North Pacific... never did care much for the big regions that you start in when you register. I strongly believe that they should change it so that the starter regions don't get to have a WA delegate. Those regions are big by default, and it looks like some people take advantage of that by getting bloated endorsement counts. Particularly the North Pacific delegate. Right now it's... some random person called Pallaith who doesn't even answer issues that often, the primary purpose of NS? Who is basically a newbie on NS compared to how long I've been here? And he thinks his vote should be worth almost 1000x what I'm worth? How arrogant. I don't want to see any more topics on the NS forums about people not being more involved in the WA if they're not going to oppose the now broken system where less than a dozen people can control the WA vote by agreeing with each other, ignoring the thousands of people on NS whose votes effectively don't matter any more. There's a reason that no non-sham democracy works this way, you don't just arbitrarily give a few people the voting power of hundreds or a thousand, and if you do, don't act surprised that the people with 1 vote may conclude that there's no point in participating. I've been here for years longer than even my nation population would suggest, due to restarting being the only way to change your nation name and avoid people harassing you, and I remember when delegates only had a few extra votes, while non-delegate votes still mattered. That's gone now, since whoever is running NS doesn't want to fix the problem.
I know there aren't many doing it, but I got an idea from someone else awhile ago: I don't even read the WA things anymore. What's the point, the North Pacific delegate doesn't think my vote should matter. So I vote against whatever he votes for, no exceptions. Not even now when they want to repeal women's rights right now, an important topic for me, I'd rather use my vote making this guy who thinks he's worth 966 votes effectively worth only 965, fewer depending on how many others do it, that's more important. It may take awhile, but I hope that someday enough people will oppose the bloated delegates and either force change to happen, or at least neutralize their unearned influence, if 1000 people agree to vote against the North Pacific, the end result is that everyone else's vote counts more.
So I don't have anything against you specifically, I know it's not like you did this or are responsible for this somehow, but I don't care much for North Pacific, or anyone there who chooses to abuse an outdated game mechanic to drown out the voices of others. Everyone deserves to be heard, not just the North Pacific and a handful other start region delegates.
A question... I don't know, how about: Any thoughts on that? Your profile says "Liberty and Equality", do you support a system and your delegate who are against have equal votes for everyone? Or would it be better to go back to a system where everyone's votes matter in the WA? I was thinking if not abolishing delegates getting linear voting power, logarithmic voting power would make more sense, and still give them some bonus votes like they want.
Oh man that's a lot. Where to start. Sorry for late reply but i have been very busy with real life vacation, I am now back.
On Palliath, he is not a "random nobody". He has been around NS a very long time, and further more he has been democratically elected by many, and the most populated NS region which is no easy feat. Also answering issues is hardly the point of NS. I would argue that 99% of NS is the metagaming of the regional and WA governments as well as military gameplay and roleplays. I believe he deserves a lot more respect and credit than you are giving him.
On the top of "equal voting" and etc. it's just how the mechanism of NS is. Don't blame TNP or Pally, blame the moderators and game creators for how it is. As they say "You gotta play the game to win", and TNP as every other major regions plays the game through recruitment, democratic elections, ads, etc. Not to mention all of our WA votes are voted on to force the delegate vote which I believe brings in a more level playing field.
I understand where you're coming from, but I don't level there will every be an "equal" playing field between regions/nations in NS. It just can't be there will always be regions of larger populations holding more influence. It works the same with in real-life with the UN. In the end of it for me it's understandable for a region of 5000 to have more influence/pull than one of 50. Also don't forget that people aren't restricted to leaving TNP when their nations are formed, and I believe all the voting and checks on the delegate and regional government is a good safeguard against rogue actions in the WA and game itself.
I understand where you are coming from though, and if you do want to change the mechanics of the game I suggest you petition it on the NS forums. I'm sure you're not the only one