I realized I've never shared it, and I'm not part of the regional group either. Maybe I should remedy that. You can find me under Red Mones.
Red Mones posted on September 02, 2018, 02:20:14 AMI realized I've never shared it, and I'm not part of the regional group either. Maybe I should remedy that. You can find me under Red Mones.Awesome! I've added you as a friend, and once you've accepted I can send it along.
Done! Thank you!
@Wintermoot For the gold reward, I will take This War of Mine. I am The Intrepid Professor Breadfish on Steam.I gift the remaining 10 tokens of mine to @BraveSirRobin, as he invited me to this fantastic festival, and because he already spent his tokens to help his brother. He deserves a prize too!