Post #134941
December 31, 2018, 10:38:19 AM
As of (*checks time) ten minutes ago, I have successfully completed my 2018 New Year's Resolution! I mentioned it in the last New-Years thread, and a few times on site and on Discord, but I've been writing a poem for every day of the year, and I just finished the 365th one for the year. I honestly didn't expect to keep it up for so long, but... well, I guess I managed it. Dreams really do come true. XD
So, for 2019, I'm going to try it up. Caveat: try be a little more consistent at writing a poem on each day, rather than writing seven-per-day to catch up, and trying to avoid low-effort "oh noes it's the middle of the night and I forgot to write something, let's play chicken with midnight" poems.
Also, I'll try and complete a long piece of writing. I'll settle for fanfic at this point, but having something completed will do wonders for my self confidence!