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Renegade Islands Alliance
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Saint Kitten
  • Village Drifter
  • Saint Kitten

  • Renegade Islands 2015 Kitteh Update No. 1

    Founder - Shizensky

    WA Delegate - Saint Kitten

    Security Officer - Benevolent Thomas

    Immigration Officer - Tierra de Madre

    Foreign Affairs Officer - Babylatia

    Cultural Officer - Aetaris

    Senate - Elections in Progress (again)

    Wintreath Ambassador from RIA - Saint Kitten

    Hai thar Wintreath! As you might've guessed, a lot has been going on in our region and I am the kitteh to tell you everything that has been going on and a whole lot moar, now with LoLCatZ and poor grammar to make the announcement moar interesting!

    New Officials in Government!

    After a few resignations, new appointments, and one... *ahem* early retirement (or some other official term that totally doesn't suggest being fired at all), the RIA is full of new government officials and a few more are on the way in the senate! New officials include a new Security Officer, Foreign Affairs Officer, and Cultural Affairs Officer. As a rehash of what each offical does, the SO, as the name suggest, deals with security risks and serves as the admiral in our armed forces. The FAO is like my boss (which is ironic because I'm also his boss, welcome to politics). He oversees all of the embassies and ambassadors to and from the RIA, making sure everything runs smoothly. If you're wondering what I was making a joke about, the WA Delegate, being yours truly, appoints the FAO and occasionally checks up on him to see if everything is going as planned. Finally, the CAO forms activities for the region to partake in, including new spammy threads and role-plays on our forums (which your should totally check out!).

    Why all the change? That'll be explained later, but for now be amused by this LoLCat.

    2015 FRAVision!

    Incase you haven't heard, or have no clue what I'm talking about, the RIA is hosting this year's furtastic FRAVision! The FRAVision is being held on our forums and, if you haven't already, you should check it out! The FRAVision is just like Eurovision, where nations from all around the world (unless you're not located in Europe) compete in singing competitions. In the FRAVision, nations from different regions compete on the hosting region's forum. It's a great chance to check out other regions' cultures and make new friends so come on over!

    New Constitution!

    As if things weren't crazy enough around here, we have ratified a new constitution that promises to protect the individual rights of nations while also ensuring a well-run government and a kitten and fudge-based democracy (because who doesn't like a kitten and fudge-based democracy?). To read the new constitution, click here.

    Why all the change?

    Because of many nations leaving the RIA over a short period of time (for many different reasons), we had to do damage control and hold quick elections to ensure that everything remained under control. Around this time the new constitution was ratified and the senate was cleaned out and is currently being replaced in our new elections. That's all for now, thanks for reading! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to post it below.

    tl;dr: Life in the RIA can be summed up in one picture.

    2 people like this post: Wintermoot, Emoticonius
    Spreading catnip and yarn everywhere the RIA goes.
    Saint Kitten
    • Saint Kitten
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Thanks for the update!

    Wintreath and the RIA had excellent relations before things got quiet, so I hope that this will be the beginning of a new relationship between our regions. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • you should talk to VampireKitten
    Drexyl Nox
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    Saint Kitten
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  • Saint Kitten
  • you should talk to VampireKitten

    Yay, a fellow kitteh :3

    Thanks for the update!

    Wintreath and the RIA had excellent relations before things got quiet, so I hope that this will be the beginning of a new relationship between our regions. :)

    I am sorry about that silence, I didn't realise that the ambassador, or anyone else for that matter, didn't keep track of this or any other embassy that we have. We're keeping a close eye on everything now  :)
    Spreading catnip and yarn everywhere the RIA goes.
    Saint Kitten
    • Saint Kitten
    • Posts: 3
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • It's nothing to be sorry about...all regions go through that once in awhile. It's just good to be back on track. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Village Drifter
  • Delegate of the RIA
  • On April 18th, 2016, the region of Osiris was put under the microscope of interregional scrutiny following the declaration of a state of emergency and the institution of a transitional government. These actions - while not unprecedented in that region - are a heinous abuse of power by individuals that are acting in their own interests rather than the greater interests of the region of Osiris. After due consideration, the Grand Council of the Renegade Islands Alliance officially condemns the coup by Tim-Opolis Stark, Cormac, and Ambroscus Koth. The Grand Council of the Renegade Islands Alliance will also refuse to extend any recognition towards the "Transitional Government" of Osiris while extending official recognition to the rightful Pharaoh of Osiris, The Almighty Jesus Whale.

