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  • Former Citizen
  • Idk tbh
  • The Embassy of Hartfelden
    1 person likes this post: PowerPAOK
    End of Time

    I remember there in the dawn,
    When the suns rose and rose,
    That never could I know,
    A sight more grand than this.

    Now I sit here in the dusk,
    While the suns die and die,
    That never will I see a sight more sad,
    Or a sight more beautiful.
    • Idk tbh
    • Posts: 774
    • Karma: 278
    • Never did we fear the sun, for we were the heathen kings of old.
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Village Drifter
  • Region in TRR: Glacikaldr Region in Hartfelden: Herzog Nequedum von Lokerzen
  • September 2018 Foreign Debrief

    Willkommen in Hartfelden!
    Est. August 19th 2018

    Discord | Forum | Citizenship | Civil Service | Embassy | Diplomatic

    Das Imperium der Hartfelden has extended its traditional greeting in our faux-father (native for some) tongue.

    Our community strives to maintain a rich casual roleplay experience in all that we do, and be a positive force for spreading joy in the interregional community by showing the good side behind the notion of a 'German region'! Will you join us in standing by the Kaiser to show that the corruption of extreme ideologies can never defame what we strive to create here in Hartfelden?

    We are not puppets to any belief. You cannot claim us. You cannot define us. Für das Imperium stehen wir!


    The following is an address delivered on behalf of Kaiser Friedrich I von Hartfelden, König von Haustfaldischt und Dastregel, Herzog von Festeracht und Haarberg (Scottiesland), with permission from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Herzog Nequedum von Lokerzen, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    Foreign Debriefs aim to provide a summary for the regional happenings of Hartfelden. They will provide what we believe to be the appropriate information so as to allow for better understanding of our region and our vision, seeking to promote and maintain mutual understanding at an agreeable level for interregional cooperation.

    This is not the media publication of Hartfelden, of which falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, but rather the publication we believe to be of appropriate length and content for maintaining offsite embassies.

    All questions should first be directed to the ambassador posting this Foreign Debrief in your region, who is expected to bring any questions to the attention of the Herzog (see Minister) managing Hartfelden's Foreign Affairs. If you doubt that your questions have been passed along, please try to inform us Herzog Nequedum von Lokerzen, who goes by the usernames of Nequedum (on discord), PowerPAOK (predominantly on forums), and Glacikaldr.

    Founding of das Imperium der Hartfelden:

    • On the 25th of October 2018, Die Verfassung des Imperiums von Hartfelden (The Constitution of the Imperium of Hartfelden) established das Imperium der Hartfelden (the Empire of Hartfelden) as a legal entity. Our Constitution can be found in either dispatch form or over on our forum.
    • Hartfelden's fifty-nation milestone was declared on the 12th of September 2018 over on the official discord server.
    • The region has climbed to over seventy-five nations as of writing on the 20th of September 2018.


    • As of September, following the establishment of four ministries through the Constitution, the Kaiser has assigned the following positions within the government:
    Minister of World Assembly Affairs to Mélisse Patricia von Ramsey (Indo States);
    Minister of Foreign Affairs to Herzog Nequedum von Lokerzen;
    Minister of Culture to Großfürstin Aynia von Funkeln; und
    Minister of Domestic Affairs to Minister Viktoria von Drinkers, Goddess of Drinks.
    • However, this was not the first composition of government; on the 16th of September 2018, the Kaiser had to transfer the Ministry of Domestic Affairs from Herzog Marilyn Manson II von Munzenhan to Minister Viktoria von Drinkers, Goddess of Drinks at Manson's behest as per his interim status.


