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EMPOWERED ISSUE #1: "Innocence Lost"
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  • Adate'lore of Yaim Rusur
  • Thurmond was in pain. Which was a good sign because it meant that he was actually feeling things again. He shook his head and noticed that all the assailants were gone, and that many of the team were not present, with the exception of Daniel on another roof, and Optical was running off after when looked like a bird. Thurmond looked down and then became aware of the three holes in his stomach, which seemed to have completely ignored the armor, which he threw off in disgust. This ended up leaving him standing on a roof, bloody and shirtless, in what looked like the perfect shit storm. Thurmond called out, "Would anyone like to tell me what the hell just happened?"
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  • *bass boosted noises*
    No, that's still attached to the roof. What is this--

    Something swept past Optical. A rush of wind shoved her and knocked her off balance. Optical managed pin herself in place with a sloped mirror, banished it, then pushed herself back up and glanced to see if Derek and Sandra were unharmed.

    For a split second, Optical stared blankly at the empty roof in front of her -- and the abrupt absence of her knife. The goo being pulled away had flung it from Optical's grip. Presumably it had clattered off somewhere, or it remained stuck in the goo (what vampiric creation is that?! I hadn't even made a dent--!) and was now traveling across the sky.

    Then Optical leapt to her feet and onto a mirror, which bent under her and flung her upward. Another mirror materialized under her and she kicked off of that. Then the next and the next, bouncing herself directly upward and keeping her eyes on the fleeing dragon. Surely they'd go to ground somewhere... surely....
    what what in nunavut
    Thurmond was in pain. Which was a good sign because it meant that he was actually feeling things again. He shook his head and noticed that all the assailants were gone, and that many of the team were not present, with the exception of Daniel on another roof, and Optical was running off after when looked like a bird. Thurmond looked down and then became aware of the three holes in his stomach, which seemed to have completely ignored the armor, which he threw off in disgust. This ended up leaving him standing on a roof, bloody and shirtless, in what looked like the perfect shit storm. Thurmond called out, "Would anyone like to tell me what the hell just happened?"
    Suddenly, a team of police and the FBI agents burst through the door onto the roof. Agent Jenkins was holding a smoking sniper rifle and Agent McGrath was holding a GPS of some kind.
    "Excellent shot, Jenkins," he said, approaching the supers. "And excellent work, team. You got us what we wanted."
    "F-for now, uh, anyways," chimed in Jenkins, sliding the rifle over his shoulder and approaching Aztech. "Looks, uh, l-like someone c-contacted the LAW while t-the law was at work. T-thanks for, uh, for s-showing up. The team looked like they were in a tough spot. W-we, uh, we o-owe you one."
    Ashton Mercer
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  • Optical sighed as the dragon swept out of sight, and dropped her way down to the roof as the agents spilled across it.

    "If you say so, agent," Optical said dubiously. "From where this mirror stands, I seem to see a different reflection. Thurmond, are you alright?"
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  • Optical sighed as the dragon swept out of sight, and dropped her way down to the roof as the agents spilled across it.

    "If you say so, agent," Optical said dubiously. "From where this mirror stands, I seem to see a different reflection. Thurmond, are you alright?"
    Thurmond looked at Optical, "I am fine, these wounds will not kill me. The holes are small, must have been small caliber round." He looked around and spotted the dragon on the horizon then looked at the smoking rifle. "Am I to assume you have put some sort of tracking device on them?"
    • Adate'lore of Yaim Rusur
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  • Things were a blur after grabbing that kid. Or, not a blur so much as not very much of a thing at all. He knew that he got hit, there was a lot of steam, he bounced a couple more times, Suit was screaming at him. Things were a little hazy.
    The next concrete thing Aztech really knew was finding himself buried under a pile of rubble (oh, hah, concrete, what a joker), hearing the annoying ALERT sound cycling back and forth. Readouts were damaged, and there was that distinctive lack of background thrumming that told him he'd been kicked into low power. Evidently there had been a lot of damage. He subvocalized to Suit to set displays to priority 1 for repairs, and was promptly rewarded with "Alert: Capacitors at 1-ALERT CANCELLED-Alert: Capacitors at 14%-ALERT CANCELLED-Alert: Capacitors at-" and so on. He acknowledged it, which closed out the cycle and promptly stopped the frustrating bleeps of the alarm every 5 seconds.
    Then he slumped back into the rubble for a few minutes.
    Christ. A fucking dragon.

