Post #99367
June 21, 2017, 02:55:24 PM
I think that the creation of more laws, particularly when they regulate something that could just be done as a matter of custom, is kind of dumb. Laws which enforce politeness are dumb; laws which restrict criminality (insofar as you can actually be criminal in an internet community, which is to say, an immensely limited extent, particularly since it's not like we even have a military so we can't even get testy about espionage or treason or some other crime of that nature), limit malfeasance (insofar as its practical; again, Ainur PTSD rears its head as I observe that should Wintermoot decide to go power-mad (the probability of which, it should be noted, is infinitesimal), there's not a lot we can do about it), or provide regulation for everyday conduct (e.g. 'how do we protect the environment' - not especially likely to be an issue on an internet forum, but my ego demands I be exhaustive so I can show off to everyone I feel like I should point out that I don't think most laws are dumb) are the only ones which should be made.
But if the real issue is that y'all want to draft up documents so bad, just make a written log of all the unwritten rules of the skrifa. Then they can have all the public weight of law (largely limited to opprobrium), and none of the actual binding nature of the law (none of you will, idk, go to internet jail for failing to mention someone).