BBC World Service (January 2019)
Sovereign: HM King Edward X
Prince of Wales: HRH Princess Georgiana
WA Delegate: Arthur Jameson
Crown Court Judges:
Lady Georgiana Stewart, J
Jay Dee Bonaparte, J | Prime Minister:Samuel Kohnaarik
Deputy Prime Minister:Michael Stewart
Home Secretary:Vlaska
External Affairs Secretary:Madeline Norfolk
Culture Secretary:Longendale
Public Services Secretary:Charlie Beckett
Attorney General:Jan van Dijk | House of Commons:
Jan van Dijk of Newry and Armagh (PA)
Madeline Norfolk of Dwyfor Meirionnydd (I)
Michael Stewart of Anglesey (PA)
Charlie Beckett of Forest of Dean (I)*
Samuel Khonaarik of Argyle and Bute (I)
House of Lords:
James, Duke of York*
Klaus, Marquess of Belfast
Sacul, Baron Astoria
* denotes the presiding officer |
The Ballots are in...
The Election for the 58th Session of Parliament voting occurred on December 12th, with eight citizens running for five seats in the House of Commons and three citizens looking to become Prime Minister. The election was nothing short of interesting with MP and PM candidates all advocating for a change of direction in regards to activity. Many citizens noted the nature of the previous term, where activity simply didn't happen and many things had failed to keep the region going beyond forum games. With some MPs returning to the floor in hopes of being apart of the spearheaded change, we also saw a return of an old member of the region as well as two new MPs coming to the House of Commons. A heavily independent race was upon us, with six independents running of the Pragmatic Alliance. Prime Minister candidates were purely independent. Discussions about the future of the region in regards to the Constitutional Convention were a hot topic among candidates. The Magna Carta, a potential replacement of the current Constitution to allow for more efficient regional reform that, according to some, has been hindered due to our laws being too good at covering all the potential issues a region may come across, was sought out to be the solution. One concern which has not been covered by the laws of the region as thoroughly is the tendency of the United Kingdom to go quiet between elections, and each candidate sought to enact legislation and push for better policies to ensure the region is not just alive when it is time to come together and determine the next leaders.
The full results are contained below:
Prime Minister
Samuel Kohnaarik (Ind) 15 votes (51.72%)
Klaus Mikaelson (Ind) 3 votes (10.34%)
Charlie Beckett (Ind) 2nd 11 votes (37.93%)
House of Commons
Samuel Kohnaarik (Ind) 15 votes (14.42%)
Klaus Mikaelson (Ind) 11 votes (10.58%)
Charlie Beckett (Ind) 13 votes (12.50%)
Madeline Norfolk (Ind) 15 votes (14.42%)
George Beckett (Ind) 9 votes (8.65%)
Jan van Dijk (PA) 14 votes (13.46%)
Michael Stewart (PA) 17 votes (16.35%)
Redarmy (Ind) 10 votes (9.62%)
A Cabinet of Variety
Prime Minister Samuel Kohnaarik began his term with announcing his cabinet which he stated: "We have an amazing, all-star cast in our Cabinet this go-around". As time has progressed, there have been a few reshuffling to ensure all positions are properly utilized. Former Home Secretary Redarmy was removed and replaced with current Home Secretary Vlaska. The Prime Minister indicated that while he had hoped the Home Office would be a good place for newer citizens to get their feet wet in how the executive worked, the weight and complexity of the Master Citizenship List proved to require a more experienced hand to ensure it is accurate in information. Culture Secretary Longendale replaced Former Culture Secretary and current Public Services Secretary Charlie Beckett. It was made known that Mr. Beckett preferred that of the Public Services Office and wished to continue his focus there and allow someone else to handle the Culture Office. Longendale, arguably the most active on the forum with his participation in forum games should prove to be a vital component to bringing the Culture Office back to life.
Since the changes, we have seen an uptick in activity from the government, especially from the Culture Secretary in setting up game sign-ups and Daily Quizzes to keep people interested while waiting to post in their spam games!
Foreign Secretary and Defence Secretary Madeline Norfolk has been hard at work within Commons to try and finalize her intentions to separate the military from the executive branch and placing it under the control of the Monarchy.
Parliament Discussions
As elections have long past, the holiday season proved to challenge Parliament and the Government to remain vigilant in their Campaign promises. MP Michael Stewart opened a discussion within the House of Commons in regards to the lack of activity and sought to find a solution. Since that discussion, MPs have been taking Parliament into their own hands through bringing proposals to the floor in lieu of the House of Lords taking longer than expected to discuss the Magna Carta and come to a consensus. The Speaker and MP Madeline Norfolk took things a step further and sought a solution to inactivity within both Houses by calling for the removal of particular members of Parliament.
