Pengu is once again running for
Emperor Underhusen!
Why should you vote for Pengu? Because even if plans in the Underhusen don't go quite as...well, planned, one thing is for sure: He keeps his promise to the people of representing their best interests:
>Is there a law you want passed? You can count on it being discussed in the UH!
>Want to see the UH changed? It'll be in our next discussion!
>Want to get interested in politics, but are intimidated by it? You can always count on Pengu to help be a voice for you and help find what you're interested in...and helping your voice become heard.
Pengu is for the people, because the Underhusen is elected by the people. He'll be your voice in the corner, your soapbox to make yourself heard, and your foundation so that you can inspire change. This has been his promise since his first term in the Underhusen, and it's one that has yet to waver with it passing the 6th time he's served in the Underhusen since joining Wintreath 3 years ago.
There is still much to be done in Wintreath, let alone in the Underhusen...ranging from discussing materials on closing loopholes in current legislation, to possibly even discussing the re-emergence of a convention to improve on future legislature...the possibilities are endless!
But what matters most, is what you, the people want. And as always, there will be an ear open to listen to your ideas on what you think we can do to improve Wintreath even further.