    When he emerged (turns out he'd been smacked back into that same building, the rubble was the roof above the hole he'd made collapsing onto him), there were a couple of the black ops guys on the roof being lectured by a pair whose appearance screamed 'FBI', not the least part of which was their matching jackets, which conveniently read 'FBI' on the back.
    Now, his job description was 'superhero', not 'snoop', but you picked up a couple of things working with Shrike, and what he overheard gave him enough to do some simple math. Which he decided to inform them of the moment they acknowledged him.
    "I'm getting a pretty strong sense here that you FBI boys never cared about the kid. What you really wanted was the location of these radicals' hideout, probably so you could bust them yourself, rescue the boy, and look great when it came time for budget reviews. Frankly, this is behavior I'd associate with the CIA in some 'third world shithole' as they'd put it, not the FBI, operating on American soil, against American citizens."
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  • icy hot
  • Optical sighed as the dragon swept out of sight, and dropped her way down to the roof as the agents spilled across it.

    "If you say so, agent," Optical said dubiously. "From where this mirror stands, I seem to see a different reflection. Thurmond, are you alright?"
    Thurmond looked at Optical, "I am fine, these wounds will not kill me. The holes are small, must have been small caliber round." He looked around and spotted the dragon on the horizon then looked at the smoking rifle. "Am I to assume you have put some sort of tracking device on them?"
    Agent Jenkins nodded proudly. "A, uh, quick last-minute d-development of t-the mission. Of my, uh, my own p-planning."
    "And it never would have been possible if not for you," Agent McGrath said, shaking Thurmond's bloodied hand. "You have my thanks, and you can bet this success will be reflected on your paycheck."
    "I'm getting a pretty strong sense here that you FBI boys never cared about the kid. What you really wanted was the location of these radicals' hideout, probably so you could bust them yourself, rescue the boy, and look great when it came time for budget reviews. Frankly, this is behavior I'd associate with the CIA in some 'third world shithole' as they'd put it, not the FBI, operating on American soil, against American citizens."
    Agent Jenkins scowled. "R-rude. You w-would never s-see me t-trash talk LAW like, uh, like that."
    Agent McGrath did likewise, stepping in front of Aztech. "Not so fast, chief. This case and all of these shenanigans started with Andrew's disappearance and that alone. The fact that his kidnappers happened to be the lead members of one of the most dangerous domestic terrorist cells in the United States, well, that was just dumb luck. We still fully intend to rescue him once we raid their base in..." He glanced at Jenkins' GPS. "Washington state, near Mount St. Helens."
    Ashton Mercer
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  • Thurmond nodded, turning to the team, now sufficiently damaged composition wise. "We should head out as soon as possible" he twisted trying to find Daniel, eventually seeing him in the sniping position he was in. "Are you fit for another go Daniel?" He shouted
    • Adate'lore of Yaim Rusur
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    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • Thurmond nodded, turning to the team, now sufficiently damaged composition wise. "We should head out as soon as possible" he twisted trying to find Daniel, eventually seeing him in the sniping position he was in. "Are you fit for another go Daniel?" He shouted
    Daniel could barely make out a yell from across the street, but the pain was beginning to deafen him. He couldn't move a muscle in his leg or it shot back up. He tried crawling but he didn't get very far before he heard the elevator ding and a group of men in black suits approached him. A syringe went into his neck before he could react, and everything turned to black.
    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • Thurmond nodded, turning to the team, now sufficiently damaged composition wise. "We should head out as soon as possible" he twisted trying to find Daniel, eventually seeing him in the sniping position he was in. "Are you fit for another go Daniel?" He shouted
    Daniel could barely make out a yell from across the street, but the pain was beginning to deafen him. He couldn't move a muscle in his leg or it shot back up. He tried crawling but he didn't get very far before he heard the elevator ding and a group of men in black suits approached him. A syringe went into his neck before he could react, and everything turned to black.
    Agent McGrath coughed. "Turns out that Daniel wasn't exactly who we thought he was. He's a wanted man, and the nature of his crimes makes giving him a pardon near impossible for us. I'm afraid he won't be joining us."
    Agent Jenkins clapped his hands and smiled at the assembled supers. "S-So, who wants to, uh, join us to h-help us rescue Andy and, uh, finally t-take down those t-terrorists?"
    Ashton Mercer
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  • Thurmond raised an eyebrow, counting back all the atrocities he had committed himself, yet said nothing. Realizing that now he was one of the few combat ready supers in this merry band of glorified mercenaries, he chuckled. "I want to be paid, and if tracking down the child and his terrorist associates is what it takes to do so, then so be it." he said bluntly. Walking over and picking up his tomahawks, Thurmond was ready.
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  • "I doubt I'll be of great assistance, but I'll lend my mirrors," Optical said. "Lead the way, agents."
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    Ashton Mercer
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  • Thurmond raised an eyebrow, counting back all the atrocities he had committed himself, yet said nothing. Realizing that now he was one of the few combat ready supers in this merry band of glorified mercenaries, he chuckled. "I want to be paid, and if tracking down the child and his terrorist associates is what it takes to do so, then so be it." he said bluntly. Walking over and picking up his tomahawks, Thurmond was ready.
    "I doubt I'll be of great assistance, but I'll lend my mirrors," Optical said. "Lead the way, agents."
    ”Wonderful. I knew I could count on you guys. Now here’s what we need to do...”

