With one door closed, another opens. Much to the anticipation of nobody, the Posh Penguin has appeared and taken the world by storm...or so it claims. It boasts as being a magazine centered around using cheap gimmicks, jokes, “news” articles, and games to entertain users of any age. Whether it will succeed in its ambitions is a story in itself to be told, but we’ll be keeping our fingers crossed that the magazine will make it bigger than our mascot’s busty breasts.
You might be thinking "This sounds like a magazine I once knew called the "Lusty Jarl," and you'd be correct. In many ways, this is going to be the spiritual successor to the Lusty Jarl, with some minor and major changes:
-As I'm not a Jarl anymore, there will be no "Messages from the Jarl" articles (There will however, occasionally be "Letters from the Editor" or something appropriately titled). The new publication reflects that move as well.
-Whereas the Lusty Jarl was meant to be an inter-regional magazine, the Busty Bandicoot is meant to be enjoyed by anyone, in the region or not.
-"Hot Topics of the Month" will be replaced with "Scoop of the Month" which will be various favorite pictures surrounding the month of release. Fan favorite submissions are also always welcomed.
-News articles surrounding events in the cultural sector will be replaced with "news" surrounding events that didn't actually happen (aka tabloids).
-"The Barely Known" will be the magazine's interview section. Random people will be pulled to an interview, and topics will range to discussions about them, to the geopolitical structure of certain areas, to whatever subject decides to make itself known.
-"Challenge of the Month" will be replaced by different "_____ of the month" topics.
-"Pengu's Media Reviews" will be an ongoing submission, where I'll be reviewing either a movie, video game, TV show, or story.
-More types of articles will appear as they are thought of.
Things that will be the same will be:
-Quote of the month (though they'll be a bit sillier, less inspirational)
As always, if this sounds like something that people would be interested in taking part in, you're more than welcome. I would love for this to be a group project, but I don't mind taking the time to build it up solo as well.
If you've never seen my previous magazine, you can view its final issue
here.If you're interested in joining up on this project, feel free to express your interest in here, or submit an article via PM. Any articles submitted before the 15th will be added to that publication. Any submitted right on the 15th will be included in the upcoming publication.