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EMPOWERED ISSUE #1: "Innocence Lost"
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  • Optical nodded to Daniel. "On it." She raised her hands (mostly for effect) and started 'pushing' the wall forwards, aiming to wrap around the side of the police and leave a clear path for them.

    "You all might want to get your weapons out. And get ready to run or shoot if they slip around the side," Optical said quietly. "A pay check is all well and good, but people can't collect it if shot in the head."
    • Posts: 2,850
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    Ashton Mercer
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  • Optical nodded to Daniel. "On it." She raised her hands (mostly for effect) and started 'pushing' the wall forwards, aiming to wrap around the side of the police and leave a clear path for them.

    "You all might want to get your weapons out. And get ready to run or shoot if they slip around the side," Optical said quietly. "A pay check is all well and good, but people can't collect it if shot in the head."
    "Woah, it's moving!"
    "Stand back!"
    Police fired a volley of bullets at the shield, to no avail. When the wall cleared however, they would be ready and armed.
    Ashton Mercer
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  • Optical nodded to Daniel. "On it." She raised her hands (mostly for effect) and started 'pushing' the wall forwards, aiming to wrap around the side of the police and leave a clear path for them.

    "You all might want to get your weapons out. And get ready to run or shoot if they slip around the side," Optical said quietly. "A pay check is all well and good, but people can't collect it if shot in the head."
    "Woah, it's moving!"
    "Stand back!"
    Police fired a volley of bullets at the shield, to no avail. When the wall cleared however, they would be ready and armed.
    Noticing the shots, Thurmond began crackling with electrical energy. He released a tasing pulse directed at the officers that went around the wall hopefully not killing but at the very least stunning them for a extended period of time.
    • Adate'lore of Yaim Rusur
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    Ashton Mercer
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  • icy hot
  • Noticing the shots, Thurmond began crackling with electrical energy. He released a tasing pulse directed at the officers that went around the wall hopefully not killing but at the very least stunning them for a extended period of time.
    Shouts and screams echoed through the barrier as the front line of police fell to the floor, alive but barely conscious and groaning in pain. Another burst of gunfire slammed into the barrier, bouncing off harmlessly.
    "Shit! Fall back, fall back!"
    "We need backup in Stairwell C!"
    Ashton Mercer
    • icy hot
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  • Some aggressive speed-reading and a quick call to Sparrow to run operational intelligence for him later, Aztech felt fairly up to date on the situation on the ground. This boy was superhuman in some form or another, and evidently had some capability to tap into these at times of high stress (Sparrow reported Shrike had about 4 possibilities listed for his capabilities, none of which seemed particularly safe in a hospital).
    Complicating matters was the fact that he had been kidnapped by three anarchists pushing some bizarre agenda that he didn't really have the time to dig into. This was made marginally more difficult by one of them being a superhuman, who, supposedly, could turn into a dragon. Which was weird, but, hey, he'd dealt with weirder (see: demon luchadore, lying unconscious in the middle of Rodeo Drive).
    Further complicating matters was that the SFPD, generally inflexible at the best of times, was actively gunning for the boy because he'd killed LVPD cops (never mind that, legally, he wasn't deemed responsible). This meant working with them would be difficult, and so he probably wouldn't try. 'Better to seek forgiveness than ask permission' seemed to be the principle on which LAW and most superhuman vigilantes operated anyway. No reason to change this working relationship. They'd have to be all smiles when he left the anarchists glued to a wall anyway.
    Furthest complicating matters was that Sparrow had taken the liberty of checking in on the IC networks for anything on the unfolding situation, and the FBI of all agencies (he'd expected those hacks at the Office of Superhuman Activities, but the FBI?) had brought together a team of...varying moral fibrousness (the most charitable tone he could take concerning some of them) to resolve this in the most, stupid, black op, CIA-style fashion possible, and this same team had engaged a SWAT team in a stairwell in the hospital. No reported injuries as yet, fortunately, but that could change very quickly. Always wound up doing so with teams of this...caliber.

