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Ask Egalotir, Ambassador from The North Pacific, Anything!
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  • Village Drifter
  • Hello!

    My name is Egalotir, and I'm from The North Pacific. I was here about three years ago before I took an extended break from NS because of school and work. Now I'm back and ready to be active again.

    I'm currently an ambassador, as well as Deputy of Foreign Affairs over in TNP, and active on the gameside as well.

    Hmmm what else.... 22 in real life, love whisky like it's my wife, and I'm an aerospace engineer. I'll leave the rest for you guys to ask and figure out :)

    Happy to be back and excited to get to know everyone and I look forward to working and RPing and general shannanigans with all of you!
    President of the United Socialist States of Egalotir
    The North Pacific Regional Assembly
    Ambassador to The Allied Republics
    Ambassador to Winthreat
    The North Pacific Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

    • Posts: 42
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Welcome back, again!

    What does Wintreath do better than TNP? :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Village Drifter
  • Oh boy, nothing? Duh.

    Hahaha just kidding, just kidding. I think definitely more laid back and more fun. Also more gaming and rp involved. TNP loves RP but it's very...strick and selective. And sadly people don't game, which I aim to fix.
    President of the United Socialist States of Egalotir
    The North Pacific Regional Assembly
    Ambassador to The Allied Republics
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  • Ethereal Dream
  • Does your name mean anything, and is it pronounceable?

    I thought maybe it meant something backwards, Ritolage seems like it should be a real word, but that's only barely more pronounceable than your current name.
    • Ethereal Dream
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  • Village Drifter
  • Does your name mean anything, and is it pronounceable?

    I thought maybe it meant something backwards, Ritolage seems like it should be a real word, but that's only barely more pronounceable than your current name.

    I stole it from the word Egalitarian: relating to or believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities. This is the basis of many of my beliefs as my NS nation.
    1 person likes this post: Aethelia
    President of the United Socialist States of Egalotir
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  • I think of it as E-gal-o-tear in my head.

    Have you ever thought of becoming a Citizen? :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
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  • Hmm...Possibly one day!

    I'm still very busy and stuck with TNP matters at the moment, juggling a lot of work on 2 fronts (forum and RMB).
    President of the United Socialist States of Egalotir
    The North Pacific Regional Assembly
    Ambassador to The Allied Republics
    Ambassador to Winthreat
    The North Pacific Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

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  • Ethereal Dream
  • North Pacific... never did care much for the big regions that you start in when you register. I strongly believe that they should change it so that the starter regions don't get to have a WA delegate. Those regions are big by default, and it looks like some people take advantage of that by getting bloated endorsement counts. Particularly the North Pacific delegate. Right now it's... some random person called Pallaith who doesn't even answer issues that often, the primary purpose of NS? Who is basically a newbie on NS compared to how long I've been here? And he thinks his vote should be worth almost 1000x what I'm worth? How arrogant. I don't want to see any more topics on the NS forums about people not being more involved in the WA if they're not going to oppose the now broken system where less than a dozen people can control the WA vote by agreeing with each other, ignoring the thousands of people on NS whose votes effectively don't matter any more. There's a reason that no non-sham democracy works this way, you don't just arbitrarily give a few people the voting power of hundreds or a thousand, and if you do, don't act surprised that the people with 1 vote may conclude that there's no point in participating. I've been here for years longer than even my nation population would suggest, due to restarting being the only way to change your nation name and avoid people harassing you, and I remember when delegates only had a few extra votes, while non-delegate votes still mattered. That's gone now, since whoever is running NS doesn't want to fix the problem.
    I know there aren't many doing it, but I got an idea from someone else awhile ago: I don't even read the WA things anymore. What's the point, the North Pacific delegate doesn't think my vote should matter. So I vote against whatever he votes for, no exceptions. Not even now when they want to repeal women's rights right now, an important topic for me, I'd rather use my vote making this guy who thinks he's worth 966 votes effectively worth only 965, fewer depending on how many others do it, that's more important. It may take awhile, but I hope that someday enough people will oppose the bloated delegates and either force change to happen, or at least neutralize their unearned influence, if 1000 people agree to vote against the North Pacific, the end result is that everyone else's vote counts more.
    So I don't have anything against you specifically, I know it's not like you did this or are responsible for this somehow, but I don't care much for North Pacific, or anyone there who chooses to abuse an outdated game mechanic to drown out the voices of others. Everyone deserves to be heard, not just the North Pacific and a handful other start region delegates.
    A question... I don't know, how about: Any thoughts on that? Your profile says "Liberty and Equality", do you support a system and your delegate who are against have equal votes for everyone? Or would it be better to go back to a system where everyone's votes matter in the WA? I was thinking if not abolishing delegates getting linear voting power, logarithmic voting power would make more sense, and still give them some bonus votes like they want.
    « Last Edit: August 11, 2017, 03:17:36 PM by Aethelia »
    • Ethereal Dream
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • It almost sounds like you have a personal grudge against the delegate of the North Pacific. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Ethereal Dream
  • Understandable. Though it's more personal against someone I'm reminded of IRL, and more about the position than whoever is in it. I doubt I'll like their next delegate, just like I didn't like their last delegate, the one with the stupid name that I forgot.

