Post #98078
June 05, 2017, 03:21:30 PM
Currently I lurk the RMB, skimming the RPs and dropping in my two cents whenever someone brings up something not RP-related. Quite a few of the RPers are pretty invested in their nations' stats, so I see potential there to recruit nations who will take a more active interest in regional gameplay, if it's pitched correctly.
I also regularly lurk the WA forums, reading up on past discussions and forming opinions on pending proposals and the process in general. One day, I hope to take a more active role in there and perhaps author a proposal, though I have yet to figure out what to write it on.
I'm also currently in the process of raising my Safety stat after severely tanking it. It's a long, drawn out process since I'm also trying not to tank my other stats, but I'm confident I will prevail in the end. Though it might take a year or two to get back up to where I was. And my plans for a very pleasant anarchy may have to be put on hold until after.