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Chanku Commendation Act (Discussion)
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  • I personally would highly disagree with that, as it does not address the reason why the title was placed within the act within the first place. Although @Wintermoot probably could be a bit more involved with this discussion :P
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  • Oh yeah, silly me.

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  • I personally would highly disagree with that, as it does not address the reason why the title was placed within the act within the first place. Although @Wintermoot probably could be a bit more involved with this discussion :P

    Forgive me, Chanku, but I really dont think that, on this particular issue, you should chime in.
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  • I personally would highly disagree with that, as it does not address the reason why the title was placed within the act within the first place. Although @Wintermoot probably could be a bit more involved with this discussion :P

    Forgive me, Chanku, but I really dont think that, on this particular issue, you should chime in.
    I've generally been abstaining from the debate, however your solution you proposed wrt the title does not actually do anything for the reason the title was introduced in the first place according to Wintermoot. Therefore I merely wished to point that out.
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  • Whether Chanku should post on a discussion about his own commendation is debatable, but he certainly has the right to if he wants. Skrifa don't lose their rights to make comments or point things out just because the topic is about them.

    Obviously, a commendation is an expression of the Storting's will, but I once again implore the Underhusen to pass the original bill in full. I'm certainly willing to grant Chanku the title myself if the Storting provides the authority, but I'm afraid it won't have as much meaning coming just from me. I went to the trouble of writing a commendation and pushing for its passage in part because recognition from the community, as represented by the Storting, is probably more appropriate and meaningful given his many accomplishments over the years. I would like to avoid a course of action that cheapens his recognition, either to him or to others that read what we do in the future.
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  • Hmmmmm.

    I was not trying to say that Chanku cannot comment, just that he should not given that it directly relates to him.

    I have concerns about this Act, concerns I have expressed. The granting of a title at all in a Commendation seems incredibly pretentious to me. And if we are concerned about cheapening recognition, there are less Commendation Recipients then there are Paragons. It is one of the single most prestigious, rarest and most difficult to acquire recognitions and honors we have, if not the single most. If a Commendation is cheapened because a pretentious title is not included in it then I dont know what to say. And what about the cheapening of previous Commendation Recipients? Even if we do go back and amend them to include titles a perception may very well exist that the only reason we did was because of this Act. And they would be correct. It would cheapen their Commendations if we do this since it would say that we did not think them worthy of some title when we gave them a Commendation. It would also say that you did not think that they were worthy of some title as well, Wintermoot.

    I am, however, willing to set aside my concerns. I am willing to vote Aye on this Act anyway despite my concerns. If the Act goes to a vote with the title still inside, I will still vote Aye regardless of my own reservations. What I am asking for, however, is a compromise. One where, in the end, everyone still gets what they want. If we still think that the Act as it stands with a title should go through, then so be it.
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  • I am not really opposed to a title, although I do agree we should keep it in moderation, and above all accurate. There is a lot of reservation about this bill, among many of the citizens, and the title is the cause of all of it. I have already said how I feel about the bill, and with the revelation that there is this much hesitation on the bill, I am more confident to vote nay.

    My compromise, if it can be called that, is simply a more accurate title, and yes, a less pretentious one would not go amiss, but there are certain circumstances that warrant a bit of pretension, and I believe this is one of them.

    In my eyes, it would cheapen our actions if we don't remain honest with any title we bestow, and this title being considered is woefully inaccurate.
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  • Quote
    1) This act shall be cited as the Chanku Commendation And Honorific Title Award Act.

    2) The Storting recognizes that Chanku was the first Citizen to make Wintreath his original home, and that he has since been a prominent member of Wintreath's forum and IRC/Discord community, where he has contributed to Wintreath's special and freewheeling culture.

