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Katie for Thane of Dispatches
Posts: 1 Views: 219

  • Former Citizen
  • The Cheese
  • Hey y'all! If it isn't already obvious, I'm Katie, 2-term Skrifa and Officer of Information in the Underhusen!

    I'm running for Thane of Dispatches because as Officer of Information in the 29th and 30th Underhusen, I've created dispatches to inform our citizenry of the happenings of the lower Storting. Now I want to take it to the next level and inform our allies abroad of the happenings of all of Wintreath! In addition, I've assisted in the compilation of the Orendi XVII and am planning to write an article for the Orendi XVIII called the "Citizen's Corner" where I describe my experiences in Wintreath, what I like, and hopefully in the future I'll ask other people the same questions. I've been wanting to get into NS foreign affairs for quite a while, and I think this can finally be my chance to shine!

    I want to make absolutely certain that other regions understand what happens in Wintreath. I've seen that we have a bit of an image problem, especially in the GCRs, and I'd like to assist in some sort of remedy to that. One thing I'd like to start doing is, like I've said, write a "Citizen's Corner" article. Not only will it be just one citizen, but ideally it'd be a host of Citizen testimonials. Perhaps we'd ask them questions and things. Maybe we'd even include the results of polls at the top of the article on things such as "what's your favorite food?" or "what season do you like best?". I think that the first steps to a better foreign image is understanding and connection.

    Like I stated previously, I have experience writing dispatch from my 2 terms (and hopefully a third) as Officer of Information, as well as from my 3 years on NationStates as a whole. I managed the informative dispatches for The Rejected Realms and I'm certain I can handle the Orendi and any other dispatches I have to write for this position. Despite the fact that I've done all this stuff (and I plan to turn that to the region's advantage) I am not currently part of any other NationStates government.

    Since winter break is coming up soon, I will have plenty of time to pursue the responsibilities of this position for a month or two. After that, I'm not certain, but I will figure it out. I promise :D

    Thank y'all for reading my campaign. I hope it's to everyone's liking. Be sure to go out and vote on December 1st!
    4 people like this post: Michi, taulover, Red Mones, trader
    Lady Katherine Ostergaard
    Countess of Osterfell, Matriarch of the Noble House of Ostergaard

    Discord: Katie#3933

      • Fmr. Thane of WA Affairs
      • Fmr. Jarl of Foreign Affairs
      • Fmr. Skrifa in the 29th-34th & 36th Sessions of the Underhusen
      • Fmr. Officer of Information in the 29th-34th Sessions of the Underhusen
      • Fmr. Speaker Pro Tempore in the 33rd Underhusen
      • Fmr. Thane of Integration
      • Fmr. Thane of Embassies

    • Fmr. Councillor of World Assembly Affairs in Cynosure
    • Fmr. Outreach Officer of the Rejected Realms
    • Fmr. Kaetunet of the 1st House of Commons of the Holy Reich of Bunicken
    • Fmr. Grand Councillor in Grand Central
    • Fmr. Local Councillor in the South Pacific
    • The Cheese
    • Posts: 730
    • Karma: 722
    • hoh
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
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