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Wild Men of Wichita OOC/Sign-Ups
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Justinian Ezkantion
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  • That's plenty.

    Do I need to have a proper bio before I start, or can I jump right in?
    I would like you to have one, if only to help with role play
    Justinian Ezkantion
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    Ashton Mercer
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  • icy hot
  • That's plenty.

    Do I need to have a proper bio before I start, or can I jump right in?
    I would like you to have one, if only to help with role play
    Understood. I'll try and cook something up.
    Ashton Mercer
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    Ashton Mercer
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  • icy hot
  • There. An attempt has been made. Hopefully it's good enough.
    Ashton Mercer
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    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • There. An attempt has been made. Hopefully it's good enough.

    Just know that Eli might be disappointed to learn these are less free nomads and more bands of criminals that run America's biggest protection racket. Also the Wild Men are just Jim's little gang. The greater organization is nameless as it de jure does not exist, it is merely smaller organizations controlled by Rufus.
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    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • icy hot
  • Now, how should I join the party?
    Ashton Mercer
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  • You were chilling in the cart too.
    Easier by far to just pretend you've been there the whole time.
    2 people like this post: Gerrick, Ashton Mercer
    Proud Burner
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    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • You were chilling in the cart too.
    Easier by far to just pretend you've been there the whole time.
    I was going to have him meet up with the rest of the group at the town but this is easier.
    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • oh boo I was gonna have joe spot the tracks when he got back (although before the bullet was mentioned I'd figured it for bears)
    but this works too
    Proud Burner
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    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • oh boo I was gonna have joe spot the tracks when he got back (although before the bullet was mentioned I'd figured it for bears)
    but this works too
    Not bears.
    Justinian Ezkantion
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  • Adate'lore of Yaim Rusur
  • My comment is a rather personal joke over the Russian version of bear hunting, which is literally standing in a circle around a bear den then shooting it when you wake it up (usually with trained hounds), it is hilariously anti-climactic I figure an ambushed lion with what, 6 guns pointed at it would have the same effect.
    • Adate'lore of Yaim Rusur
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  • aw y'all started cooking my grouse already?
    and here I hadn't even got back to you guys yet to figure out what all the commotion is

    besides which why do we even need to worry about African lions anyway, wouldn't some cougars or the like have expanded their territory given the decreased influence of humanity in the region?
    I mean, sure, it's cool and all to imagine escaped circus animals and their descendants prowling around, but I mean it's been coming on 40 years, they'd be on the third or even fourth generation now and inbred as all hell
    Proud Burner
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    Ashton Mercer
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  • icy hot
  • aw y'all started cooking my grouse already?
    and here I hadn't even got back to you guys yet to figure out what all the commotion is

    besides which why do we even need to worry about African lions anyway, wouldn't some cougars or the like have expanded their territory given the decreased influence of humanity in the region?
    I mean, sure, it's cool and all to imagine escaped circus animals and their descendants prowling around, but I mean it's been coming on 40 years, they'd be on the third or even fourth generation now and inbred as all hell

    no tears

    only lions now
    Ashton Mercer
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  • Now that I think about it, the 'Russian bear hunt' idea would probably be cool, but realistically a lion pelt is gonna be worth beaucoup bucks, and so shooting it to pieces is probably a terrible idea. Moreover, considering the firearms some people are toting (revolvers, pistols, shotguns of unspecified gauge), it's doubtful they've got enough stopping power for a lion. Or a bear, for that matter.
    Only Smiley and Joe have rifles (although I had never mentioned it, it has long been a part of my image of him. If you care, Winchester 1895 chambered for 30-06, chosen because a) nothing says 'wild west all over again' like lever-action rifles and b) it was a common sporting rifle, and a very common caliber).
    I mean, no hate on the people carrying pistols, it's just that they're useful mostly in an urban context, because any gun violence in urban environments occurs necessarily at close range, and so controllability, and perhaps more importantly concealability, are crucial, whereas in a rural environment a rifle is just far more practical since a) better at long distance and b) more stopping power, a practical consideration given that a temporary civilizational collapse happened before semi-automatic firearms really became prevalent and so the double or triple-tap just isn't as much of an option.

    of course the simplest solution for our lion problem is for Joe, as what is clearly a Magic Native American, to wander off into the woods for some time, after which everyone just hears a roar, a shot, more roaring which dies down afterwards, and then after thirty minutes of wondering how they're gonna kill it now that it's had dinner, he strolls back in carrying the carcass back over his shoulders because he broke its neck with his bare hands after shooting it in the eye somehow didn't kill it well enough
    Proud Burner
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  • I mean, no hate on the people carrying pistols, it's just that they're useful mostly in an urban context, because any gun violence in urban environments occurs necessarily at close range, and so controllability, and perhaps more importantly concealability, are crucial, whereas in a rural environment a rifle is just far more practical since a) better at long distance and b) more stopping power, a practical consideration given that a temporary civilizational collapse happened before semi-automatic firearms really became prevalent and so the double or triple-tap just isn't as much of an option.
    Perhaps that's something we could be looking for: more rifles.

    And are you sure semi-auto pistols weren't prevalent? Colt had developed semi-auto pistols all the way back in 1900. Or do you mean just semi-auto rifles? And it's not like they had to all be privately-owned by citizens. Some could have been bought/stolen from the US military/police around the time of the collapse and then spread.

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  • I didn't mean to suggest they didn't exist, just that they weren't prevalent. I'm sort of taking the stance that the majority of federal law enforcement, for example, didn't switch to semiautomatics till the '80s, and it would be much more likely that in the event of some type of collapse that people would successfully raid police armories rather than military ones (the military likely being the sort of organization to institute some degree of local control in the absence of a central government, since we all know that he who has the guns makes the rules in the absence of some higher authority).
    Of course I might misunderstand the prevalence of semiautomatic pistols among the civilian population, but I don't really know the period very well.
    Although it does surprise me that we don't have someone packing a BAR, since those were pretty well-liked by depression-era gangsters as far as I know.
    Proud Burner
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