    As a region, we offer our condolences to the people of Osiris. There are no excuses for being forced to choose between accepting tyranny or being exiled from the region that you call home. We strongly encourage the WA nations in the region of Osiris to unendorse Cormactopia II and Tim Stark so that a new nation may rise to power, a nation that will hand power over to Pharaoh The Almighty Jesus Whale . Alternatively, we encourage the "Transitional Government" to submit to interregional arbitration of the circumstances. We are utterly appalled by the volume of ejections that is necessary to cement the control and power of the "Transitional Government".

    The Renegade Islands Alliance will support Osiris in its efforts to ensure that Pharaoh The Almighty Jesus Whale is able to receive their rightful position. We will not act in our own interests as a region, as defenders, or as individuals, but will rather act in the interests of democracy in Osiris. We will gladly receive those displaced by this turn of events, and we will also offer protection to any members of the rightful government of Osiris. We encourage our allies and our enemies alike to join us in the condemnation of the coup and the ensuing despotic triumvirate that is currently taking place in Osiris.

    We, the undersigned members of the Grand Council of the Renegade Islands Alliance, hereby condemn the actions of Tim-Opolis, Cormac, and Ambroscus Koth.

    Benevolent Thomas - Chief Executive
    Timothia - Delegate
    Red Dusk II - Security Officer
    The Kerguelen Archipelago - Secretary of State
    Kaayibi - Secretary of the Interior
    3 people like this post: Michi, Broddring Empire, Wintermoot
    Operation: Reboot
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Thank you for sharing RIA's position on the events in Osiris with us. :)
    1 person likes this post: Timothia

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Village Drifter


    Regional Population: 464
    Delegate: Timothia 51
    Security Officer: red dusk ii
    Secretary of State: The Kerguelen Archipelago
    Secretary of the Interior: Kaayibi

    Operation: Reboot is in full swing!

    2015 was a bit of a slow year, and the beginning of 2016 seemed like it would be more of the same. The opposite has proven to be true. We've completed (another) Constitution, elected a new Delegate (spoiler: it's me), we've organized a whole new Grand Council, we've reestablished recruitment, we've started chatting on Discord, we've revamped the RIASF, and most importantly, our community has thrived as we find a new balance between newly-recruited friends and old faces. Oh yeah, and we also more than quadrupled our population en route to our highest population ever. That exciting news and more are going to be covered in our first update since the reboot!

    Well, I've been known for my long winded paragraphs of information, but this time I'm not going to write you a novella. I've already written seven dispatches concerning the reboot (not-so-creatively named the "Timothian Dispatches") which I certainly invite you to read. In essence, they rally our region around the idea of keeping who we were as we strive to become something more than we've ever been. I definitely encourage you to read them if you are interested in how the region has changed so completely and quickly. I consider them the blueprint of our success so far. You'll find them all here.

    I won't make you wait any longer, go ahead and keep reading through this update to see what all has changed around the RIA. First, we'll get an update from Red Dusk on the state of the RIASF. Next, we'll hear about the developments of the region from Kaayibi and the Kerg. Finally, you'll get a link to a couple of really cool websites, just for fun.

    Thank you for your time, and best of luck!

    Delegate of the Renegade Islands Alliance[/b]

    PS - Shout out to the members of the Council of February who were in "The Room Where It Happens."

    New Security Officer

    The Renegade Islands Alliance Special Forces has a new face. Red Dusk has been appointed the Security Officer of Renegade Islands Alliance and will serve as the Fleet Admiral of the Special Forces. Ranking member of the February Council, Timothia, approached the recently named "Best New Defender" with the offer. After taking some time to consider, Red Dusk accepted and the pair presented their pitch to the Chief Executive who also serves as the Commander In Chief of the RIASF. The Chief Executive wasted no time in naming Red Dusk as the region's new Security Officer.