MP Madeline Norfolk called for the removal of MP Jan van Dijk for his inactivity within the House of Commons despite his presence within forum games. MP Dijk asked the House for forgiveness claiming that he indeed had plans to do things for the House and even contacted the Prime Minister of his plans to do things for the upcoming weekend. Following this, other members chimed in with one claiming that attempting to remove an MP for not participating in Parliamentary debates but still remaining active on the forum as a waste of time. The MPs came to a consensus to allow MP Dijk the chance to redeem himself due to all being inactive because of the holidays and the House is one of second chances. Only time will tell if MP Dijk will follow through on his promises.
Speaker Charlie Beckett recently called for the removal of the Duchess of Edinburgh, Elizabeth Stuart, echoing the concerns laid out from MP Norfolk in regards to MP Dijk, but taking things a step further claiming that her inactivity has hindered progress on a particular piece of legislation, the Magna Carta. The Duchess had indicated prior to this call she had an amendment for the Magna Carta which she would bring to the Lords. With time having passed and the amendment not being brought to the Lords, the Speaker called for her removal. After this call, the Duchess appeared in an announcement indicating her absence has not been due to negligence as she had been painted but due to her real life getting in the way due to being in the hospital and recovering from pneumonia. The Prime Minister, MP Norfolk, and MP Dijk indicated that because the Duchess' situation was truly one out of her control, they would likely not support her removal from the Lords. The Speaker has since shot back that had she not been called out for her inactivity, and given her online status within the discord server, she has no excuse for her delay of indicating why she was away. Since then, the House of Commons agreed that removing the Duchess would be improper, and the motion has been withdrawn to be tabled.
The Duchess has been in an indefinite LoA as she recovers from pnemonia. Her husband, the Marquess of Belfast, Klaus Mickaelson was called to take her place for the time being. The Marquess has already proven to be a strong force within the House of Lords by appearing on time and supporting the changes coming to the Lords. Prior to his appointment, the Marquess was a voice within the Stranger's Gallery, ensuring that both Houses were aware of potential issues with changes suggested.
Aside from discussions of removals, the House of Commons has received a small flurry of proposals from Prime Minister Kohnaarik and MP Norfolk. These proposals include amendments to current laws to remove the Defence Secretary, with the intention to have the Military independent of the umbrella of the government, bring use back to the University, clean up the Judiciary, and much more!
The Magna Carta has since returned to the floor of the House of Commons, and discussions on what to do next have begun. The hottest topic has been the discussion of who ought to oversee elections, and how exactly elections should be handled on the new forum. Due to issues around the polling system of proboards, citizens can change their votes, which has sparked controversy among more traditional citizens who believe that changing the vote is unfair to candidates. In addition to the ability to change votes, if the settings of the poll are set a certain way, one can see the vote before voting, and see how changes occur in real time, as opposed to zetaboards which forced you to vote and then see the results, but you were unable to change your vote. His Majesty opened the discussion as the Commons continues to debate the topic. Some believe it is a good thing to allow people to see the numbers and change their vote, that way if their first choice is unable to win, then perhaps their second choice has a better chance. Others have argued the unfairness of vote changing, where it can potentially rob citizens of being able to be in Parliament because votes are lost to ensure others are or are not in office. In the end, the question still remains, should citizens be able to see the results as voting happens? Or should they only see the results after polls close to prevent changing votes?
Honours, Honours, and More Honours!
Following the End of the 57th Session of Parliament and beginning of the 58th Parliament, a few honours were given to various longstanding citizens of the region. Given the timing of everything, we received two notifications of distributions of Honours, one for the New Year and one for the Coronation! Below are the excerpts from both awards announcements:
Per my previous notice on restoring titles to former Monarchs, I am pleased to return the Dukedom of Northumberland to Alexander W.G. Stewart. As I previously noted, I believe those who have served such high distinction as that as Sovereign, and the wealth of offices that come before that, are worthy of such recognition. Alec certainly is, with his dedication to the United Kingdom, passion for our affairs and long contributions ranking him highly in our most esteemed members. I am pleased to also welcome to Duke of Northumberland to the Privy Council where I shall benefit from experience.