    Good thing he'd come, and hadn't just tried to palm this off on Victory whenever she got back, or worse, left it in the hands of local PD. He hadn't even gotten there yet, and this was already shaping up to be a pretty rough situation.
    Still. Four objectives, in order of importance. Secure the boy. Capture the anarchists. Prevent the black ops team from causing casualties. Keep the police in check.
    "We will arrive in thirty seconds," Suit told him, and he snapped out of his mental recap to get ready to deal with this situation before it got even more out of hand.
    Time for a big show of force. Use that reputation LAW had to de-escalate the situation.
    "Sparrow, get into SFPD comms and the hospital PA and get our theme song going. Time to make an entrance."
    And so as Aztech streaked into the heart of San Francisco like a green-and-gold comet, the police officers besieging the hospital stared incredulously at their radios as a rather aggressive guitar solo began blaring from them. Amidst the distraction, he took up a position facing the ward the anarchists were believed to be in, hovering midway between the third and fourth story, and calling for their surrender (while implicitly telling the SFPD to stand down as he hovered above them).
    "LAW is on the scene. Surrender now and we can all walk away from this. Fail to surrender and you'll be thanking your lucky stars you're already in a hospital when I'm done with you. You have one minute to indicate your surrender, or I'll come in and drag you out."
    Now the usual awkward silence while they talked out the merits of surrendering. He'd give them 30 seconds or so before he'd press them again. But hopefully these were smart people, who'd do the smart thing and surrender. Who knew what kind of damage a dragon might do? I mean, one, who even knew how bi-
    "Sparrow - how big is this dragon supposed to actually get?"
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    Proud Burner
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  • -snip-
    Some aggressive speed-reading and a quick call to Sparrow to run operational intelligence for him later, Aztech felt fairly up to date on the situation on the ground. This boy was superhuman in some form or another, and evidently had some capability to tap into these at times of high stress (Sparrow reported Shrike had about 4 possibilities listed for his capabilities, none of which seemed particularly safe in a hospital).
    Complicating matters was the fact that he had been kidnapped by three anarchists pushing some bizarre agenda that he didn't really have the time to dig into. This was made marginally more difficult by one of them being a superhuman, who, supposedly, could turn into a dragon. Which was weird, but, hey, he'd dealt with weirder (see: demon luchadore, lying unconscious in the middle of Rodeo Drive).
    Further complicating matters was that the SFPD, generally inflexible at the best of times, was actively gunning for the boy because he'd killed LVPD cops (never mind that, legally, he wasn't deemed responsible). This meant working with them would be difficult, and so he probably wouldn't try. 'Better to seek forgiveness than ask permission' seemed to be the principle on which LAW and most superhuman vigilantes operated anyway. No reason to change this working relationship. They'd have to be all smiles when he left the anarchists glued to a wall anyway.
    Furthest complicating matters was that Sparrow had taken the liberty of checking in on the IC networks for anything on the unfolding situation, and the FBI of all agencies (he'd expected those hacks at the Office of Superhuman Activities, but the FBI?) had brought together a team of...varying moral fibrousness (the most charitable tone he could take concerning some of them) to resolve this in the most, stupid, black op, CIA-style fashion possible, and this same team had engaged a SWAT team in a stairwell in the hospital. No reported injuries as yet, fortunately, but that could change very quickly. Always wound up doing so with teams of this...caliber.

    Good thing he'd come, and hadn't just tried to palm this off on Victory whenever she got back, or worse, left it in the hands of local PD. He hadn't even gotten there yet, and this was already shaping up to be a pretty rough situation.
    Still. Four objectives, in order of importance. Secure the boy. Capture the anarchists. Prevent the black ops team from causing casualties. Keep the police in check.
    "We will arrive in thirty seconds," Suit told him, and he snapped out of his mental recap to get ready to deal with this situation before it got even more out of hand.
    Time for a big show of force. Use that reputation LAW had to de-escalate the situation.
    "Sparrow, get into SFPD comms and the hospital PA and get our theme song going. Time to make an entrance."
    And so as Aztech streaked into the heart of San Francisco like a green-and-gold comet, the police officers besieging the hospital stared incredulously at their radios as a rather aggressive guitar solo began blaring from them. Amidst the distraction, he took up a position facing the ward the anarchists were believed to be in, hovering midway between the third and fourth story, and calling for their surrender (while implicitly telling the SFPD to stand down as he hovered above them).
    "LAW is on the scene. Surrender now and we can all walk away from this. Fail to surrender and you'll be thanking your lucky stars you're already in a hospital when I'm done with you. You have one minute to indicate your surrender, or I'll come in and drag you out."
    Now the usual awkward silence while they talked out the merits of surrendering. He'd give them 30 seconds or so before he'd press them again. But hopefully these were smart people, who'd do the smart thing and surrender. Who knew what kind of damage a dragon might do? I mean, one, who even knew how bi-
    "Sparrow - how big is this dragon supposed to actually get?"
    As Andrew slammed his body through the rooftop access door (it was locked), Aztech's warning echoed through the starlit skies.
    "Dammit!" Sandra shouted. "Of course the fucking capes show up!"
    Derek leveled his AK-74. "We need to fly, now!"
    "No," Keisha growled, her eyes suddenly turned a glowing red. "I know this one. Aztech. He ain't one we can just run away from. He'll chase us across the world, he has that power."
    "Then what do we do?"
    She snarled. Fangs were now visible. "We need to make sure he can't use that power. We need to beat him down so hard, he can't follow us through the air."
    Keisha knelt down and turned to face Andrew, putting her hand on his shoulder.
    "Hey, Andy... Remember what I said about fighting back?"
    Andrew nodded. "Yeah."
    "Now's the time for that. Follow my lead."
    Suddenly, Keisha began transforming, her body twisting and warping and growing, shooting out jets of flame as she did so. After a moment, she appeared anew: a giant, violet-scaled and red-eyed dragon. She was so massive and heavy that the hospital shuddered under her, alerting the FBI special team that something was happening on the roof.

