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Chidz Citizenship
Posts: 3 Views: 196

  • Former Citizen
  • Section I: Basic Information
    1) Please take a moment to introduce yourself to us! What led you here, what your interests are, what you hope to get out of being a part of our community as a Citizen, and anything else you would like us to know. :) I liked your name.

    2) What timezone are you in? EST

    3) How did you find out about Wintreath? If you received a telegram, please include the nation that sent it so they can receive credit! I literally thought your name was cool.

    4) What interested you in becoming a member of the community? I actually applied to the United Kingdom first but then there was a place that asked if I was a member of another region and I didn't know if I should join multiple ones so I was looking and found your name.

    Section II: NationStates (You can skip this if you are not involved with NationStates)
    5) What is the name of your Wintreath nation in Wintreath? Chidz II

    6) Do you have nations in any other regions? If so, where? Also, do you serve in any official roles in any of them? If so, what are they? Chidz

    7) Are you new to NationStates? Kinda, I played a long time ago but I only played on the site and didn't do much.
    • Posts: 4
    • Karma: 0
    • Former Citizen
    • Wintreath Nation
    Imaginative Kane
  • Citizen
  • Wintreath's Unofficial King of Command & Conquer Single Player and Skirmish vs Easy Opponents as any Faction and against any Faction
  • Welcome to Wintreath!

    Your citizenship application has been approved.

    What interests do you have here?  There are games on these forums, some of a spammy nature, others are more serious.  There is Werewolf, Spyfall, Roleplays, and regional government.  There are also non forum game discussions (basically video games and other games), and various real life discussions here.  There is also a chat service called Discord that can be found through a link on the region page.

    If you have questions feel free to ask them.

    Generally you can be in multiple regions simultaneously if you have multiple nations which I see is the case.
    Peace through Power!!!
    One Vision, One Purpose!!!!!!!!!
    Oldies are goodies.
    Travel the world

    Let us not repeat the mistakes of history.

    Now tell me.  What do you see?
    Imaginative Kane
    • Wintreath's Unofficial King of Command & Conquer Single Player and Skirmish vs Easy Opponents as any Faction and against any Faction
    • Posts: 4,552
    • Karma: 872
    • Young pessimistic technologically challenged somewhat ignorant animal and especially cat loving idiot.
    • Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Welcome to Wintreath, @Chidz. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,500
    • Karma: 9,713
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
    Pages: [1]