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Stanaford University Offering Transgender Inclusiveness Course
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  • I don't know if this is an interest for anyone, but since we're a LGBTQ+ community I thought I'd go ahead and post it here just in case. :)

    Stanaford University is offering a free online course named "Health Across the Gender Spectrum", which is open now. Focusing on the experiences of transgender children, this course will inform students about gender identity and the gender spectrum, then explore ways to make settings such as homes and schools safer and more gender inclusive for them. While it's geared toward transgender children, I'm thinking of going through it to see if we can make Wintreath a better place for transgender members. :)

    Just thought I'd put it out there in case anyone else was interested. The course begins on May 22nd, and registration is open until May 27th. Again, the link is here. :)
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    « Last Edit: April 30, 2017, 04:39:49 AM by Wintermoot »

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  • This looks really interesting. I'll have to check it out.
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  • The course doesn't start until May 22nd, but I think if you register you can go ahead and go through the first week before it officially opens. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • I just finished with the first week of the course! It was mostly an introduction to what being transgender means, starting by presenting some of the experiences of transgender children and then going into what it means to be transgender and clarifying areas people tend to be confused about, especially clarifying that gender identity is not the same as sexual orientation, and that a transgender person isn't necessarily also gay (in fact, both have their own separate spectrum!).

    For me it was nothing new, but for someone who didn't actually know or have any experience with transgender people I think it would be a good primer on the subject. In fact, if it weren't for the fact that Cabinet members are already likely to have such experience, I would be tempted to make it mandatory learning for new members.

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  • Just finished with the second week! This week started out discussing medical options for transgender children, such as the option to delay puberty until the child/family are sure they want to begin transitioning and then the option to take cross sex hormones and later on have surgery (some people choose to do both, one but not the other, or neither). It also discussed the fact that in order to get these treatments you have to have a medical diagnosis (formerly gender identity disorder, now gender dysphoria) and whether it's appropriate to have to do that since it implies there's something wrong with them. Finally, it discussed people who may not identify as male or both or neither gender, or a third gender, and how to create a supportive environment for them, especially with language.

    As before, this was a quick and informative unit to complete, taking about 30 minutes. I still think anyone could have gotten something from this week's unit, especially the non-binary gender section, but to be honest this week's information seemed particularly geared toward parents, teachers, and medical professionals.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • From what I understand, the course as a whole is geared towards parents, teachers, guardians, medical professionals, and any adults that are responsible for children in a caretaker/educational capacity, with the ultimate goal being to help them foster environments that are gender inclusive.

    Depending on how the third week goes, I might have to push for the staff of another site I mod to take the course. I'm hoping there will be some incorporation of digital applications and models, but I'm doubtful since I'm only seeing physical examples listed in the syllabus.
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  • I'm hoping they or someone else do a class geared towards teens and adults, and include digital examples, but I suppose it makes sense that a first effort should be directed toward helping kids that probably aren't participating in online communities much.

    Still, the first unit and the nonbinary portion of the second unit is good stuff for the general audience, I think. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • *cough* Stanford *cough* ;)
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  • I'm hoping they or someone else do a class geared towards teens and adults, and include digital examples, but I suppose it makes sense that a first effort should be directed toward helping kids that probably aren't participating in online communities much.

    Still, the first unit and the nonbinary portion of the second unit is good stuff for the general audience, I think. :)
    Oh, definitely, though one can always hope for more.

    I do hope this is just the first course of several to come.
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  • I got busy and wasn't able to do the last week before the deadline, but there was a neat option to transfer my work to a new session of the same course, so I did it and finished this week. :D

    The third week was basically an overview which boiled down to listen to what the patient/student/child wants and create an environment that promotes diversity and acceptance. One tidbit I found interesting was a video from a kindergarten teacher who had to adjust her classroom for a transgender student...turns out, not only were the changes good for that one student, but for everyone else, too. When the classroom became gender-neutral, boys and girls started playing with each other more instead of grouping up with people of the same gender. I'm sure that helps fight things like sexism, too.

    Overall, I think people who aren't familiar with what transgender is would get a lot from those course, especially the first week, but if you already have transgender friends like I do you probably already know most of the material. I still enjoyed going through the course, though. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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