    • September General Elections have been declared as of the 10th of September 2018, which is to determine the composition of the elected body encompassing the middle house of parliament. Yet, on the 17th later that very same month, the Kaiser declared that there are more seats than those running for a seat so the nomination period will most likely be extended or otherwise delayed.
    • The first Imperial Decree by the Kaiser, declared on the 11th of September 2018, delegated the power to appoint the Bundeskanzler (see Chancellor, who is to be the head of government)  to die bürgerschaft (of which is the lower house of the three-tiered parliament, encompassing all citizens of Hartfelden as a form of direct democracy) as can be seen here.
    • Later on the 11th as well, appointments for the Imperisrat, the upper house of which is reserved for nobility, were declared by the Kaiser, putting the following three nobles into power:
    Großfürstin Aynia von Funkeln;
    Herzog Najatilack zu Fürstenbirn (Crantere); und
    Herzog Nequedum von Lokerzen.


    • The Kaiser has elected the following individuals as Justices of the Bundesverfassungsgericht (the Federal Constitutional Count):
    Magistrat Friedrich von Marienburg und Prussiantinia;
    Magistrat Gaylordschaft von Pichto; und
    Migistrat Schmidt von Isengaurd.
    • Following the appointment of the last Justice on the 11th of September 2018, the three Justices elected Friedrich von Marienburg und Prussiantinia as Chef Magistrat, making the Bundesverfassungsgericht now fully operational.
    • Further, the second Imperial Decree on the 18th of September 2018 amended the Constitution to change the official title of the Kaiser and transfer the power of appointing Justices to the Kaiser among other slight alterations as can be seen here.

    Concluding Statement:

    Thank you for keeping up with das Imperium der Hartfelden! We now invite you to do the same for your region, if you have not already done so, in our Embassy Avenue (applications for embassies can be found  here).

    This debrief was written and edited by the following contributors: Herzog Nequedum von Lokerzen, and Kaiser Friedrich I von Hartfelden (Scottiesland).

    « Last Edit: September 20, 2018, 12:46:49 PM by PowerPAOK »
    Hartfelden High-Ranking Herzog | TRR DOoFA | TRR Ambassador | TEP DMoP | TGW Warden

  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Thanks for the update!

    I'm curious how Hartfelden came about...was it just like 'hey, let's make a cool German-themed region', or were there events that precipitated its creation like happened with Wintreath?
    3 people like this post: taulover, BraveSirRobin, PowerPAOK

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,495
    • Karma: 9,712
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Village Drifter
  • Region in TRR: Glacikaldr Region in Hartfelden: Herzog Nequedum von Lokerzen
  • Thanks for the update!

    I'm curious how Hartfelden came about...was it just like 'hey, let's make a cool German-themed region', or were there events that precipitated its creation like happened with Wintreath?

    Scottie/Tawks returned to TRI and felt that he no longer got along with that community. I think he did some searching and eventually found enough interested people who were perturbed that Germany has become synonymous with National socialist/fascist in NationStates as of late. It's kind of just gone from there. We want to do something that is respectful to what modern-day Germany really represents.
    Hartfelden High-Ranking Herzog | TRR DOoFA | TRR Ambassador | TEP DMoP | TGW Warden

  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • I wasn't even aware of TRI until recently...guess that shows how in-tune I am with foreign affairs these days. :P

    In any case, it sounds like things are off to a good start...I'm sure they'll just get better from here. :)
    1 person likes this post: PowerPAOK

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,495
    • Karma: 9,712
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Village Drifter
  • Region in TRR: Glacikaldr Region in Hartfelden: Herzog Nequedum von Lokerzen
  • October 2018 Foreign Debrief

    Willkommen in Hartfelden!
    Est. September 1st 2018

    Discord | Forum | Citizenship | Civil Service | Embassy | Diplomatic

    Das Imperium der Hartfelden has extended its traditional greeting in our faux-father (native for some) tongue.

    Our community strives to maintain a rich casual roleplay experience in all that we do, and be a positive force for spreading joy in the interregional community by showing the good side behind the notion of a 'German region'! Will you join us in standing by the Kaiser to show that the corruption of extreme ideologies can never defame what we strive to create here in Hartfelden?

    We are not puppets to any belief. You cannot claim us. You cannot define us. Für das Imperium stehen wir!


