the region you feel that the candidates running for election should address?
    Most people seem to be here for RP. There is relatively little in the way of active RP.
    That is more pressing than any legislative agenda, because it is a gaping hole in the demands of the electorate. Yes, the UH has nothing to do with RP, and indeed, those who run for UH may be largely disinterested in it. I don't think it changes the fact that there is a major demand gap to fill within the context of the community.

    12. Finally, what is your favorite flavor of ice cream? :)

    13. Oh yeah, we have a toppings bar now. What's your favorite ice cream topping?
    More caramel.
    2 people like this post: taulover, Wintermoot
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • 12. Finally, what is your favorite flavor of ice cream? :)

    13. Oh yeah, we have a toppings bar now. What's your favorite ice cream topping?
    More caramel.
    A man after my own heart <3
    1 person likes this post: Red Mones

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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