Obligatory penguin video #2⠀ 1) Why are you running for this position?Because Wintermoot and the rest of the Cabinet pressured me to. :P
In all seriousness, I think the last two issues of the Orendi have gone quite well, and I'd love to see the region continue to put out regional updates on a regular basis.
There's also some unresolved stuff involving puzzles I want to complete.
2) What do you aim to accomplish as thane? As part of this, you must include at least one thing that you promise to do beyond the minimum listed duties of the position during your term. It should be measurable, so that it's black and white whether you fulfilled this mandate at the end of the term if you are elected.Like last time, I have a planned schedule for release dates of Orendis:
- Orendi XVI: mid-June
- Orendi XVII: mid-July
- Orendi XVIII: mid-August
I'd like to continue covering serious news, but if there's any interest, covering more lighthearted events would definitely be good.
As for the mandate: I want to create at least one new non-update, non-invitation dispatch. This could be a new puzzle (of course, an update to the current puzzle wouldn't count), or something else entirely.
3) What qualifications or experience do you have in the area that you are running in?Besides the experience I've outlined in my first campaign topic (wrote a few articles for Aura Hyperia and Wintreath in 2014/2015, put together New Hyperion's first and only embassy update), I've now done quite a few things as Embassy Dispatch Thane. These include:
- Putting together 2 Orendis
- Working closely with Hydra on formatting said Orendis
- Writing 4 articles for said 2 Orendis
- Creating a new puzzle, which people were not able to completely solve (afaik)
It's been quite fun, so I'd love to continue doing these things.
4) How do you plan to have the time to fulfill the duties of the position until the next election in September?I should have at least some time during most of the summer (definitely more than during the school year for the most part). Once I start college, I'm not sure how my schedule will change. I'll try my best to maintain my commitments to the position, however.
5) Are you currently a part of any other NationStates regional or organizational government? If so, please include those regions and positions.I am co-founder, Lord of Propaganda, and WACom Delegate of New Hyperion, the Wintreath vassal region.
Edit: I forgot that I'm WA Delegate in NH, lol