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United Kingdom
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Consulate of United Kingdom

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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      Wintreath Nation
    Vac Mikaelson
  • Village Drifter

  • A new Prince of Wales!
    Recently former Prince of Wales Michael R.E. Stewart resigned from the position citing real life preventing him from being active enough to fulfill the role. HM the King Edward IX thereafter appointed his only son William Cavendish to be the next Prince of Wales who is a member of the royal family he just chooses to take a different last name.. The region thanks Michael for all of his hard work and service.

    Ah election season, a time for the government to ensure that it has the mandate of the people. This term it is clear which party has the people’s mandate, the newest party of the region, the British Centrist Party. This party accepts citizens from both sides of the political spectrum and has swept all elected seats during this recent general election. So for Prime Minister we had Jacob M. Stewart running against Ali G. with Jacob winning reelection easily with a vote of twenty-two to one. For Parliament we had George Marlborough running unopposed, Edwin T.C. Astor running against Ali G. winning twenty-one to one, Andrew M.T. Callaway running unopposed, Jacob M. Stewart running unopposed, and Charles Callaway running against Niklaus Mikaelson with Charles winning sixteen to eight. We also had three Constitutional Amendments this term, Constitutional Amendments XX, XXI, and XXII, with XX and XXI both passing and XXII passing with the government apparently going to try again at the next General Election.

    Soon after winning the premiership, Prime Minister Jacob M. Stewart reappointed Bill Dearheart as Deputy Prime Minister, Vaculatestar Mikaelson as Foreign Secretary a position he has held for five terms now and Home Secretary a position that he is serving his second term as. Former Prince of Wales Michael R.E. Stewart as Defence Secretary, Daniel Scott as Culture Secretary, Edwin Astor as Director of MI5 and as Attorney General.

    In Parliament, His Majesty King Edward IX has appointed Nigel Farage, Earl of Buckingham , and Michael R.E. Stewart, Duke of Northumberland, to the House of Lords.

    Major Vaculatestar Mikaelson (front center) on the ground with his troops during recent military missions.

    The British Armed Forces
    The British Armed Forces under the direction of Defence Secretary Prince Michael R.E. Stewart has begun running training missions into warzones and also has begun to work with the other defender regions/organizations liberating regions taken by hostile raider/imperial forces with its’ latest notable mission being part of the victory under the command of Major Vaculatestar Mikaelson over fascist forces in The Coalition of Leftist Comrades. Other regions/organizations having taken part of the operation were The Lazarus Liberation Army (LLA), The United Defenders League (UDL), Spiritus Defense Force (SDF), The East Pacific Sovereign Army (EPSA), Texas, Equilism's E-Army, and Wintreath.

    Foreign Office
    Prime Minister Jacob M. Stewart has recently visited The New Galactic Empire on a Head of Government visit to discuss formalizing the two regions very long standing and storied friendship stretching over a period of several years. Foreign Secretary Mikaelson has recently attended the 2013 Defenders Summit bringing back a treaty which Prime Minister Stewart is considering. Foreign Secretary Mikaelson is also attending the COPS II convention where he is representing the region during the re-write of the COPS treaty which according to many is very flawed and does not fulfill it's intended purpose of dissuading future forum destroyers/spammers from performing these devious acts.

    New Year’s Ball!

    We recently had our New Year’s Ball at Buckingham Palace. It was an absolutely gorgeous affair with citizens, royalty, and government members alike as well as a few foreign dignitaries. United Kingdom thanks all of the foreign dignitaries who attended and looks forward to seeing all of you again at our next event.

    United Kingdom's Culture Department under the direction of Secretary Daniel Scott has already begun producing events to help spur on even more activity than we already have with a posting contest where contestants will see who can post the most. The contest is set to start on January 13, 2014 and already several members of the region have signed up for this including one of United Kingdom's finest spammers Member of Parliament Andrew Callaway.

    This update was brought to you by the
    ~ Ministry of Foreign Affairs ~
    on behalf of His Majesty, His Government and His Citizens.