    Outside Mt. Hood National Forest, Washington

    The United States government has really outdone itself for the raid on the terrorist base. SWAT teams from the PDs of three nearby large cities, a small army of ballistic vest and windbreaker-clad FBI agents, a large posse of local sheriffs and police officers, and a few very out of place looking park rangers with shotguns and hunting rifles slung over their backs gathered on a roadside rest stop that was near their target. Torrents fell from the turbulent grey sky above, soaking everything in warm summer rain. Presiding over them was Agent McGrath, flanked by a distracted Agent Jenkins.
    “Just to remind everyone, here’s the plan. Thurmond will be leading the vanguard in to attack and overwhelm the terrorists, as well as rescuing Andrew and locating Keisha Evans. The rest of our forces, with tactical cover from gunfire and dragon-fire provided by Optical, will surround the building, and as soon as Keisha is smoked out by the vanguard will work to take her down. The surrounding force will also be focused on making sure the rest of the terrorists and Andrew end up in custody. We need to take this group down for good: we don’t want anybody to be able to escape this one. We will be supported from the air by several helicopters with snipers in them, along with Aztech who will also provide assistance in capturing Keisha and pacifying Andrew.”
    He clapped his hands together. “Now, are there any questions?”
    Ashton Mercer
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  • Outside Mt. Hood National Forest, Washington

    The United States government has really outdone itself for the raid on the terrorist base. SWAT teams from the PDs of three nearby large cities, a small army of ballistic vest and windbreaker-clad FBI agents, a large posse of local sheriffs and police officers, and a few very out of place looking park rangers with shotguns and hunting rifles slung over their backs gathered on a roadside rest stop that was near their target. Torrents fell from the turbulent grey sky above, soaking everything in warm summer rain. Presiding over them was Agent McGrath, flanked by a distracted Agent Jenkins.
    “Just to remind everyone, here’s the plan. Thurmond will be leading the vanguard in to attack and overwhelm the terrorists, as well as rescuing Andrew and locating Keisha Evans. The rest of our forces, with tactical cover from gunfire and dragon-fire provided by Optical, will surround the building, and as soon as Keisha is smoked out by the vanguard will work to take her down. The surrounding force will also be focused on making sure the rest of the terrorists and Andrew end up in custody. We need to take this group down for good: we don’t want anybody to be able to escape this one. We will be supported from the air by several helicopters with snipers in them, along with Aztech who will also provide assistance in capturing Keisha and pacifying Andrew.”
    He clapped his hands together. “Now, are there any questions?”

    Thurmond shook his head, now only wearing a light vest. "Nei, I have no questions." He said bluntly as he gripped his tomahawks, ready for battle.
    • Adate'lore of Yaim Rusur
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  • Optical stood under a mirror shard, neatly deflecting the rain, and was eyeing the various guns with some concern.

    She cleared her throat. "Mirrors cannot cover every angle and their aim can move faster than I. I will do my best, but you should not act as if you are invincible. I will prioritize those of us near the dragon." Optical then frowned. "Please don't try to shoot through the mirrors either. Other than that, I am prepared."
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  • Thurmond nodded at Elbbsas. "Ja, it is important to realize that even we are not invincible either, so do not get calm if we charge in. If you do not help us, we could die, and if we don't, but get hurt, I'll be angry at you." He said, unironically. "Shall we begin?"
    • Adate'lore of Yaim Rusur
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