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Make Me Your Thane (of RMB Integration)
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  • Since it is both in vogue to do this, and also a requirement as far as running for office goes to actually run (maybe that's why it's in vogue, come to think of it), here is my campaign for RMB Thane.

    As we all know: it's kind of a shitshow at times. But I nonetheless have hopes for it and the people there, because there's a lot of passion there, and with more structure (read: heavy-handed moderation A LIGHT TOUCH AND OCCASIONAL REMINDERS), I think it would be a fantastic place to show new people exactly what sort of stuff we get up to on a regular basis.
    Part of that is making clear that it's not just a space for a...fairly labyrinthine and sometimes vaguely offensive RP, but rather it's one of many venues that Wintreans can use to make themselves heard.
    Part of it is, admittedly, being a check on the worst behavior, but that will hopefully be minimized once it's clear that there is some moderation for the area (as has happened a couple of times, such as when the NS Mods got involved, or every time Wintermoot has seen fit to drop the modhammer on people).
    And a part of it is simply being there to say 'hey, hi, I see you're new in the region, do you need a hand getting up to speed', which is the core of what Integration should be.

    All of this is necessary in my opinion because NS might not be the main place we do things anymore - but it's probably the first place people will see, and it's important for us not only to make a good impression if we want people to stay, but also if we want them to even come in in the first place.
    2 people like this post: taulover, Laurentus
    Proud Burner
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  • Count of Highever
  • I approve of your campaign. Good luck.
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