    Keisha's closest comrades had seen this transformation many times, but Andrew hadn't. He stared at her, wide-eyed with childlike amazement.
    "Woah! How the heck am I supposed to do that!?"
    The terrorists laughed. Keisha snorted flame in amusement.
    "Don't worry about that. I don't think you can. Just hop on my back."
    Andrew looked at her and blinked, muttering to himself as he climbed Keisha's scales and sat on her long reptilian neck. "This just keeps getting weirder... but also cooler..."
    After Andrew was situated and Derek took a position by the door, Keisha looked at Sandra and nodded.
    "Hold on, Andrew... Now!"

    Sandra fired a volley of five heavy-caliber armor-piercing rounds straight at Aztech as the duo charged him, and she landed all of them. It didn't do much but cause his suit to shudder and send a shower of sparks flying around, but that was all that they needed. The one thing that Aztech saw before impact was Andrew jumping through the air, aiming a superpowered fist directly at his face.
    Ashton Mercer
    • icy hot
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  • Adate'lore of Yaim Rusur
  • Thurmond heard the rumbling from up above. He could feel his heart rate go up, the electrically charged adrenaline coursing through him. With visable sparks he charged full speed ahead towards the door, not caring if anything was in his way. He kicked down the door in a sparking ball, anything near him would be 'current'(haha get it)ly feeling a crisp 300,000 volts fly through them and likely unconscious now. He saw the strangely suited man flying get nailed in the face, but more importantly he saw the dragon. He ducked behind the nearest cover and waited for Daniel, whispering "Tíminn þinn er kominn dýrið!"
    • Adate'lore of Yaim Rusur
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    Ashton Mercer
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  • icy hot
  • Thurmond heard the rumbling from up above. He could feel his heart rate go up, the electrically charged adrenaline coursing through him. With visable sparks he charged full speed ahead towards the door, not caring if anything was in his way. He kicked down the door in a sparking ball, anything near him would be 'current'(haha get it)ly feeling a crisp 300,000 volts fly through them and likely unconscious now. He saw the strangely suited man flying get nailed in the face, but more importantly he saw the dragon. He ducked behind the nearest cover and waited for Daniel, whispering "Tíminn þinn er kominn dýrið!"
    While Andrew was jumping off of Keisha's back to punch Aztech in the face, the FBI team arrived. Derek was hit by the electical blast and was blown halfway across the roof, sending his gun scattering. He rolled around on the ground, groaning in barely conscious pain.

    Sandra loaded another cartridge and opened fire at the door, sending her high-velocity slugs in the heroes' general direction, for suppressive fire. The bullets shattered the concrete walls and punched holes in the thick metal door like it was Swiss cheese.
    "Eat AP rounds, assholes!"
    She moved to recover Derek and his gun and pull him behind cover, still taking potshots.

    The FBI radio sparked to life. It was McGrath. "Hey, be careful! I didn't want to tell you guys this earlier, but that guy, the poor bastard you just fried, is our main informant!"
    « Last Edit: August 11, 2017, 04:13:39 AM by Ashton Mercer »
    Ashton Mercer
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  • Optical hurried up the stairs after Thurmond, reaching the last turn of stairs as a spray of bullets tore through the door. She jerked backwards, despite still being a few steps down. Optical waited for the fire to pause and then cast several layers of mirrors just outside the door. Only then did Optical keep running up and out onto the roof, scattering her mirrors inbetween herself and the shooter. Hopefully, they would obstruct the shooter's view of the door.

