Post #109657
October 05, 2017, 02:42:32 PM
I do not understand... I don't like not understanding things... Zoidberg was a joke option and tied with Game of Thrones anyway, and ended up working, then Tupperware was a joke suggestion, but also ended up working out, so I lazily thought of Pumpkin Spice Lattes because I had read some ridiculous article on Facebook complaining about Millennials with some weird thing about lattes right before posting that, expecting it couldn't possibly win, and then it did anyway and somehow this is working out too. Something working that I didn't expect to is confusing me as much as when I expect something to work and it doesn't. Why are there so many good images to choose from that already exist for this combination. Can't process. It's great that the result is working, especially Pengu really made it work well, but it's so confusing because it seems like it shouldn't.