    Always someone who thinks their opinion is worth more than everyone else's... that was never me irl, I always used to be the meek one, the one who couldn't have an opinion and had to quietly go along with what the self-declared leader wanted. Just like on NS with it's super-delegates from North Pacific, they voice their opinion early and loudly, making it hard to hear anyone else, and soon it doesn't matter what the popular opinion is, it's all about what the loud person wants.

    For much of my life I just let that happen. Then, doing that got me hurt very badly, someone else got their way and used me. My opinion was made irrelevant back then too. Details aside, I've been advised not to let that happen again, at least without trying to fight against it. Might seem silly to extend that to the internet, but if I don't practice online where everyone is more equal, how will I get better at it irl where almost everyone is bigger than me and some like to aggressively use that advantage to intimidate or worse? Injustice, bullying, and everything associated with one person trying to gain unfair control over others should be fought everywhere. Accept the system and they just take advantage of you... Nobody should end up the way I did.

    I do not recognize that this guy who couldn't figure out how to leave a starter region like you're supposed to, and who I never voted for and never had the opportunity to vote against, should have the authority to have a bigger voice than me, and if he thinks his opinion is inherently worth more than mine, then I don't want to be on his side anyway until he believes that we should all have an equal voice.

    Edit: That reminds me... I saw some ambassador positions were said to be available. It's probably best I not even be considered for those, not the ones to any big regions anyway. Apparently I can't even see them mentioned without making a connection between big regions and their self-important delegates and irl bullies.
    « Last Edit: August 11, 2017, 05:30:09 PM by Aethelia »
    • Ethereal Dream
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  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • For what it's worth, I know TNP puts a lot of effort in getting people to endorse their delegate and get involved in the WA, and I'm not even sure if their delegate can vote however they want or if they're bound to a regional or forum's hard to say whether the delegate believes his opinion should matter more. For GCRs, getting a lot of endorsements on their delegate is also a matter of regional security.

    At the end of the day though it's just how the mechanics work, and for that you should blame the developers who made it that way. I think there's a lot of things on NS that are unbalanced, broken, or just flat-out harm the NS ecosystem. I don't think they're even trying to fix things at this point...they seem to be on a 'back to basics' kick of adding more features for things like answering issues, the region page, and the WA. To their credit, NS wasn't intended to be a game that people invested themselves in or stuck around with for long, but it has been such a game for awhile now, and I'm definitely not a fan of how it's been developed over the last few years.
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    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • I doubt I'll like their next delegate, just like I didn't like their last delegate, the one with the stupid name that I forgot.
    I believe you speak of Plembobria, who I know IRL, very, very, closely.
    Red Mones
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  • You know them irl? did you guys join NS together or cause of each other, or is it a happy coincidence that you're both in the game?
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    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • You know them irl? did you guys join NS together or cause of each other, or is it a happy coincidence that you're both in the game?
    I joined the very next day after he told me about it, although both of our primary nations aren't our originals ones.
    Red Mones
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  • So how did he end up as delegate of the biggest region in the game, and you end up in a backwater like Wintreath? :P
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    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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