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The Lore of Mithra
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  • Sorry for the delay; exams and essays are "fun." (I kid, they actually are fun, but very time consuming and stressful). I've been deliberately not clicking on anything in The Halls Of Art And Writing so I don't end up missing anything. Anyway, now that my exams (almost) are done, I have time to chill and read for fun. (Well no, I don't, but my last exam is philosophy and I've good notes on it and it is next week, so I can afford to chill for a day).

    Fortis_Scriptor: Eclenia History part 2
    Hello, and welcome to the second part of the history of Eclenia, today I will be quickly going over the rest of the Aspada Dynasty, then the Eclenian War of Succession in the mid 16th century Gregorian calendar. Finally I’ll quickly pass over the Second Imperial Dynasty of Eclenia, the time of the Andolo Dynasty.
    Heh, I can see that Marius was revered a ton more than these later Emperors and Empresses. Being the First does that, I suppose. You weren't lying when you said "quickly."

    Tiberius: Well, it's nice to see that Eclenia had a break. I had no idea what an "arquebus" was, and now that I have informed myself I am mildly concerned. Hook guns are always helpful, I suppose.

    Katherine: Ayyyye! Katherine is spelt correctly! Whoo!
    Though, with this line: "This war also served as the first field testing grounds for the arquebus. Which had problems but was positively received by Eclenian soldiers." A better way to phrase that may be "This war also served as the first field testing grounds for the arquebus. It had problems but was positively received by Eclenian soldiers."
    The "which" makes the sentence not work if read on its own, and for a "historical" piece it's good to have every individual sentence work (since some people (like me) will want to skim through). It really isn't important since this is just outlining and history, but good to keep in mind. (Plus it's a style choice to use sentence fragments and such -- it just felt weird to see this type of thing).

    Merrick: Dat five-second-foreshadowing. =D So the moral of his story is "if you can't have baby, don't be ruler or you'll mess up the line of succession."

    Gretta/James/War of Succession: Heh. All that effort to line up and then Gretta steals the thunder. I approve of this chaos. I'm surprised it took a year or so for things to kick off. Though, I suppose it takes time for factions to form. And it happened in such clean cardinal direction divisions!

    George: I'm sure that the rule of a five-year-old will last! Also, I do appreciate how the murders began on his birthday -- that is lovely. Small suggestion, maybe put "False Emperor" in quotation marks? Y'know, they be quotes, so ya quote 'em. =D

    Despina: I'm guessing that another title for this era could be "The Reign of the Child Kings." I'd say "Emperor," but "Child-King" sounds more dramatic. At least this one was only banished. There is no fridge-horror here. Nope. None at all. *reads further* Oh, I see the Eclenian historians already saw the "Child-Emperor" thing. Well... fine.

    Alonzo: "Alonzo led a coup against his brother and niece. Resulting in the death of Vincenzo, and the exile of Despina." Once again, this is a sentence fragment. You have a tiny habit of these in these historical things, I've noticed. I'm assuming that these are your own notes? From personal experience, my syntax takes a dive when I'm outlining/engaging in colloquial speech, so I'm going to stop pointing these out and assume these are things you are already aware of.
    Alonzo seems like a good guy. A shame that there is absolutely a historical bias present here, but I'll freely choose to believe that Alonzo was a good man.

    Nikaros: Never touch religion with a ten-foot-pole. This passage only reinforces that moral. I am highly amused by the "screw over" slipped into this passage.

    Francis: Wow, this is the reign of the Do Not Do These Things. First poking religion, next gambling? Hoo boy. Now, is he a gambler in games or a gambler as in "If we invest in the navy, there is a chance that things will improve for us"? I mean, it sure paid off in the Soerian-Eclenian War.

    William: Aaaaaand continuing the theme of No Bad Do Not Do, we have an alcoholic. They called him "The Drunk"? Ouch. I do like how his reign ended. Talk about irony! And, talk about an emperor with a moral!
    I wonder, is the "in universe" writer of this piece biased against the Andolo Dynasty, or are those in this time just bigger in personality? Or did more records of this time survive the ages? Or did more writings of those who disapproved of these emperors survive?

    The Final Andolo: Wait, what was his name? Did I miss it, or was is stricken from the history books?

    Man, I feel bad for Alonzo. His descendants did not age well in the history books.

    The Dragons in Mithra are a big mixed bag, one you come across could be equal to Merlin in a massive scalely form, and the next you come across will try to eat you because you smell like the colour purple, one of the other things I forgot to mention is that a good number of them are at this point senile...
    Pffft. I honestly laughed aloud when I read that. Senile dragons! That is amazing.