    The following is an address delivered on behalf of Kaiser Friedrich I von Hartfelden, Supreme Governor of the Church, König von Haustfaldischt und Dastregel, Herzog von Festeracht und Haarberg (Scottiesland), with permission from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister Papa Gatto (For Das Imperium), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    Foreign Debriefs aim to provide a summary for the regional happenings of Hartfelden. They will provide what we believe to be the appropriate information so as to allow for better understanding of our region and our vision, seeking to promote and maintain mutual understanding at an agreeable level for interregional cooperation.

    This is not the media publication of Hartfelden, of which falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, but rather the publication we believe to be of appropriate length and content for maintaining offsite embassies.

    All questions should first be directed to the ambassador posting this Foreign Debrief in your region, who is expected to bring any questions to the attention of the Herzog (see Minister) managing Hartfelden's Foreign Affairs. If you doubt that your questions have been passed along, please try to inform Minister Papa Gatto (For Das Imperium).


    Apologies for the delay: we wanted to supply you with the most up-to-date information in Hartfelden and that meant waiting for a few positions to be shuffled around. It brings us great joy to bring you with us on our journey as we continue to grow at our rapid pace. Now, without further ado, here is our report on the latest changes within Hartfelden.

    General Overview of das Imperium der Hartfelden:

    • Hartfelden has climbed to over one-hundred and eighty nations as of writing on the 14th of November 2018.

    • Hartfelden recognises its later successes in N-Day 3 as due mostly to the Pirates of the Nile's generosity in allowing Hartfelden to relocate within the faction. The region extends its gratitude to Osiris, The West Pacific, Lazarus, Gay, and Caer Sidi in this regard, in being most hospitable to the wounded and frail, and in protecting all of its citizenry when under duress due in no more small part to the constant bombardment during the temporary end-times of which concluded on the 27th of September 2018 and are to never, ever be repeated. Or will they?

    • Hartfelden congratulates its residence for their participation during Z-Day 7, which avoided catastrophe by the 31st of October 2018, and hopes to work with its allies to form contingency plans if such horrors of the horde are ever to rise again. May they best stay rejected.


    • As of late, the Kaiser has been reorganising the positions within the Executive. The current Ministers are the following:
    Minister of World Assembly Affairs, Herzog Nequedum von Lokerzen;
    Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister Papa Gatto (For Das Imperium);
    Minister of Culture, Großfürstin Aynia von Funkeln; und
    Minister of Domestic Affairs, Minister Sarah von Kingaldeharte.

    • The Ministry of Culture has begun mapping out the region that forms the Federation of Hartfelden's Empire. More information will be released once the map has been finalised, as well as updates on its progress at a macro-level along with directions as to where more detail may be sought.

    • Turning to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the following embassies have been established within Embassy Avenue of Lokerzen City under the concluded tenure of the former Minister, Herzog Nequedum:
    The Empire of Mare Nostrum whose ambassador is Thomas Insaniac;
    Wintreath whose ambassador is Syraj; und
    The Kingdom of Great Britain whose ambassador is Henry Stuart.
    Similarly, Hartfelden has established the following consulates and embassies outside of its borders under the concluded tenure of the former Minister:
    Wintreath: The Embassy of Hartfelden in Wintreath, whose ambassador is Friedrich Marienburg;
    The Rejected Realms: Hartfelden Consulate opposite Kandy's BBQ & Grill, whose ambassador is PowerPAOK;
    The Empire of Mare Nostrum: Hartfelden Embassy along the Riverfront
    Assigned Ambassador: PowerPAOK
    Caer Sidi: Hartfelden Embassy in the Embassy District, whose ambassador is Legend;
    Osiris: Hartfelden Non-Allied Embassy in the Temple of Hapi, whose ambassador is PowerPAOK;
    The Kingdom of Great Britain: Hartfelden Embassy in Trafalgar Square, whose ambassador is PowerPAOK; und
    The North Pacific: Hartfelden Embassy in Magicality City, whose ambassador is PowerPAOK

    • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has recently reported to the citizenry that negotiations for treaties are currently underway, revealing the Bill for a treaty with the Kingdom of Great Britain that has since passed within the Bürgerschaft while still in operation, with 8 Ayes, 0 Abstains and 0 Nays from the citizenry. It has now been brought to the uppermost house, the Imperisrat otherwise known as the Imperiale Rat, for a confirmation vote that will forward it to the Kaiser for Royal Assent. The Treaty has already passed within the other signatory and awaits its passage in Hartfelden.

