Now that I have your attention, I'm sure that you've seen that I'm running for the Delegacy (not to be confused with Delicacy).
Now, you may have been hoping to avoid another typical mouthing off/boasting about a list of credentials, so I'll keep it brief. Since my time here on Wintreath, I've been all over the board in our political system from being a Jarl, as well as being a part of both the UH and OH.
What you may not know, however, is that I've been with Nationstates for
13 years and 96 days as of writing this. You may be asking how this is relevant to anything, and I'm glad you asked! It's actually not relevant, I just wanted to let you know. We can celebrate with drinks at the
Frostbite Tavern (your treat, of course), or in the
Palais de Penguon (my treat, since I like...own the bar there). I like fruity drinks, not too strong, and I don't care for shots.
And god help you if you buy me a beer, because I detest beer.
Now...where was I? Oh, right, the campaigning thing. So you may be asking "What makes you a better choice than our current and re-running delegate, BraveSirRobin?"
I'm glad you asked, because I actually never liked this question. First off, BraveSirRobin has been a fine delegate so far, and I always appreciate his efforts he puts into the role. My running has nothing to do with feeling that I'm a "better" choice, but simply a "different" one. I always appreciate a change up in the role of delegate, and I simply would like a shot at it and earn some experience in the role...getting a better feel of Wintreath the Region (something I feel I've never really actually done before outside of the forums).
If you choose to go with the current delegate, that's completely cool since it's a role he's already used to, and he does a good job with it. However, if you'd like to change up the role of delegate and experience someone different in the role, then I encourage you to vote "Pengu" in the polls.
Oh, and since I promised it:
*The "Pengu Promises Pineapple Pie promotion was proudly perpetrated by the Popping Purple Populace of the Peppy Peaceful People of Pepperton.