    Fortis_Scriptor: Sotiris Dynasty
    Hello everybody and welcome to the third post on the history of Eclenia. Today we will be going over the Sotiris Dynasty.  :D
    Anders: This stinks of historical bias. "Oh look, the previous emperor was an awful person, but here I am fixing everything!" Judging by the legacy of the previous emperor, you'd be hard-pressed to do worse than him and anyone would end up looking golden. 

    Jyris: Ah yes, guns = more death. Are these the type of gun that need complicated reloading, or do they auto-reload by this point? *knows nothing about guns.* I think I like this emperor purely because of how he was "looking for good men to leave to his son." That's nice.
    Speaking of nice, it's nice to see the elves and such pop up again. Question: would you treat Humans as a proper noun? You do so for Dwarves and Elves, and I am curious.

    Roucil: Ok, I admit that I'm skimming the warfare by this point. Battles aren't my thing. I will commend your ability to keep track of all the nations in this world, because good grief. It's good to see that Anders and Jyris's efforts towards bettering Eclenia were not spent in vain (yet. I'm writing as I read--

    --Wait. I should not skim these things. Oh wow, I have been reading for a while. I'll stop here at Roucil Sotiris and keep going tomorrow.

    Like I said in the spoilers -- your capacity to track everything is impressive. You have a small habit of using sentence fragments in these, but as these are information only it isn't something to be all to concerned about. The slips of casual language made me chuckle.

    Good work. o7

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  • Hello and welcome to the fourth and final part of the Eclenian History series today we will be discussing the Eclenian Civil War which sets the stage for my main story, I hope you all enjoy the following lore and that you all have a great day  8)

    PS I would like to mention the majority of the post gives a detailed summary of the first battle of the Eclenian Civil War to show you the general feeling and tone that the war would have through its entirety.  ;)


    After the return of the army in late 1879 Emperor Maria once again went before the senate and requested the law be changed to allow those not of noble birth to hold the position of senator. This time it was brought to a vote, and in the spring of 1880 ahead of schedule the Senate held the vote knowing that not everyone could attend. (Especially supporters of the change). The vote didn’t pass by three votes.

    The Merchants were outraged by the sly tactic and pleaded for a revote, which the Senate avoided and put off again and again.

    In 1882 protests began all around Mercia demanding the Senate hold a revote or leave the decision to the Emperor.

    During this time anti-noble sentiment stirred throughout Eclenia, the largest concentration being in Mercia where there had (Before the rise of the Merchants) been a very large amount of oppressive noble families which did some rather nasty things to keep power and wealth.

    In the dawn of the new year in 1883, a massive protest in Redris occurred. The crowd was so large that the local order of Knights, The Watchers of Redris, came in to try and maintain order, however, they did so armed; This caused an escalation in fear and aggression in the crowd, the Merchants responding by bringing out armed MPA (Merchant Party Auxiliaries) to protect the people and try to keep things orderly. This tension and many armed citizens led to one trigger pull which would ignite a powder keg. A shot was fired and a civilian lay dead. Things descended into chaos from there. Within two months the situation deteriorated into full Civil War, when the Merchant Party, backed by the Eclenian Third Army Corps, founded the Merchant Republic of Eclenia based in Mercia. Their goal, to liberate Eclenia from the oppression of the entrenched nobility, who were holding Eclenia back. Some of the most radical among the Merchants even sought to remove the Emperor from power. But surprisingly the vast majority still saw the Emperor as their sovereign and thought they were not only liberating the people from the iron grip of the nobles but the Emperor as well.

    The Emperor, however, while she sympathised with the Merchants could not allow them to achieve their goals by overthrowing the government and spilling the blood of their fellow Eclenians.

    The forces of the Second Corps at this time under what was supposed to be the temporary command of General Titus Greene were ordered to find, aggravate, and destroy the rebel army bringing the war to a swift end. Greene was furious when he heard his orders. He had kept track of the Sarvanist War and had heard of the many exploits of the Heroic Third Corps, he sent a telegram to the Emperor asking her if she knew what his orders were. She replied by telling Greene she knew exactly what he was being ordered to do, and that she had total faith in him, within the envelope of the letter she sent were red rose petals a symbol of Eclenian resolve, and a memorial to the blood of the fallen.

    Greene knew that there was no choice, this was a battle he had to fight if he tucked his tail and ran the honour and legitimacy of the Eclenian cause would be but a distant memory. Greene would martial as many troops as he could but out of the 500,000 men in the Second Corps, only two legion brigades managed to answer the call in a combat effective state.

    Seeing how few regular soldiers had reported for duty in time, one of General Greene’s staff officers Major Artorius Uthred, who was also a Knight of the Red Rose sent word to the local chapter and mustered as many knights and Rose Order Auxiliaries as he could.