    • The Kaiser has established the Privy Council to complement the Imperiale Rat at an informal capacity so that the ideas and concerns of all nobility, including the lesser, may be voiced through the appropriate channel.


    • The Kaiser, citing inactivity, has dissolved the lower and middlemost houses, which were functioning through means of direct and indirect democracy, and has left the nobility's Imperisrat as the only functioning house of the Parliament, as of the 11th of November 2018.

    • Yet it is also worth mentioning the first Bill to have been given assent, although shortlived in effect, was The Bundestag Procedures Act (2018) on the 11th of October 2018.

    • The Imperiale Rat has allowed for the release of rumours that its floor has been discussing and drafting a Bill of which includes faux historical reasoning for alternative names to institutions so as to expand the lore of the region. Fighting has ensued throughout the editing process of this debrief as to which the correct phrasings are.

    • During its operation, the lowermost house of the Bürgerschaft operated through the will of the Executive. In a similar fashion, until anything has been given assent to the contrary, the Imperisrat is establishing its proceedings through convention alone.

    • The Kaiser originally replaced Herzog Najatilack zu Fürstenbirn (Crantere) with Edler Rose von Einewelt in the Imperisrat.

    • The Kaiser originally replaced Großfürstin Aynia von Funkeln with former Senator Katie von Gihuodaho-Cygan in the Imperisrat, and has sinced removed the latter as well and appointed Edler Zarhurst (United Empire of the Pacific) in their stead.

    • Both the former Lord President of the Imperiale Rat and the President of the Bundestag have, since being appointed to the positions, stepped down from said positions due to personal circumstances. The former, Edler Rose von Einewelt, remains within the Imperisrat, whereas the latter, Ervald von Kleinhaven the Goldblum of NationStates, returned to ordinary representative duties only to witness the house being dissolved until further notice shortly after.

    • The Kaiser has since appointed Herzog Nequedum von Lokerzen as Lord President on the 13th of November 2018.


    • On the 21st of October 2018, both functions of the court, interpretive and criminal, were given proper channels for the initiation. Both fall under the reach of the Perjury decree.

    • An interpretation request for either an Amendment, Law or section of the Constitution form was created for Parliament and Executive officials only, in turn creating legally binding interpretations through the process.

    • Further, a trial application for initiating criminal proceedings was made, found here. Additionally, the Rules for Criminal Proceedings in Hartfelden's judiciary may be accessed here.


    • The Church of Hartfelden recognises the Kaiser as Supreme Governor of the Church and rightfully anointed König von Haustfaldischt und Dastregel.

    • The Kaiser has since appointed Reverend Klaus Steinerhelm as Archbishop of the Metropolitan See of Ponin on the 13th of November 2018.


    • The Kaiser has created an independent military for Hartfelden, Die Kaiserlichen Streitkraefte.

    • The military is divided into The Großgebietiger (High Command) with five roles, Offizier (Officer) with four roles, and Enlisted with four roles.

    • Further, the Kaiser has appointed Matthew der Knightreich as Hochmeister (Headmaster), the highest rank and honour within the military besides the Kaiser Himself.

    • We would like to congratulate Albrecht von Hartfelden (Hartfelden Representative) on their enlisted promotion from Squire (Recruit) to Draper (Private First Class)!

