I wondered if my concern about this was because I'm speaking from the 'realm of privilege'.
I've read some other articles and comments about this, and one thing that keeps coming up is that this is needed because 'people of colour' are discriminated against on grindr and other dating/hookup apps (whites only, no blacks/asians, etc). I have to admit, when I was younger and first getting into guys I was exclusively into white guys, but over time as I explored myself and the wonderful world of male bodies, I came to like and sometimes even prefer them.
Not going to lie, I'd happily get on my knees and worship Asians like they're a master race.
But the thing is, changing the gay flag isn't going to resolve that issue...you have to encourage people to be open minded, and I think that has more to do with getting to know and love other kinds of people. It's a known fact that when a person gets to know and befriends different kinds of people, their prejudices against that kind of person drops too. It's probably the reason why the gay community has become so much more accepted so quickly.It just seems like something that people can feel good about without actually changing anything.
Fact of life: In the gay world anyone who isn't a Caucasian, fit (IE actually having a muscular build), masculine, young male is going to get discriminated against on most dating/hookup apps. People will absolutely refuse to speak to certain races, will specifically put "Straight acting/masculine only" in their profiles...and don't even get me started on how they can be towards someone deemed overweight or "old." Are we going to start adding stripes for every single type of person on that list? And this is just covering the G part of the LGBT field.
The pride flag already exists with the thought of diversity of
all races and sexualities and whatnot in mind. It was essentially made as a message of "be who you are and be proud of who you are," saying that whether you're gay, straight, white, black, transgender, cisgender, etc... that you should embrace who you are. Be out, be you, and be proud to be you.
I understand wanting inclusion into something, and I respect that people want to feel included in something. But they're disrespecting the flag by disregarding its core message and trying to stand themselves out on a flag that already embraces everyone to start with.
Do what others have done and just create a new flag centered around
your message, in this case that PoC LGBT do matter.
Example being: The stigma against transgenders is...well, to put it lightly it's a bit heavy. They face adversity from those in the heterosexual community, and likewise they face a lot of adversity from the gay community. Simply because they feel they belong as the opposite gender that they are, it's almost like the fears of coming out, but intensified since it's even less of a thing that people are okay with. They have to fight to be able to even use the bathroom of the gender that they identify with because of narrow minded people that have to relate everything to sexual agendas and masked pedophilia.
To this day, they're still fighting to have equal rights like everyone else, and being treated like everyone else (I work in retail, and whenever a transgender person walks in, there's ALWAYS negative gossip about them <_<).
Did they add their own flair to the Pride flag? No, they went and just made their own.
Hell, bisexuals have their own pride flag, even Pansexuals have their own pride flag.
Rather than going out and trying to alter an existing flag, why not make a new one? Is there really anything wrong with a pride flag for LGBT PoC? Not at all, in fact, I welcome such a flag as much as I welcome other flags that people wish to introduce to show pride about themselves or an important aspect of themselves (in this case, race/the challenges attached to race that they've faced in the LGBT community).
Just don't change what's already fine as it is. It's already diverse and spreads the message embracing everyone regardless of who you are. It's not even considered the "Gay Pride" flag anymore, it's considered the "Rainbow Flag" for LGBT+ pride. Meaning, hell, if you're anyone that's not heterosexual (and even then, allies are always included in the +), then this flag is meant to represent you regardless of your race, age, gender, or other factors.