Longdendale, is created an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE) and is entitled to wear the ribbon and medal of said Order. Longdendale has been a member of the United Kingdom for several years, becoming one of our top posters and a common face in the Penny Arcade for newcomers. He has also served with distinction in public office, including terms as Deputy Culture Secretary and Culture Secretary, and three terms as a Member of Parliament. Since receiving the Order of Merit in 2017 for his cultural work, Longdendale has continued to contribute and is more than deserving of joining the distinguished citizens who have received the Order of the British Empire.
The last honour goes to Sacul Astoria who is also created an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE) and is entitled to wear the ribbon and medal of said Order. Since joining the United Kingdom, Sacul has contributed to various aspects of political and social life in Government, Parliament and as a Citizen. Of particular note is his dedication to regional activity. Through serving multiple terms as Culture Secretary to engaging in culture events and media work, Sacul has displayed a great effort to keep the region active. He is the epitome of the model citizen and long deserving of an elevation to the Order of the British Empire.
With my Coronation following the New Year, I was aware I would have two honours lists should I follow the tradition of the events, which is something I was keen to do. I decided to consider all the honours I wished to issue and save one Honour for the distinction of my Coronation. I'm pleased to say that goes to the Father of the House of Commons, Michael Stewart.
Since joining the United Kingdom over two years ago, Mike has excelled in getting involved in many areas and he has risen from a humble newcomer to one of our most experienced Citizens. With two terms as Prime Minister under his belt and service to many Governments Mike has been one of our most prominent members over recent years, all while making contributions to cultural life as well. Today he serves his 11th consecutive term in Parliament. Whether he wants to settle for a tie with myself or go for a 12th term, I don't know, but I'm pleased to ensure that for one term at least, he will be deservingly noted as "Sir Michael Stewart" in the Commons Hansard, through my pleasure today to knight him a Knight Commander of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.
A Winter Festival and a Coronation!
This last month has been full of celebrations, and we have been happy to have so many of our allies involved! A Winter Festival was conducted from December 23rd to January 2nd, celebrating several things from honouring our former King to hosting a State-Visit with LKE. It was a pleasure to have our allies from LKE join us for a brief state visit. The Prime Minister of the LKE addressed Parliament with a heartwarming and inspiring speech celebrating the 5 years of friendship our two regions have shared, with hints at many more to come in addition to bettering our relationship with one another through military and culture. It was a pleasure to host the State Visit and we look forward to see what more will stem from our relationship with one another!
During the Coronation celebration, many citizens took part in the games such as "What would your royal name be?" and "Why should you be King?" meanwhile Sacul reigned supreme in the Avatar Contest by simply being the only one brave enough to submit his avatar! The winning image happened to be Tyrion Lannister sitting on the Iron Throne, and if you ask me, nothing could possibly top that! In addition to games, speeches from citizens and foreign dignitaries flooded Westminster Abbey to Honour our King on his coronation, unsurprisingly, the most liked and arguably most meaningful speech came from none other than Sacul Astoria. It is without a doubt the people and allies of the United Kingdom have faith in the King's abilities to make the region great. Below is Sacul's speech to Akillian, the more serious of the two.
I've already given a lengthy (and amusing) enough speech a couple of weeks back, but I can hardly not say a few words, so here is a shorter (more serious) version! It will self-destruct within several hours, of course, couldn't leave this evidence lying about.
I can without a second thought say that Akillian is my best NationStates friend, and the person I have most respect for on the game. We are about equally old in NS terms, and have known each other from close to the start. I have worked for him, he has worked for me, we have worked beside each other. He has been a motivating boss, a hardworking employee, a dedicated colleague. He can keep his head cool and think straight in any situation, putting aside personal grudges and not acting in the passion of the moment, something that can be said about very few people I have come across on NS. We have experienced regional dramas together in which he showed patience and self-control beyond what I have seen from anyone else. I don't know about his work in Balder and the LKE, but in the KGB there were times where he pulled us through situations that would have seen the region crumble without him, in Arda he was instrumental in writing the constitution and other legislation as well as being at the centre of cultural life, and here in the UK he has shown us some of the most active premierships I have witnessed in my time here. He has served - and excelled - in any position given to him, be it legislative, executive, judiciary, or otherwise. And beyond all of these things, he is also kind, compassionate, and loyal. Altogether, everything we need in a King!
I am confident that you will do an excellent job. I am lucky to have the opportunity to experience your reign, even if it is from a jail cell in the Tower of London.
Long Live the King!
Three Cheers for King Edward X! Long may he reign and long may the United Kingdom prosper under his leadership!
Thank You for Reading!
His Majesty's Office for External Affairs is proud to provide this edition of our monthly major update.