    She ducked to another piece of cover, taking in the dragon and the child punching at an armored suit. "Excellent, we have a third party," she muttered, then tapped her earpiece. "Agent, in the interest of not accidentally harming any further allies, is there anything else you didn't want to tell us that is pertinent?" As she spoke, Optical was working out which direction she should run to reach the edge of the roof quickly. She was thinking.

    Fried. That places the individual up here, on the roof. Now that's interesting. How does the agent have an informant, a main informant, in among three people, all three of which had dossiers detailing bombing, thievery, treason, and the like. It would explain... but... no, I need more data.

    Optical then turned towards Thurmond.

    "Are you still opting to electrocute the dragon?" she asked. "The circumstances aren't precisely optimal."
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  • Optical hurried up the stairs after Thurmond, reaching the last turn of stairs as a spray of bullets tore through the door. She jerked backwards, despite still being a few steps down. Optical waited for the fire to pause and then cast several layers of mirrors just outside the door. Only then did Optical keep running up and out onto the roof, scattering her mirrors inbetween herself and the shooter. Hopefully, they would obstruct the shooter's view of the door.

    She ducked to another piece of cover, taking in the dragon and the child punching at an armored suit. "Excellent, we have a third party," she muttered, then tapped her earpiece. "Agent, in the interest of not accidentally harming any further allies, is there anything else you didn't want to tell us that is pertinent?" As she spoke, Optical was working out which direction she should run to reach the edge of the roof quickly. She was thinking.

    Fried. That places the individual up here, on the roof. Now that's interesting. How does the agent have an informant, a main informant, in among three people, all three of which had dossiers detailing bombing, thievery, treason, and the like. It would explain... but... no, I need more data.

    Optical then turned towards Thurmond.

    "Are you still opting to electrocute the dragon?" she asked. "The circumstances aren't precisely optimal."
    Thurmond was cursing at the shots when he noticed Optical running up towards him. After she asked her question he simply responded, "Well, I was waiting for Daniel, but he seems to be taking his dear sweet time. We need to get this rifle wielder taken out before we can try and handle the Dragon though." He crackled with electricity and pulled out his bow, and knocked a round ball-shaped arrowhead that appeared to be made out of a light metal. "I could take her out with an electrified arrow but I will need a second and a clear shot. Thing you can provide this my friend?"
    • Adate'lore of Yaim Rusur
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    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • "Yeah, yeah fuck you too buddy. I'm still not exactly excited to get fired o-Ah shit she's big. You, shield lady, make sure I don't get my head bitten off, yeah?"
    Daniel walked up to where the dragon could see him, but not close enough to immediately bite his head off. Grabbing the needle gun that he knew would do nothing, Daniel shot her while screaming
    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • Thurmond was cursing at the shots when he noticed Optical running up towards him. After she asked her question he simply responded, "Well, I was waiting for Daniel, but he seems to be taking his dear sweet time. We need to get this rifle wielder taken out before we can try and handle the Dragon though." He crackled with electricity and pulled out his bow, and knocked a round ball-shaped arrowhead that appeared to be made out of a light metal. "I could take her out with an electrified arrow but I will need a second and a clear shot. Thing you can provide this my friend?"
    "The easiest way to circumvent her own cover would be to make some stairs for you to run up, but that requires too much coordination for a firefight." Optical cast a mirror above her cover and stood up, adjusting the opacity, and looked for the shooter and dragon. "But, mirrors are know for a distractive quality."

    Optical cast a foot-sized platform beside her and stepped onto it, and waited for a pause in the gunfire.

    Then she sprang upwards and out of cover, and began to run and tumble and leap and fall from conjured platform to platform, up and out in an unpredictable pattern (helped by conjuring additional panes and paths to conceal where she actually was, and hopefully preventing a bullet to the face), but leading away from Thurmond, occasionally taking potshots towards the shooter with her needle gun.

    As Optical went, she cast a pane between Daniel and the dragon when the latter moved to attack the former.
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  • optic's fiber
    Optical hurried up the stairs after Thurmond, reaching the last turn of stairs as a spray of bullets tore through the door. She jerked backwards, despite still being a few steps down. Optical waited for the fire to pause and then cast several layers of mirrors just outside the door. Only then did Optical keep running up and out onto the roof, scattering her mirrors inbetween herself and the shooter. Hopefully, they would obstruct the shooter's view of the door.