    Red Dusk joins an exclusive and storied list of defenders who have served in this position. The position last belonged to Benevolent Thomas who was recently named "Best Defender of 2015". Before that, Tangaroan Islands had the privilege to serve as Security Officer. Affectionately called "Tanga", Tangaroan Islands is regularly regarded to be one of the best defenders to emerge over the past few years and was one of the last officers to be trained by Shizensky. Prior to Tanga's promotion, the office was held by one of the founding members of the RIA, Domino Domination. Also known as the Principality of Ad Infinitum, Domino was one of the greatest and most consistent defenders in NationStates history.

    While it is great to have a fresh and ambitious new face to lead the Special Forces, we must acknowledge that Red Dusk cannot do this alone. That is why this update calls all able bodied Renegades who wish to stand up to the bullies of Nation States to enlist in the Renegade Islands Alliance Special Forces. Together we can beat back the invader tide of misery and oppression.

    Let's jump back in time a couple months. The Renegade Islands Alliance went through a tough time, and had a Great Depression of sorts in relation to activity. Many active nations had left or CTE’d, and we were hemorrhaging our regional population. Even the roleplay that used to flood the RMB had died down. The Government had succumbed to the lack of activity and collapsed, leaving nothing to manage the interior. With the Council of February, this all changed. Come March, the region looked pretty different. The RIA was finally coming out of it's slump. The government had been restructured, a new delegate had been recently elected, and two new secretaries had been appointed for internal and external affairs.

    Around that time, the discussion had come up again about recruiting. It was decided that the Secretary of State would head both foreign affairs and the immigration department. With the help of previous recruiters and a few stamp donors, a brand new recruitment campaign was created. After a few tries and fine tunings of the telegram, a good one was finally found and has been sent tens of thousands of times. With that came incredible milestones in the RIA. The original goal of a regional population of 353 nations was met 10 days before the target date. Three days after the target date, that goal was beaten by 100! Since the start of the campaign, the population has jumped from 114 to 460 in just 50 days. This is over 100 more than the goal. This is over quadruple the starting population. This is a mere 40 nations away from gargantuan. It’s more than we ever expected, but we’re not stopping there. We’ll continue to grow upwards and onwards without stopping for a long, long time.

    With the Secretary of State hard at work with recruiting three projects came to the forefront of the Department of the Interior: (1) a new welcome telegram, (2) reinstating the mentoring system, and (3) creating a regional map. Within a week, the welcome telegram had been drafted, published, and then drafted and published again at least five times. With that done, the attention shifted to getting the new recruits integrated by setting up a mentoring system. The Government called upon the most active and involved members of the region who were not government officials to become mentors or otherwise help with assigned tasks. They accepted and before long there were five acting mentors in the Renegade Islands Alliance. A little less than eight weeks after the Council of February the three priorities of the Interior were finished with the regional map being published. The Department of the Interior now includes the RIA Institute of Cartography, which is hard at work creating one of the nicest regional maps on NationStates. Several other projects are on the table, and the region looks forward to seeing how the two Departments can continue to boost the activity and size of the region.

    Net change in population: +350

    New forum members: +87

    New embassies: International Northwestern Union, Nasicournia, Free Coalition of Governments

    The Government was reinstated with a new Constitution, and Timothia became delegate of the region. A Secretary of the Interior was swiftly appointed with the responsibility of all things interior, but with a focus of boosting involvement and activity.

    • Posts: 2
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    • Village Drifter
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Thanks for the update! I'm glad to hear that RIA is recovering from inactivity and doing so well. :)

    1 person likes this post: kerguelen

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • [big]
    Regional Population: 1,295
    Delegate: Red Dusk (*87 Endorsements)
    Security Officer: Red Dusk
    Secretary of State: Timothia
    Secretary of the Interior: Dixadoing

    Hello, Red Dusk here.

    On October 5th, I was officially elected as Delegate of Renegade Islands Alliance. Since then, I pushed to have the Foreign Update completed as soon as possible. It is months overdue, and I want to see our friends and allies in other regions hear about our successes.