    • The military has since joined forces with AntiFa (DISCLAIMER: Not affiliated with real world Antifa) as a priority due to their stance being very much reflective of our vision as guided by our statement on Hartfelden's World Factbook Entry copied above. It has since claimed three early major successes under its belt. The Kaiser and the military are looking into more like-minded organisations and groups to join forces with as well, and in some cases are already establishing and expanding military relations and cooperation.

    • The military currently has eight active members and is able to expand its operational capacity, welcoming both those willing and deserving of rank and those looking to enlist as it in turn looks to expand.

    Concluding Statement:

    Thank you for keeping up with das Imperium der Hartfelden! We now invite you to do the same for your region, if you have not already done so, in our Embassy Avenue (applications for embassies can be found here).

    This debrief was written and edited by the following contributors: Herzog Nequedum von Lokerzen, and Kaiser Friedrich I von Hartfelden (Scottiesland).

    1 person likes this post: Wintermoot
    « Last Edit: November 15, 2018, 01:52:59 AM by PowerPAOK »
    Hartfelden High-Ranking Herzog | TRR DOoFA | TRR Ambassador | TEP DMoP | TGW Warden

  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Thank you for the update! I thought that breaking things down into sections and bullet points made the information more digestible than with most other dispatches.
    1 person likes this post: PowerPAOK

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,495
    • Karma: 9,712
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Village Drifter

  • February 2019 Foreign Debrief

    Willkommen in Hartfelden!
    Est. September 1st, 2018

    Das Imperium der Hartfelden has extended its traditional greeting in our faux-father (native for some) tongue.

    We are Hartfelden, a Holy Roman Empire/Imperial Germany themed region. We strive to maintain a rich and casual roleplay experience in all that we do, and be a positive force for spreading joy in the interregional community by exemplifying the good side behind the notion of a 'German region'! Will you join us in standing by the Kaiser to show that the corruption of extreme ideologies can never defame what we strive to create?

    We are not puppets to any belief. You cannot claim us. You cannot define us. In Treue fest!

    This debrief has been brought to you on behalf of His Imperial and Royal Majesty Friedrich I, Kaiser of Hartfelden, King of Tannborn and Kronenberg, Duke of Ansrau, Helmfurt, and Fürstenzell, Margrave of Osterhausen and Delmenfingen, and Lord of Hügelstatt by the ambassador to your region that has been appointed by the Kaiser, Kanzler or Foreign Secretary.

    This Foreign Debrief will give information of new events with das Kaiserreich since the last one that has been sent. We would like to apologize for having not sent a debrief in a few months, and mention not all events will be mentioned in this debrief since the October Debrief. This will include the major and current information that has been deemed required to be sent to our allies and friends abroad.

    We do apologize for the delay, we have had some internal reforms which have now brought us to where we can send out these debriefs proper.

    In General:
    • As of Feb 14th, 2019 das Kaiserreich has grown back to over one hundred and eighty nations. The Empire has created a new constitution, which lays out the new forms of government and states.
    • Due to real-life complications, Albrecht von Hartfelden has taken over as Regent for the Kaiser until further notice.
    • A new World Assembly Delegate, Indo States, has been elected.
    The ministries have now been united under the Regierung.
    Since the previous debrief, Hartfelden has undergone several reforms. The current Ministries - and respective ministers - are as follows.
    The legislative assemblies have been reorganized into the following:
    • The Reichstag, which serves as the lower house.
    • The Bundesrat, which serves as the upper house.
    Due to a lack of participating peoples, and issues with setting up various aspects, the regional roleplay has been halted until such time that it has been rewritten and prepared for use.

    Due to inactivity and real-life issues with the former Archbishop, the Church of Hartfelden has been repurposed into a regimental channel for the 1st Hartfelden Light Infantry, a Mount and Blade: Napoleonic Wars regiment that has since been acquired by the 30th “Edinshire” Regiment.

