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Orendi XV planning/writing topic
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    Region Game Nights

    So hello NationStates world! It’s me, ya boi, Gatto! I’m back this month with another Article! Since last time I’ve been reelected as Thane of Gaming and kept my Region Game Nights going. So this article is being written about the success of those games.

    We had some issues admittedly. However we have figured out a new system going forward. Which involved browsing free Steam/Browser games and choosing one to play. As an initial test run we played Realm of the Mad God for four hours one Saturday. You can find the first of four parts here:
    Which also brings me to my next point. Wintreath now has a YouTube channel. Courtesy of yours truly! You can find the channel here:
     I plan to upload twice a week after each game, with videos ranging from half an hour to an hour long. So pop on by and listen to us fool around in the latest game we try!

    As another point (I have a surprising amount of points in this one) I would also like to extend an invite to all of you, come game with us on Saturdays! In the RotMG play through we did, two of the voices belong to members of another region! I’ll try to have dispatches sent over a week or two before each game as an advert on what game is being played and when. So feel free to pop onto Wintreath’s discord server and join in the fun! However I would also extend a warning, these games/videos are meant to be fun things, not super serious. So when you come, expect to have fun and enjoy the games with us.

    I hope to see as many of you as I can in the next game! This is Gattoartico, Thane of Gaming, signing off until next time!
    2 people like this post: taulover, Imaginative Kane
    End of Time

    I remember there in the dawn,
    When the suns rose and rose,
    That never could I know,
    A sight more grand than this.

    Now I sit here in the dusk,
    While the suns die and die,
    That never will I see a sight more sad,
    Or a sight more beautiful.
    • Idk tbh
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    • Never did we fear the sun, for we were the heathen kings of old.
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  • Here y'all go! Sorry for it being super rough but I'm pretty tied for time.

    Here's the pdf link:

    Here are the photos.

    3 people like this post: taulover, Imaginative Kane, Gerrick
    You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
    - Mae West
    • Hail Hydra!
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      Familial House
      The Noble House of Valeria
      Wintreath Nation
  • Former Citizen
  • Hail Hydra!
  • Thanks to Elbssas for finding my mistake! :D

    Here are the updated links:


    2 people like this post: taulover, Imaginative Kane
    You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
    - Mae West
    • Hail Hydra!
    • Posts: 1,921
    • Karma: 549
    • I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good.
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      The Noble House of Valeria
      Wintreath Nation
    Pages: 1 [2]