Alright, this was a tough round it seemed.
I counted 5 out of 7 voters: Barnes, North, Gerrick, La Hareng Rouge, and Wintermoot, with shoutouts to @xXTheHydra and
@DekuNut for their silence in this round.
it started off interestingly and pretty mixed, almost seeming like a 3-2 vote against La Hareng Rouge. However, that seems to reversed by a single vote.
And wow! What a switch that was. Because by voting off
Barnes, you voted off the other Werewolf!So now the game should be super easy without anyone being killed off, right?!
We should totally be able to just go day-by-day-by-day and vote people off, right?!
Well, that would make the game boring.
Alas, there was one secret little thing that was never mentioned to anyone except for the Grand Wolf.
The story revealing it hasn't been introduced yet, but the Werewolves have an interesting backstory with the Grand Wolf...interesting in that they were created by the Grand Wolf themselves. This creation was not by choice of the Grand Wolf, but by the will of the Diamond Idol itself. It also decreed (as another story segment would reveal) that if those wolves were ever to perish, it would create an even more powerful werewolf to give a final push to the Grand Wolf to succeed. This wolf would be come to known as the Last Werewolf, and would be born from the Grand Wolf's own turned kin.
Game wise, it's as frightening as it sounds. The Last Werewolf can be found out, but takes two days to kill completely (so they would have to be lynched twice). And starting right from their activation, they can kill a person each night. If you're wondering: the Village Fool's death will not increase his kill count.
So congrats on killing off the two werewolves, because now you have a more powerful one to deal with.
This night phase will begin now, and will end on
August 15th at 3:30PM PST.