My, this was an interesting round.
Firstly, whoever rigged the Random List Generator, shame on you.
I say that, because out of all of the people in the game,
Wintermoot has had the worst luck after he gained that extra life.
First, the stockpile that was against Laurentus was shifted around due to the use of an ability, and while they were scattered about to the other villains on the chopping block, RLG chose Wintermoot to get the final vote. When I went for the other method of listing the three villains, it chose Wintermoot 4/7 times. So either way, it had a clear vendetta.
Secondly, EVERYONE that went on a Killing Spree this route got lucky. Strike that, everyone except Wintermoot. Here was random results:
Attempt 1: Lucky
Attempt 2: Unlucky
Attempt 3: Lucky
Attempt 1: Lucky
Attempt 2: Lucky
Attempt 3: Unlucky
Attempt 1: Unlucky
Attempt 2: Lucky
Attempt 3: Lucky
Attempt 1: Unlucky
Attempt 2: Unlucky
Attempt 3: Lucky
Attempt 1: Unlucky
Attempt 2: Lucky
Attempt 3: Lucky
So like I said, everyone except Wintermoot had good luck.
Remember how in the last Killing Spree, Wintermoot's reward for his luck was a life? Yes, well apparently Random List Generator thought "Hey, let's give him that one again!"
Except, you know, this time since he was unlucky, it was the reverse.
So yeah. Random generators, everyone! Apparently they have an agenda against Monarchs.
Wintermoot, also known as Dracula, a completely normal villain, was killed. Apparently he tried to go after someone in the desert. I haven't the faintest idea why.
Wintermoot's ability was equivalent to the Negator. He could use his ability twice (aka he had 2 blood points), and it would have allowed him to disrupt the use of any other abilities on the field, including Survivor attacks.
We'll always remember him in spirit.
Off that note:
Aragonn has gained a new ability.
taulover has gained something in regards to their ability.
Sapphiron has gained something in regards to their ability.
Hydra has replenished a lost blood point if he had any lost previously.
Wintermoot has perished.
Oh, speaking of interesting things, there's been another development.
It seems as if the Survivors have chosen to attack during the night.
So look around for the dead body of
Laurentus floating around. It shouldn't be so hard since he's just a demonic doll with an evil grin. And naturally, Laurentus was just a normal all around "Good Guy"
Laurentus' ability, as I'm sure you guessed already, allowed him automatically remove any votes from himself should a majority stack against him. Any votes removed would trickle onto the other villains on the Accuse list.
And with that double villain homicide over with, we come back to the Accusatory Phase!
So whip out those machetes, sharpen your claws, and let's get to finding those Survivors before it's too late.
We'll end this Accusatory stage and move on to the next Killing Phase on 10/17 at 8:40PM.
@Gerrick @North @Crushita @Justinian Ezkantion @Hydra @Aragonn @taulover @Mathyland @Sapphiron