    • As of November 25th, 2018, Hartfelden has declared war on the New Pacific Order, its colonies, and Francoism, and has also joined the Anti-Pacific Coalition in its efforts to fight the wave of fascism.
    • Die Kaiserlichen Streitkraefte, since its conception, has undergone several changes, including the establishment of a Volunteer Corps.
    • While retaining the basic structure, the Großgebietiger (High Command) now has six ranks, Offizier (Officer) now has three ranks, and Enlisted now has five ranks.
    • The Kaiser himself now holds the rank of Hochmeister.
    • The military has seen a constant increase in members, both domestic and foreign.
    • Albrecht von Hartfelden has been promoted from Draper to Sergeant.
    • Frenchy has returned, with the role of Landmeister as the Kaiser is now the holder of Hochmeister.

    • Posts: 2
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    • Village Drifter
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  • Village Drifter

  • May 2020 Foreign Debrief

    Willkommen in Hartfelden!
    Est. September 1st, 2018

    Das Kaiserreich von Hartfelden extends its traditional greeting in our faux-father (native for some) tongue.

    Hartfelden greets all nations of the world, we are a community that strives to be the epitome of equality and of unity. Applications can be found in the forums, linked below, and our general chatter is normally on our Imperial Discord.

    Forums | Citizenship Applications | Diplomatic Applications | Discord

    We are not puppets to any belief. You cannot claim us. You cannot define us. In Treue fest!


    The following is an address delivered on behalf of His Imperial and Royal Majesty Kaiser Eike von Hartfelden, Emperor of Rageria, Caeliarch of Aerium, High Elder of the Brotherhood of Steel, King of Tannborn and Kronenberg, Duke of Ansrau, Helmfurt, and Fuerstenwell, Margrave of Osterhausen and Delmenfingen, Lord of Huegelstatt, and Grandmaster of the Order of the Eagle, (United Calanworie), with permission from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Aurelian Eowl, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    It is with heavy heart that we report His Majesty, Kaiser Friedrich “the Founder” von Hartfelden, has been pronounced dead by cardiac arrest. His demise was announced to the Privy Council by the Imperial Physician at 1:32 AM. The Kaiser died without listing an heir; after the tragic death of his eldest son Kronprinz Albrecht the Magnificent, the Kaiser could not stand to determine a new heir. The privy council finally emerged at 3:12 AM to announce that Archduke Eike Ritter von Hartfelden, second eldest child to the Kaiser, shall succeed the Imperial Throne.

        The new Kaiser Eike von Hartfelden announced: “The new Kaiser Eike von Hartfelden announced: “At approximately 0100 EDT, the Imperial Physician declared Kaiser Friedrich I, the Founder, deceased. An emergency session of the Privy Council was called into session. Two hours later, the Council had named me the Kaiser of Hartfelden. It is with a somber tone that I give this speech, for it is not yet three hours past the death of Friedrich that I am writing this.

    Hartfelden endeavors to honor Friedrich for his contributions to the Empire. As such, my first act as Kaiser is to declare an official mourning period for him. It shall last seven days. We will remember him always. We therefore commit him to eternity. Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.”

    (OOC Note: TheOneTruePi, also known as Scottie, decided to retire as Kaiser last night. He's not dead.)

    Foreign Debriefs aim to provide a summary for the regional happenings of Hartfelden. They will provide what we believe to be the appropriate information so as to allow for better understanding of our region and our vision, seeking to promote and maintain mutual understanding at an agreeable level for interregional cooperation.

    This is not the media publication of Hartfelden, of which falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Domestic Affairs, but rather the publication we believe to be of appropriate length and content for maintaining offsite embassies.

    All questions should first be directed to the ambassador posting this Foreign Debrief in your region, who is expected to bring any questions to the attention of the Eowl (see Minister) managing Hartfelden's Foreign Affairs. If you doubt that your questions have been passed along, please try to inform us Aurelian Eowl, who goes by the usernames of Ar (on discord), and Aurelius (predominantly on forums).

    Major Occurences of das Imperium der Hartfelden:

    • Following the aforementioned announcement, Eike von Hartfelden took over as the Kaiser, with Freidreich stepping down.

