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Holiday Greetings from the Monarch!
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Holiday Greetings from the Monarch!

    Decorations adorn a gazebo in Frosthold Courtyard

    On behalf of the regional government and the Monarchy, I hope that you're enjoying the holiday season and looking forward to great things in the new year, both here in Wintreath and out in the "real" world. For me, it has been a joy and an honour to helm Wintreath for another year, and I'm always grateful that the hopes I founded Wintreath upon on back in 2014 have been realized and continue on to the present day: hopes for a warm, friendly and personable community that enjoys having great chats and doing fun things with each other.

    I'm thankful for everyone that chose to make Wintreath their NationStates or online home, all the people who have helped me maintain and grow our community, and my friends who have stuck by me through good times and bad. I'm very lucky to be part of such an awesome place, and even luckier to lead it and to have the faith and trust of so many people here.

    I believe that 2018 will be a great year for Wintreath, one where we change for the better, get involved with new things, and reach new heights in the process. I'm excited for the things that are to come for our region and community. Until then though, I wish everyone happy holidays, and all the best in the new year!

    -Wintermoot of Wintreath
    -Monarch and Founder of Wintreath

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,500
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    • Regional Stability Squad
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      Wintreath Nation
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