    I do wish to sincerely apologise for the lack of content from us in recent months. I hope to see that behind us now, with regular updates released.

    Now, that aside, I wish to take a little bit of time to thank people for reading this update. A lot of work has been put into our region in the past few months, and it really is wonderful to be able to share the fruits of our labour.

    Red Dusk
    Delegate of the Renegade Islands Alliance

    RIASF Update
    In the past 3 months, the RIASF has seen  unprecedented successes. Not only did it achieve a goal of 7 active members by the end of the Summer, it managed to surpass that goal. As of the time of the writing of this article, the RIASF boasts 12 trained sailors and about 5 sailors in training. Not to mention inquiries about the RIASF are flooding in from potential applicants.

    In the past months, the Renegade Islands Alliance Special Forces has been extremely active and involved in various defender activities. Of note were the operations to liberate and refound Neko Sanctuary and it's help with the defeat of a massive group of nearly 40 raiders attempting to raid European Union, and immediately afterwards, Equestria. RIASF sailors have been present at numerous updates and have logged dozens of missions since the start of summer.

    With only 2 returning members of the previous generation of the RIASF, Red Dusk has turned a group of newbies to R/D into an effective force, rivalling the forces of regions like The Grey Wardens. The Special Forces will do everything in their power to help defend regions. After all, the previous generation of RIA earned a commendation for their efforts. We're damn well going to prove we still deserve it.

    Additionally, in the more recent few weeks, the RIASF pulled off an incredible milestone, bringing 7 people to update for a liberation, with an additional 2 on standby if the numbers were needed. These numbers made up nearly half the assembled forces, between 3 other organisations and the RIASF.

    -Red Dusk

    Foreign Affairs Update

    The RIA Department of State is on the cusp of becoming an inter-regional phenomenon!

    If you know anything about the RIA, you know that the last statement was very gutsy. The Department of State has a long reputation for inactivity and laziness pertaining to foreign affairs. Over the last three years, there have been far more months without an update than there have been with an update. We have rarely maintained a list of diplomats, and when we have, they have not been very active in their assigned regions. Since the reboot, every Secretary of State had been more immigration-minded. They have done an outstanding job at immigration, but foreign affairs has languished. Those days are over.

    I've made bold claims before. I told a dying region that we were the best community on NationStates. I told a population of 120 that we could triple in size. I told Red Dusk that our military could flourish again. This isn't pride, this is a pattern, and I'm not about to let this pattern die. The Department of State will be top-of-the-line in our activity, publicity, and consistency. This update is not the sum total of what this department is capable of; you will see everything improve. Our region has too many bright minds and active nations to be poor at foreign affairs.

    To be honest, it's been a while since I've failed at anything in the RIA, and there's nothing about the Department of State that makes it an insurmountable challenge. I bring a pedigree of success and a track record of getting things done to the office of Secretary of State, and I have no doubt that this will be the region's next success story!

    Recruitment Update

    Last month, after a successful recruitment campaign which started way back in April, we stopped sending mass telegrams from the Kerg account and started sending them from the Shiz account. We received a wake up call two weeks ago that we could not solely rely on one person for mass telegrams with the huge imgur and Reddit bumps. We were successfully able to recruit hundreds of nations only because of a little luck and a few dollars of stamps purchased during the waves. We aren't sure how we'll move forward from this but we will likely ensure that more than one nation has stamps on them at al times. We will also be starting to train manual recruiters soon.


    Department of the Interior

    Our growth this past month has been a fantastic surprise to us here in the RIA. It has created a lot of new concerns for the interior, which is a great thing - this is a new challenge for us and we all know challenges help us to grow. The concerns, at least, in my selfish opinion, lie with role-play opportunities and national/regional involvement. We, the RIA, want to connect with YOU - your nation, your region. So, let us share what’s been happening in our region, so that you can join in on the fun.

    The Renegade (
    Two new contributors have been added to the newspaper staff as regular writers, which makes the staff at four members now. The Renegade, the regional newspaper, now has two featured sections, and a third is in the works:

    1) What You Need to Know - a series written by the Secretary of the Interior about nations within the RIA, offering you a profile of RIA countries and their leaders.