    • Recently, the military decided to revert back to its raider alignment after being affiliated with defenders for a long time. This was reflected in their raid of Soviet Union

    • As the result of the influx of nations, following the video by Drew, Hartfelden, too, witnessed a significant rise in numbers after the 30th of April, gaining 63 nations within a week. The region also saw an increase in RMB activity, as the region gained a number of new citizens.

    Bismarck Ritter von Hartfelden, President of the Senat, was awarded the Order of Eagle for his service within the Senat, civil service and military as well as all other aspects of the Empire.


    • Recently, the political arena saw the emergence of two rivalling parties - Imperial Reformist Union, led by Duke Matthew of Ashadia, former Kanzler and The Kaiserreichlander Party, led by Their Imperial Majesty, Eike von Hartfelden, Kaiser von Hartfelden.

    • Reichssenat elections were held for the First Seat, previously held by Kyth. The results ended up being rather decisive, with Matthew being elected as a Senator, garnering 85.71% of the votes.

    • Elections for the Kanzler were held simultaneously, previously held by Duke Matthew. The results were conclusive, with 62.5% of the votes, Archduchess Kendra Ritter von Hartfelden won the elections and became the Kanzler. She thereafter appointed her cabinet.


    • In the previous term, notable occurrences were the merging of the Ministry of Integration with Domestic Affairs, after the Minister of Integration resigned. The two were merged due to their complementary roles, and the general lack of manpower. Towards the end of the term, Eike von Hartfelden resigned, leaving the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs vacant till the next elections.

    • The focus of the term was on collecting data on what citizens are interested in, and developing the foundations of roleplay among other things. However, due to certain difficulties, the roleplay hasn't quite completed. With the addition of Aerium to the empire, the specifics are still being deliberated.

    • Archduchess Kendra Ritter von Hartfelden, after being elected, nominated Bobberino as the Minister of Domestic Affairs and Aurelian Eowl as the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

    • The Foreign Affairs Office, after being appointed, worked on assigning diplomats to all the regions sharing ties with Hartfelden. Furthermore, a diplomatic policy factbook was prepared in order to make it easier for applicants to see what Hartfelden's criteria for embassies are, and to serve as a reference point regarding the various ties the region has.


    • The Reichstag started by formalizing its procedures with the Reichstag Procedures Act 2020, which was passed unanimously.

    • Following the procedures established by it, Their Imperial Majesty, Eike von Hartfelden became the Praesident of the Reichstag.

    • The Reichssenat, following the Second Seat elections, followed the pattern set by the Reichstag and proposed the Reichssenat Procedures Act 2020, which went through certain legal hurdles due to its wording clashing with the Electoral Act. As such, the act was sent back to the debating phase.

    • The Reichssenat elected Bismarck Ritter von Hartfelden as the Praesident, who is tasked with overseeing the proceedings of the body.

    • The legislative arena is lively, with a number of bills in the docket. Some important ones are the Court Proceedings Act and the Bank Act, the former of which establishes the procedure followed by the judiciary while the latter seeks to introduce a new economic model to the region.


    • Noting the clause on elections in the Reichssenat Procedures Act, The Imperial Highness, Eike von Hartfelden filed a case against the Senat citing the potential damage that could be done by such a bill, and recommended its dissolution. However, as that the bill hadn't passed, the Court instead recommended that the bill be revised, since dissolving it before it was passed would be overstepping its jurisdiction.

    • As mentioned before, the Judicial Code of Hartfelden was an act in the works. It seeks to establish the proceedings of the court, considering the activity in the judicial front, and sought to clarify the method through which citizens can file cases and so forth.

    Concluding Statement:

    Thank you for keeping up with das Imperium der Hartfelden! We now invite you to do the same for your region, if you have not already done so, in our Embassy Avenue (applications for embassies can be found  here).