    Respectfully, British Diplomatic Service
    Vac Mikaelson
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  • My dear friend, I am happy to see your first update looking forward on reading more :)
    3 people like this post: Vac Mikaelson, Pegriviado
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    Andrew B. Fraser
  • Village Drifter
  • Quote
    [big][big][big][big] United Kingdom[/big][/big][/big][/big]
    Forum NS Factbook NS Wiki
    [big][big][big]February/March 2014 Foreign Update[/big][/big][/big][/color]

    24th Premiership of the United Kingdom

    Monarch:HM King-Emperor Edward IX
    Prince of Wales:HRH Prince James


    Prime Minister: Via Vulpes
    Deputy Prime Minister: Constance St. James-Arundel
    Home Secretary: David Scott
    Minister of Foreign Affairs: Vaculatestar Mikaelson
    Minister of Defence: TBD
    Minister of Culture: James Marshall
    Director of MI5: de Lorean
    Attorney General: Harriet Talleyrand-Epistre

    WA Delegate: HM King Edward IX


    Chief Justice: Daniel C.A. North
    Sr. Associate Justice: Marshall G. Holdstock
    Jr. Associate Justice: Alexander W.G. North


    29th Session of Parliament

    Speaker of Parliament
    The Earl of Gloucester, George Arundel

    Peers of Parliament
    The Lord Arlington, Vaculatestar Mikaelson
    The Earl of Gloucester, George Arundel

    Members of Parliament
    de Lorean of Northern England (I)
    Edwin Astor of Southern England (BCP)
    George Marlborough of Wales (BCP)
    Via Vulpes of Scotland (I)
    Charles Fraser of Northern Ireland (BCP)

    Majority: No Organised Majority
    Loyal Opposition: No Organized Minority

    It was election time in the United Kingdom again, and as usual it was a thrilling one. In the race for Prime Minister, Via Vulpes stood as an Independence Candidate facing off against British Centrist candidate, Edwin T.C. Astor. In a land slide, Via Vulpes achieved victory, scoring sixty-two point five percent (62.5%) of the vote.

    In the Parliamentary elections Via Vulpes ran against Vac Mikaelson and self-declared true-Scotsman Kip Wellington. It was a tight race which lead to a run off that to Via's second successful race of this general election. In the race for Northern England, incumbent Andrew Fraser and long--time regional administrator de Lorean ran against each other for the seat representing Northern England; de Lorean was able to achieve a slim victory of fifty-six point five percent (55.6%) of the vote.

    Incumbent George Marlborough, Centrist Candidate, had his seat of Wales contested by Sinn Feins own Klaus Mikaelson; a season Parliamentarian. George was able to maintain his control of the constituency with sixty point seven percent (60.7%) of the vote; granting him another term. The race for Southern England saw incumbent Edwin T.C. Astor and Prime Ministerial candidate against one of the regions newest members, Kevo Washington. Edwin emulated the success of his opposition in the Prime Minister's race, with a landslide of his own in the parliamentary elections, easily winning the seat with sixty-six point seven percent (66.7%) of the vote. In the race for Northern Ireland Charles Fraser ran uncontested, maintaining his seat in Parliament.

    Immediately after securing the Premiership, Via Vulpes set about appointing his governmen. For his Deputy he appointed administrator and former Prime Minister Constance St. James-Arundel. For Foreign Secretary he appointed Vac Mikaelson, a position of which he has held now for several terms. For Director of Military Intelligent the new Prime Minister appointed newly elected Member of Parliament, de Lorean. As his Attorney General he appointed a relatively new graduate from University of UK’s law school Harriet Talleyrand-Epistre, with more cabinet appointments yet to be made.

    With a recent amendment to the election process last term, His Majesty King Edward IX appointed Board Admin Constance St. James-Arundel to be the new Electoral Commissioner noting her “vast experience in the administering of elections in the past.” The Lords Temporal of Parliament were appointed shortly after the general election by the King, with the Earl of Gloucester George Arundel maintaining his position as a lord, and the temporary Lord Arlington Vac Mikaelson.

    The Twenty-Eighth Session of Parliament
    The Twenty-Eighth (28th) Session of Parliament overlooked and implemented some extremely important and some-times controversial legislation. The Session was commanded by five British Centrist Party members and two Lords representing the will of the Sovereign. The term of Parliament was deemed an overall success, passing several pieces of worthy legislation.

    Four Constitutional Amendments passed in the Chamber, which then passed their individual referendums with overwhelming support at the recent General Election. In addition to these Amendments to the Constitution, there was a new administration law brought into law (Administration Regulation Act (2014)), which cleared up the older administration law that was deemed inadequate.