    2) Meet the Renegades - a series about nations from a more touristy, light hearted point of view. (Interviews and writings have begun on this project)

    3) (No Clever Title Yet) - a political analysis of RP wars, elections and other official events.

    As we continue working with our embassies, I hope to add another series which would be dedicated to YOUR regional news updates, so that our members are aware of your events as well. If you are interested in this, let me know - I’d love to add a foreign liaison to our team of contributors.

    New RP: A beginner’s RP has begun in the forum to help some of our new members from the last few weeks of growth. There are veterans who have volunteered to help with the project. Veteran players are considering some suggestions for stricter rules on the forum and many scenarios are quite active. RP continues to thrive in both RMB and forum. RP is now moderated a bit more by two new arbitrators to help keep an organized RMB by implementing a few new changes. RP content and posting suggestions are being offered as a means to reform our RP methods and improve on our RP experience for the users.

    Game Night/Days/Weekends Coming soon…
    My goal, for the rest of the year, is to create opportunities for RIA citizens, and international friends to gather and share a game and a laugh together. After I learned of other regions’ activities and community affairs, I was inspired to steal their ideas. :)  We want to get to know you, other regions of the world! RIA citizens are interested in community games and international cultural events to promote our connections with one another and our embassy regions. We will be coordinating and planning to get these events on the calendar. Games of interest:

    - Town of Salem
    - Planetside 2
    - Cards Against Humanity
    - The Resistance
    - Werewolves
    - Monopoly & other board games and more!

    Once events are scheduled, I’ll announce them. If your region would like to be involved please contact me or join in on the event if it’s already begun - The more the merrier.
    The RIA is looking forward to working with other regions in the near future. If you have suggestions, news, questions, anything, let me know. You can find me on Discord, RIA’s forum, RIA’s regional NS page. I want to provide quality events for my region and my friends all over the world.


    Shizensky Update

    In August, I made the decision to regain control over my nation and offsite forum accounts. I had to quit NS unexpectedly in 2014 and gave full control to HumanSanity. In the time that I was away, Tangaroan Islands and Benevolent Thomas also controlled my accounts. I'm not sure many people can say that they could give away the keys to a region like that and still come back to find things in one piece, or better yet - thriving! I'm thankful to have them as friends. Special thanks to Benevolent Thomas for basically giving Timothia free reign during the reboot that was kicked off in February. Timothia's efforts have led to one of the most prosperous times I've ever witnessed in the 12 year history of the Renegade Islands Alliance.
    While I'm at it, a huge thank you to Timothia for writing a constitution that expects an inactive founder. Now that I'm back, my job is easier than it's ever been!

    RIA Changes by the Numbers (since June 12th)

    Net change in population: +99999 (Actual change of 825)
    New forum members: +834
    New embassies: The Order of the Grey Wardens, Gay
    Citizens' Congress Legislation: 7 passed, 1 repealed

  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Thank you for the update! :D
    1 person likes this post: Menekar

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Come join the RIA for a week of awesome games! Contact me or Dixadoing for details.
    Register and apply for masking on our forums here, and be sure to mention "Thanksgiving Games" in your application for a special gift.
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Thanks for the invitation! You may need to remind us again a few days or a week before, but it sounds awesome. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,496
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      Wintreath Nation
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  • Thanks for the invitation! You may need to remind us again a few days or a week before, but it sounds awesome. :)

    I'll definitely make sure to repost it or remind you guys closer to the week:D
  • Former Citizen
  • Just a reminder about our upcoming Thanksgiving Games Week. Here's a list of the different websites and such that our games will be hosted on. Everyone is welcome:D

    Monday - Poker ( & MechWarrior Online (

    Tuesday - World of Tanks (

    Wednesday - Brawlhalla ( & Warlight (

    Friday - Cards Against Humanity (

    Saturday - Planetside 2 (Steam)

    Sunday - Monopoly ( & Town of Salem (

    Werewolves - (RIA forum)

    The Resistance - (RIA forum or
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