I may have been the sort of mentally impaired that happens when you haven't slept enough.
Let me see if I can explain what I meant more clearly and with less digression.
What I feel like you're railing against, rather than Science as some sort of monolithic institution which has been corrupted by other elements, is the idea of people looking upon science as a quasi-religion, insofar as a group of people see scientists more as infallible prophets spouting some ineffable Truth Of The Universe than its proper roots which was essentially just dudes throwing shit together and seeing what sticks. Sure, now we can predict vaguely what kind of shit will stick to what, but at the end of the day the only real test of whether your predictions are right is to
throw that science to the wall and hope it sticks.
The further trouble emerges when one group of scientists disagree with each other. If you, Joe Schmoe, have no clue what's going on in the scientific world, and frankly you don't actually really care on most levels, then it's really irrelevant. But if you have a horse in the race, oh,
boy does that change. Such as if, say, you have a kid, and you're a first time parent, and you're paranoid, and this Autism thing sounds really scary and you don't understand it, and as far as you're concerned the medical industry is solely composed of quacks just trying to wring money out of you which would be better spent on your kid (or more likely the clothes for the instagram-perfect pictures you have to take to demonstrate to everyone you know 'see i am the perfect parent leading the perfect life).
Now, suddenly, this scientific dispute (if you can genuinely call it that, it's more of an utterly one-sided beatdown, where anti-vaccination is tied up in a corner and vaccination has a tank) is of grave importance to you. And so you'll find the prophet who says the truth that you know in your heart (i.e. the one who says things you already believe), and fight with all the fury of a crusader knowing This Is Right. And then seeing other people agreeing with you helps you know that This Is Right, because so many people can't be wrong (the brief segue into the herd mentality I did), which then convinces some people sitting on the fence that you guys must be right, again, because so many people can't be wrong.
And so essentially where I went with the rest of it was a statement that you should decide whether or not you were being opposed to science because this is, in fact, a well-considered position whose perspectives you've reviewed, or if in the standard, lazy human being way (note: you might not be lazy; I'm merely stating that the human brain is incredibly fucking lazy, which is why it reverts to the same patterns of behavior, uses the same stupid decision-making processes that are out of date in the modern world, and defaults to stereotypes at every available opportunity, because that is
way easier than trying to do something new) you merely looked at the things you agreed with, cherrypicked out the failings in the ones you disagreed with, and called it a day. (This is not an aspersion on your character: this is utterly standard human behavior and one I'm guilty of pretty often unless I check myself before I wreck myself on the rocks of 'I don't actually care about the subject matter but I really want to win this argument'.)
Tl;dr: Thanks for being a lazy piece of shit,
brain. Although its not your fault, really. Nature is just a really shit engineer (see: the recurrent laryngeal nerve,
especially in giraffes).
EDIT: Oh, and also everything Tau said. Especially the bit about repeat studies. Mostly because everybody wants to come up with The New Hotness, instead of just double-checking that somebody else did not, in fact, fuck up the Old Hotness.