    Parliament suffered an unfortunate loss and indeed the region as a whole when Prime Minister and Member of Parliament for Wales, Jacob M. Stewart had to resign due to real life close to the end of the term. Jacob was given the well wishes of the region upon his announcement of his extended lessening of activity. The Twenty-Eighth Session of Parliament has now handed the mantel to the Twenty-Ninth Session, and hopefully with similar outcomes.

    Census debates
    Recently the question of whether or not to keep our regional census has been raised. After some debate, the discussion evolved to pertain to the legal limitations of the census, after support for the maintaining of a census appeared to be region-wide. Former Chief Justice Constance St. James decided to let the Supreme Court decide this question by bringing a civil suit against Vaculatestar Mikaelson in his role as Home Secretary. After several days stop-and-start discourse in the Supreme Court, the judiciary decided to strike down the part of the Census Act called in question.

    Nation Count Continues Upwards
    The regional nation count has seen a massive leap upwards as the latest recruitment project involving a number of the citizens of the United Kingdom donating to a telegram stamps purse for the use of the government. The project has been pioneered and lead by one of UK’s leading citizens and a former Monarch, Junior Associate Justice Alexander W.G. North. As of the time this update was written our nation count has passed 360 nations with a view to achieving 400 in the coming weeks; this is up from a low point of 130 nations in mid-January.

    Supreme Court Appointment
    Recently former Prime Minister Jacob M. Stewart and King Edward IX put former Sovereign and Prime Minister Alexander W.G. North before Parliament as their desired candidate to fill the Junior Associate spot on the bench of the Supreme Court. Upon his appointment Alexander will have previously served in all 4 governmental branches previously; Crown, Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary.
    UK Signs Arnhelm Declaration of Recruiting Standards
    United Kingdom in the final days of the twenty-eighth session of Parliament signed the Arnhelm Declaration of Recruiting Standards. This came following a recruitment campaign that the Crown Federation of Recon undertook against United Kingdom. The declaration ensures a complete denunciation of the act of recruiting in user created regions and seeks to implement safeguards against it re-occurring.

    Courtesy of His Majesty's Government
    and the Office of Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs

    Andrew B. Fraser
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Thanks for the update! Sounds like your elections were quite lively. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Paragons
  • Relic
  • Majority: No Organised Majority
    Loyal Opposition: No Organized Minority

    Doesn't the British Centrist Party hold three of the five seats? O.o
    Paragon of the Realm
    Skrifa of the 40th Underhusen
    Former Prince & Jarl of Foreign Affairs
    • Relic
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    Andrew B. Fraser
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  • [big][big][big][big][big][big][big][big][big]NEW FORUM[/big][/big][/big][/big][/big][/b][/font][/big][/big][/big][/big]

    [big][big][big]Attention:[/big][/big] the United Kingdom has moved to a new forum located here. You will need to re-register and apply for proper masking, if you are a diplomat you will need to reapply for a embassy for the region you represent. [/big]

    This message has been approved by
    His Majesty's Foreign Office.

    Richard A. North, Foreign Secretary
    Andrew B. Fraser
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • I have the feeling this update was supposed to be big. :P

    Why the forum change? Looks like you're still using Zetaboards with the same theme and skin.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,496
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Former Citizen
  • I heard rumor of some trouble over bridged waters.
    Check out my Interview!
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Former Citizen
  • McClain Ambassador of Wintreath to UK, I suppose I have to transfer our offices to your new forums, right?
    2 people like this post: Pegriviado
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  • Former Citizen
  • Eh Jonewest?   What happened?

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

    Democratic Republic of South Nivogal
    Citizenship Granted 24 Dec. 2013!

    Other Areas of NS:
    00000 A World Power: 1st Sgt, A World Power Regional Defence Force
    Celtica: Associate Advisor
    The Kodiak Republic: Member, The Kodiak Republic General Assembly

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      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
    Andrew B. Fraser
  • Village Drifter
  • Our root admin was becoming a problem, so I called a Referendum to decide the fate of our region in regards to staying on our old forum or transferring to a new one. All is going well now, but you'll have to re-apply for an embassy. :/
    Andrew B. Fraser
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  • Former Citizen
  • It's Ok I don't mind but I guess you have to fix your application form, there was no place to apply as an ambassador
    2 people like this post: Pegriviado
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  • Former Citizen
  • The JoI
  • New forum looks great!  :D

    • The JoI
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    • Because he's the hero Wintreath deserves...
    • Former Citizen
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    Andrew B. Fraser
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  • Andrew B. Fraser
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