Andrew single-handedly defending himself against half a dozen supers like
Actually that prompts a question. Why create a character whose whole thing seems to be that they're a passive observer? Wouldn't that role be served just as well by just lurking the IC thread and posting here?UNLESS there's some strange long game here that I'm not picking up on.
I'm hurt by Daniel's mis-observations. Sure, Andrew is whaling on Aztech, but there's a bright red bubble around him that's soaking all the hits. Sure, it's not a sphere, but still.Although from a distance and with the bad light I guess it could just look like he's actually hitting him. Fine.Anyway I suppose if it misses and he notices Daniel, I'll pop the bubble and just start trying to goo him down. It won't work, since he'll just tear it up with superstrength, but it might wear him out. Let him just get all that anger out. Throw that tantrum, kid, so Aztech doesn't need to beat you up on national TV.
If video games have taught me anything, it's that a red shield is about to pop. Besides, your posts are like the length of a Game of Thrones/Harry Potter/Bible lovechild.
Not if it starts red. Which is unfortunately not something games do. Probably because we're so used to that color scheme.And I mean, I'm accustomed to writing long. That seemed to be the major criterion by which quality was measured for the RP forums I cut my teeth on.Although in retrospect they may just have defined things that way as a relic of most of them apparently coming from the Neopets RP boards.
Something seemed to give, and Optical's eyebrows shot up. Did that work or did I just hit a bubble...?