    3) The Storting recognizes that Chanku has been an instrumental driver of Wintrean parliamentary and legal culture, particularly through his unparalleled belief in and devotion to the Underhusen as an institution, through such accomplishments as:
    a) Having ran as a candidate for Underhusen in every election since the Storting was established, currently a span lasting over five years and growing.
    b) Having been elected to 11 Underhusen sessions, where the Underhusen placed its faith in him by selecting him as its Speaker for 6 of those sessions and its Speaker Pro Tempore for another 2 of those sessions.
    c) Having represented the Monarchy in parliamentary matters for an additional session as Chairman of the Overhusen.
    d) Having authored, co-authored, or influenced a number of acts that have passed into law, including the Citizenship and Demonym Act, the Code of Criminal Laws, the Default Seats of the Underhusen Act, and the Procedural Rules Speaker and Officers Amendment.
    e) Having tested the region's legal system by bringing its first and currently only lawsuit.

    4) The Storting recognizes that Chanku has also served in many other government roles, including Jarl of Foreign Affairs and Regional Gameplay Advisor. Additionally, he was involved in our regional military, the Hvitt Riddiral, through most of its entire existance, from being a trainee in its first operations to serving as Jarl of Defense for over a year.

    5) The Storting recognizes Chanku as a stalwart defender of the region, its community, its principles, and its Monarch in cases where it has been the target of untruths and slander, particularly during:
    a) The events of July 2015, when several prominent Citizens announced their intent to overthrow the Monarchy. His defense led him to being inappropriately banned by one of the Citizens involved who was also a chat op.
    b) The events of March 2018, when The Versutian Federation closed relations with Wintreath for reasons based on incorrect facts collected through poor research on their part. His actions, along with those of others, resulted in a restoration of relations.
    c) The events of May-July 2018 during the Lazarus Constitutional Convention, where he often sacrificed his own personal standing among the powers that be in that region in fighting untruths leveled against the region and its Monarch. His actions in part inspired a renewed regional focus on foreign affairs, which included his own appointment as Regional Gameplay Advisor.

    6) Recognizing these feats as fact, the Storting hereby awards Chanku the Commendation of Wintreath.


    7) Recognizing the lengths Chanku has gone to in order to defend the region and its honour, the Storting additionally grants him the Honorific Title of "Champion of the Just".

    I know I said that the last thing I said was probably going to be the last thing I said on this but I had to say this other thing. What about this? It pretty much covers all bases except for what the title should be, that can be a separate discussion. What does everyone think
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  • Perhaps a better (and less wordy) title could be the "Chanku Honours Act" (or Honors Act) or something like the "Chanku Recognition Act"?

    I know I shouldn't, generally, be participating in the discussion, but I feel my suggestions for the naming of the bill is appropriate.
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  • Well, I thought that it would be a good idea to name like that to make very clear that the Commendation and the Honorific Title are two separate Honors and that the title is not part of a Commendation.
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  • The Honours title, in my opinion, makes it clear that they are separate honors (given the fact that it is plural, and not singular) and that they are in separate sections, under separate headings.
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  • I just think that this is the clearest way to get that message across, to make it abundantly clear that the Commendation and the Title are two separate honors that are being awarded at the same time.
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  • At the same time, this will one of the longest titles of any law ever passed, that didn't involve acronyms/names of governments, which makes it a bit more cumbersome to remember. The title makes it decently clear, and making it clearer in the act text itself, aside from the title, would be the best way to go.

    The current title is just a bit of a mouthful to say, and honestly a shorter title is probably better in the end anyway.
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  • Well, why not one of the longest titles for one of the people who has been here the longest?

    What about the 'Chanku Recognitions Act'? Plural, to show they are separate.
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  • While that might be appropriate in some senses, there is the fact that it would make the act itself harder to remember and make it a bit more cumbersome to ever amend, if it becomes necessary.

    Additionally, I don't mind that title, which does it well, perhaps something like, "Chanku Recognitions and Honours Act" or similar might work as well. (Although I have no issue with the title you have proposed)
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