Hey, sorry to hear about your troubles..

I'm trans, bi and an Atheist. So, on the trans subject, i've dealt with a lot of the same issues. It's especially difficult right now because I'm an internet based person, and the internet is alight with extremely hateful anti-trans rhetoric. I really wish that we were just out of the spotlight... we've had a cultural sort of society wide coming out. I can't really think of much good that it's done, people seem to hate us more than ever, but maybe I'm just uninformed as to the benefits of our newfound fame...
Gender dysphoria has a lot in common with body dysmorphia, where no matter what you actually look like, you can always find something absolutely horrible about yourself.. It really is extremely rough..
Anyway, I guess maybe I should learn more about you before I say too much, but I will tell you what has helped me...
Pardon the assumption, but most trans women score very highly on anxiety metrics, so it's possible that anxiety is a problem you struggle with. Something that has helped me with dealing with that is daily exercise - it reduces your general cortisol level, and I've found it to be quite calming. It's good for your body and brain too. Also, focusing on the basics - keeping a clean house, thoughtful usage of your therapist (hopefully you have one, if you don't, I've been there too..), and eating well (preparing your own food can be very relaxing, if you enjoy cooking) can be sources of comfort that help you feel in control of your situation.
I'd be interested in the techniques Islam provides for ordering an prioritizing your life. I have a mostly christian background, though I'm an Atheist now, I see a lot of value in the basic philosophical assumptions of religion. What does your religious practice look like?