    This debrief was written and edited by the following contributors: heavily based on the design by Herzog Nequedum von Lokerzen, and former Kaiser Friedrich I von Hartfelden (Scottiesland).

    • Posts: 3
    • Karma: 2
    • Village Drifter
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Thanks for the update! :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,495
    • Karma: 9,712
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Village Drifter

  • June 2020 Foreign Debrief

    Willkommen in Hartfelden!
    Est. September 1st, 2018

    Das Kaiserreich von Hartfelden extends its traditional greeting in our faux-father (native for some) tongue.

    Hartfelden greets all nations of the world, we are a community that strives to be the epitome of equality and of unity. Applications can be found in the forums, linked below, and our general chatter is normally on our Imperial Discord.

    Forums | Citizenship Applications | Diplomatic Applications | Discord

    We are not puppets to any belief. You cannot claim us. You cannot define us. In Treue fest!


    The following is an address delivered on behalf of His Imperial and Royal Majesty Kaiser Aav, Emperor of Rageria, Caeliarch of Aerium, High Elder of the Brotherhood of Steel, King of Tannborn and Kronenberg, Duke of Ansrau, Helmfurt, and Fuerstenwell, Margrave of Osterhausen and Delmenfingen, Lord of Huegelstatt, and Grandmaster of the Order of the Eagle, (United Calanworie), with permission from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Aurelian Eowl, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    Foreign Debriefs aim to provide a summary for the regional happenings of Hartfelden. They will provide what we believe to be the appropriate information so as to allow for better understanding of our region and our vision, seeking to promote and maintain mutual understanding at an agreeable level for interregional cooperation.

    This is not the media publication of Hartfelden, of which falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Domestic Affairs, but rather the publication we believe to be of appropriate length and content for maintaining offsite embassies.

    All questions should first be directed to the ambassador posting this Foreign Debrief in your region, who is expected to bring any questions to the attention of the Eowl (see Minister) managing Hartfelden's Foreign Affairs. If you doubt that your questions have been passed along, please try to inform us Aurelian Eowl, who goes by the usernames of Ar (on discord), and Aurelius (predominantly on forums).

    Major Occurences of das Imperium der Hartfelden:

    • Soon after stepping down, former Kaiser Friedrich I von Hartfelden attempted a coup by locking the incumbent out of the founder account. However, noting the general tone, he quickly backed out and left the region soon after, following which after a brief deliberation, it was decided that the region will continue on the same path, moving past the incident.

    • Since the alignment change to Raider, the Marine participated in its first operation alongside a few friends, wherein a number of participants tag raided a number of regions.


    • Hartfelden, alongside a number of other regions, participated with great enthusiasm in the NS General Exhibition. The event overall turned out to be successful.

    • A project that is currently in the works is the Hartfelden Mapping project which seeks to create a cartography society and develop a map for the region. Recently a poll for the same was held which was met with a broadly positive reception.


    • The Reichsenat passed two crucial legislations during this period, the first of which is the Judicial Code of Hartfelden, establishing the procedure that the court shall follow.

    • Another important legislation passed is the Penal Code which outlines the various crimes and their punishments in the region, that the court is expected to follow. It also includes the definition of a number of crucial legal terms, to aid the legal interpretations.


    • A significant step forward in establishing the foundations of the judiciary was the passage of the Judicial Code of Hartfelden, which passed with 9 in favour, 1 against and 1 abstention.

    • Following the establishment of the procedures, a proper case filing format was developed, with a dedicated thread for judicial review case and criminal/civil case applications.

    Concluding Statement:

    Thank you for keeping up with das Imperium der Hartfelden! We now invite you to do the same for your region, if you have not already done so, in our Embassy Avenue (applications for embassies can be found  here).

    This debrief was written and edited by the following contributors: heavily based on the design by Herzog Nequedum von Lokerzen, and former Kaiser Friedrich I von Hartfelden (Scottiesland).

    • Posts: 3
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    • Village Drifter
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Thank you for the update! It looks like things are overall progressing well in Hartfelden. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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