    She ducked to another piece of cover, taking in the dragon and the child punching at an armored suit. "Excellent, we have a third party," she muttered, then tapped her earpiece. "Agent, in the interest of not accidentally harming any further allies, is there anything else you didn't want to tell us that is pertinent?" As she spoke, Optical was working out which direction she should run to reach the edge of the roof quickly. She was thinking.

    Fried. That places the individual up here, on the roof. Now that's interesting. How does the agent have an informant, a main informant, in among three people, all three of which had dossiers detailing bombing, thievery, treason, and the like. It would explain... but... no, I need more data.

    Optical then turned towards Thurmond.

    "Are you still opting to electrocute the dragon?" she asked. "The circumstances aren't precisely optimal."
    "No, that's it. Sorry about not mentioning it earlier, but it wasn't exactly my information to divulge, if you catch my meaning. Good luck." The radio fell quiet.
    "Yeah, yeah fuck you too buddy. I'm still not exactly excited to get fired o-Ah shit she's big. You, shield lady, make sure I don't get my head bitten off, yeah?"
    Daniel walked up to where the dragon could see him, but not close enough to immediately bite his head off. Grabbing the needle gun that he knew would do nothing, Daniel shot her while screaming
    mirror mirror
    "The easiest way to circumvent her own cover would be to make some stairs for you to run up, but that requires too much coordination for a firefight." Optical cast a mirror above her cover and stood up, adjusting the opacity, and looked for the shooter and dragon. "But, mirrors are know for a distractive quality."

    Optical cast a foot-sized platform beside her and stepped onto it, and waited for a pause in the gunfire.

    Then she sprang upwards and out of cover, and began to run and tumble and leap and fall from conjured platform to platform, up and out in an unpredictable pattern (helped by conjuring additional panes and paths to conceal where she actually was, and hopefully preventing a bullet to the face), but leading away from Thurmond, occasionally taking potshots towards the shooter with her needle gun.

    As Optical went, she cast a pane between Daniel and the dragon when the latter moved to attack the former.
    Sandra managed to slap Derek awake. Now he joined in the fight, sending a spray of gunfire at the heroes while Sandra reloaded.

    Keisha roared, taking a moment from her acrobatic duet with Andy to incinerate the rude Michigander below her. A massive jet of fire shot down directly on Daniel, scorching the concrete and heating a stray piece of rebar to a dull red. Luckily for them, Optical's shield deflected it from the team. Unluckily for them, Keisha had grown wise to the antics of the FBI team and was now focused on them, temporarily ignoring Andrew and Aztech. She slammed into the roof and roared, swinging her tail at them.
    Ashton Mercer
    • icy hot
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    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • Keisha thought Daniel was dead.
    Her mistake.
    When the smoke cleared, Daniel had a bit of soot around him, but besides that was entirely unharmed. Now it was his turn.
    Charging up all he could and focusing his upmost, he sent an explosive fireball right into the Dragon's back side.
    "Gotta do better than that to kill me, bitch!"
    Knowing he didn't have much time, he ran as fast he could to the exit. With any luck, those idiots would take the distraction and finally put her down. For now, though, his job was done.
    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • Keisha thought Daniel was dead.
    Her mistake.
    When the smoke cleared, Daniel had a bit of soot around him, but besides that was entirely unharmed. Now it was his turn.
    Charging up all he could and focusing his upmost, he sent an explosive fireball right into the Dragon's back side.
    "Gotta do better than that to kill me, bitch!"
    Knowing he didn't have much time, he ran as fast he could to the exit. With any luck, those idiots would take the distraction and finally put her down. For now, though, his job was done.

    As Daniel, rushed to the exit, he ran into Mr. Hayashi who was also making his way for the exit. "Oops! Sorry man!", Hayashi said in an uncomfortably deep voice. Unexplainably, Daniel and anyone else seeing this weird predicament felt a vague, sinister feeling emanating from Hayashi. Nobody noticed him. Was he just standing there this whole time? After half a second, Hayashi quickly got out of the way and allowed Daniel to escape. Hayashi was suddenly nowhere to be seen.
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    « Last Edit: August 12, 2017, 09:24:07 PM by Mariam »
    On tumblr at

    Good night, ladies, good night, sweet ladies, good night, good night.
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