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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • The Consulate of Enadia

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Quote from: Republic of Enadia


    Quote from: Important Links


    I am delighted to be representing my home region within your Kingdom.

    We are eager to working with you amd having your diplomats over in our region.
    • Posts: 726
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Welcome again to Wintreath. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • « Last Edit: January 28, 2018, 01:36:35 AM by 'Harry McClain' »
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  • Former Citizen

  • Quote from: Important Links

    Regional Update - Government

    The KoGB's State Visit in the Union:

    After the request of the Kingdom's of Great Britain for closer diplomatic ties, the government of the Enadian Union organised the Bergen's Summit. Where the leaders of the two regions gathered in a friendly atmosphere to discuss important Diplomatic matters of Culture and Defense.

    The EU's Government focus was mainly in the sphere of Culture and Interregional relations, where the subjects of Employment, Passport strength and EU citizens protection in the British Kingdom were on the government's hot list. Additionally, the EU government agreed to welcome British Professors in Luxford University and demanded the Institutions of the two regions focus on bettering their response rate towards their citizen's applications and requests.

    The Kingdom of Britain on the hand mainly focused on increasing military cooperation between the regions and intelligence sharing. Requests which the Union accepted and agreed upon. This rather enthusiastic environment was followed with the proposition of the treaty, which the Union drafted and send over to the British government for an overview.

    Vote of No Confidence for Smith Veringuard

    Khovost or else known as Smith Veringuard to many other regions. Received a vote of no confidence from EU's government putting him on the unemployment list.

    This vote came from the Syndicates latest investigation where it was found out that Smith Veringuard, EU's former Minister of Defense was providing regional and governmental information to third parties of the DUAS (Democratic Union of Assembled States) region. This was confirmed by DUAS authorities and photos had been provided to EU's Secret Services.

    It is yet unknown if Khovost will be called for a trial in the EU's Supreme Courts, but it is sure that the trust in him is somewhat gone.

    Enadia preparing for DEFCON

    The anticipation is growing bigger as the Enadian Union will be attending ITDA's Defender Conference or shortly known as DEFCON. It is believed that the biggest Defender groups will be attending but the Conference is also open for non-military aligned and new regions as well.

    In this enthusiastic atmosphere, it is believed that there will be two EU speakers that will speak upon "Regional Development" and "Cultural Identity". During DEFCON new regions will be able to attend, seek out new opportunities and even new partnerships.


    Sounds of Enadia

    Christopher McKellen and Anthetal's Royal Orchestra in the United States of Latrovia. Brought to the Union Christopher McKellen's newest adaptation, the "Sounds of Enadia". The 56-year-old composer, after travelling all across Enadia, took his best memories and turned them into his greatest Album.

    You can listen to the Album by : Clicking HERE!

    Enadia to have its own original Anthem?

    After talks with the Republic of Eligyo, the EU are sailing to new unexplored lands of the Music Industry. Talks have begun with a Churches Choir and the kids of Sunday School to perform the lyrics of the Enadian Union's Regional Anthem.

    Humbled, grateful and amazed the Union sends its best regards to the minds and the people that show their love and contribute daily to better our common home.

    Enadia and Envision

    The next cultural objective is the EU's Envision Song Contest. Where more than 20 nations have already submitted their song entries. The song contest may last two days and be divided into two teams of participants, where the best songs will move on to the final round and the less voted nations will be disqualified. Welcome to the Hunger Games!
    « Last Edit: February 18, 2018, 04:14:38 PM by 'Harry McClain' »
    • Posts: 726
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Count of Highever
  • Wintreath has been following the ongoing controversy in Enadia with great concern. Out of character claims made against any region are not something we take lightly, and we wish to see these backed up with facts and evidence.

    We have become aware of one particular piece of evidence that proves that Harry has, in the past, said something particularly heinous about a female player.

    We're well aware that not publicising this comment is likely to be retaliated against by the Enadian government and administration, but we will proceed down this course, all the same.

    Wintreath hopes that Enadia will take a good, hard look at their practices and make an honest effort to change for the better, and should that happen, we will explore relations with them again. However, Wintreath hereby officially severs its ties with Enadia and will withdraw our embassy staff immediately.
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
    Satan sit saam sy kinders en kyk hoe kom die son op. 
    • Count of Highever
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