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The Persona Non Grata Amendment Act
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  • I think that the amendment of this act as it addresses the, extremely unlikely to happen, issue of un-PNGing someone as it is possible for someone to right their wrongs and become a different person. I wasn't always the person I am today and was someone who would often be considered an ass in other communities but I've changed since then. I'd imagine others have had this experience too, either themselves or with people they've known for a long time.

    As for the Sorting's ability to override the monarch, I think that it's a fair power to entrust to the Sorting. Though I believe that a new clause should be added stating that a the vote of  75% or more be required in both the UH and OH to un-PNG someone PNG'd by the monarch. The goal with that change would be to make it much less likely that a bad sorting can abuse their power and ensures that power is checked and balanced on both sides.
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  • I'm not sure this is entirely necessary, as the Storting can just repeal their previous PNG bill and that should do the trick yes?  And the Monarchy does retain the right already to kick anyone for situations like a few we had some years ago with a member was really bad.  That's the only time I believe that Wintermoot has gotten rid of someone, so it's definitely not a real issue to solve in my opinion.
    1 person likes this post: taulover
    Sir Robin of Camelot

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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Personally, I think the PnG system is fine as it is. We don't actually have many PnG declarations, and all of the declarations by the Monarchy have been due to in-game actions. I've listed all PnG declarations that are in effect, and also included administrative bans for good measure.

    PnG Declarations from the Monarchy
    Venico - Decree 002, December 2013
    Koth - Decree 002, December 2013
    Cormac - Decree 002, December 2013
    Stujenske - Decree 009, April 2015
    Alexej III - Decree 009, April 2015
    Milograd - Decree 009, April 2015
    94 Block - Decree 009, April 2015
    Funkadelia - Decree 011, October 2017
    Evil Wolf - Decree 011, October 2017
    Lamb - Decree 011, October 2017
    Adytus - Decree 011, October 2017

    PnG Declarations from the Storting
    Govindia - Declaration of Govindia as Persona Non Grata Act, January 2018

    Administrative Bans
    Henry Devereux - January 2014
    RedRevenant - February 2016
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  • I have brought this up not because it was urgent, but had flaws. Say the sorting declared someone PNG, The monarch could do nothing about it but hope the next sorting would do something about it, and if the monarch made it there is nothing anyone can do about it. It is just to make sure a bad Sorting doesn't abuse it's powers, and if it does, the monarch can step in.

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  • But the Monarch directly appoints the Overhusen, additionally it is limited to Non-citizens so you would have to build a decent case first.

    The immense difficulty in being able go enact a PnG by the Storting also adds a check.
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  • Just typing up a really quick post before I disappear from the internet.
    Quote from: Katie
    The first point seems to lack any other reasoning aside from "political norm", which I frankly don't care about nor have I ever cared about. In addition, the analogy made doesn't even seem to sufficiently defend said tradition. If anything, it defends the bill itself, since the bill advocates for a check and balance system between the Monarchy and the Storting. If the Overhusen, which represents the Monarchy so is said, doesn't approve of a PNG bill, they can simply fail it.
    Legal concepts, particularly ones that are foundational to particular government systems, can't simply be dismissed as political norms though. And separation of powers does not equate to checks and balances; in Wintreath, except in very specific cases, the branches of government are separate to the point where they cannot interfere in or override each other. Having more checks may increase such interference.
    Quote from: Katie
    The second point suffers a similar problem. It does not answer the fear of a "bad Storting" and instead goes on a ramble about the logistics of declaring a Citizen PNG, which seems solvable enough. Simply revoke the citizenship of the person in question and then declare them PNG, such as was done with Govindia. This bill doesn't claim to represent a common situation.
    That's not what happened with Govindia, the citizenship revocation was not a formality so that we could ban him. Rather, it was a last chance for him to do well in our region, after many second chances, and only after failing that last chance did we enact PnG.

    And I also think you're ignoring the point about the Overhusen representing the Monarch?
    Quote from: Katie
    Regarding the point about what I'll call the "Social Ostracization" theory of problematic citizens, I don't think that works at all, and I know this from experience in other regions. People are more likely to tolerate problematic citizens than to start a scene about it.
    The interesting thing is that it surprisingly actually seems to work far better in Wintreath than other regions, in my experience. People who actually don't mesh with the culture of the region generally give up and leave. And other individuals whom certain regions may deem problematic are welcome here for a second chance, e.g. Govindia in the past; that's a major part of Wintrean culture as well.
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  • Just typing up a really quick post before I disappear from the internet.

    Alright alright, these are all fair points, although if I might clarify that was the intention behind my statement about Govindia. Apologies if it wasn't worded well.
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