    100 Rose Lancers and 2,500 Rose Order Auxiliary Infantry answered the call.

    At the time Greene’s Army left their encampment on April 27th, 1883, it contained a total of roughly 32,600 men.

    24,500 infantry
    2,100 cavalry
    6,000 artillery (16 guns)/engineers/other noncombatants

    The army contained the following units.
    First Legion Brigade
    Legio IX ‘Victrix Constans’
    Legio V ‘Jyris’
    Legio XXIV ‘Saevus’

    Second Legion Brigade
    Legio XLII ‘Antilonica’
    Legio XV ‘Fortis Fidelis’
    Legio XX ‘Anders Certa Pia’

    Red Rose Auxiliaries.
    First Antilonica, Auxiliary Infantry
    Second Antilonica, Auxiliary Light Infantry
    Sir Uthred’s Lancer Company.

    General Greene’s Army of Northern Antilonica marched north to seek out the Merchant Army, for they’d heard the few units of the Third Corps which had remained loyal to the crown were now besieged at their garrison posts.

    They moved to the fort of Aloclia where they engaged a force of MPA driving them off from their siege positions relieving the garrison.

    Short on Staff Officers, General Greene promoted the Captain in command of Fort Aloclia, Rowen Iyra to Major, and Major Uthred to Lieutenant Colonel, as he was in command of the Rose Order’s column.

    Major Iyra left his subordinate in charge of the garrison and ordered them to burn any supplies they could not carry, and the fort itself to the ground, before retreating to the heartlands to regroup.

    The army continued forward, marching along Jura Road towards the city of Belchor with the intention of drawing out the Merchant Army.

    On the scorching hot morning of May 12 1883, Scouts from the Ninth Legion reported massive enemy movement north-west of their position.

    The first battle of the Eclenian Civil War was about to commence.

    General Greene ordered the whole army to battle order. The Merchant’s were coming and he needed to deploy his forces quickly. The Ninth, who was at the head of the column deployed skirmishers at the base of the row of hills (Now known as Uthred’s Heights) on the western side of the road, providing cover for the rest of the army.

    The Battle of Uthred’s Heights.

    The 68th Imperial Dragoons of the Ninth Legion was the first to engage the enemy when their patrols ran into MPA skirmishers. The Dragoons forced the MPA troops to fall back closely pursuing the retreating forces with zeal. It was exactly what the enemy wanted, the over eager cavalry was drawn into the light forest and found themselves ambushed by a regiment sized force of MPA Infantry. The 68th took heavy casualties losing their Colonel and two Captains, soon chaos erupted throughout the encircled Dragoons. It seemed that every dragoon would be slaughtered, but then a junior centurion by the name of Conwyn Jodoc rallied his troopers and led a charge attempting a breakout. They succeeded, taking even more losses, but the regiment had made it out with enough men to remain combat effective and they still had their colours in their possession. The remaining troops of the 68th fell back to the heights to report what they’d run into.

    By the time they returned (At noon) the First Legion Brigade and Rose Order Auxiliaries were fully deployed along the heights with the Fifteenth Legion of the Second Brigade deployed on the extreme right in the low woods and onto the road.

    At the peak of the heights, 10 of the army’s 16 guns were lined up, with the remaining light horse guns deployed on the extreme right with the fifteenth defending Jura Road.

    Soon MPA Line Infantry had started moving in formation to engage the Ninth Legion which was stretched across the whole front.

    Both sides were trained in line of battle tactics which proved deadlier than ever as both sides were mostly armed with the standard issue Grigor-Banes breech-loading rifles, though some regiments on both sides were armed with late Banes’ Company rifled muskets.

    The Grigor-Banes has an effective range of 500 yards and a maximum range of 2,100 yards.  Engagement distances during the Battle of Uthred’s Heights averaged 100 to 250 yards.

    The Hardened MPA troops were ferocious fighters with units taking 60 to 80 percent casualties before breaking ranks and retreating.

    The soldiers of the Ninth Legion were virgins of battle but well trained nonetheless. They held firm providing enough time for the forces up the heights to dig in.

    More and more MPA forces emerged from the forests onto the field in front of the heights, a legion sized force at least. These tightly packed formations were met with the full force of the Loyalist heavy cannons atop the hills.

    At 14:00 hours, the pressure on the paper thin line of the Ninth Legion became too great forcing them to fall back. Some units with good order, others in a disorganised panic.

    On the extreme left around a place called Sefin’s Farm, one unit of the Ninth having been cut off from communication did not retreat. The 37th Antilonican Rifle Regiment, and what remained of the 68th Dragoons held a defensive position garrisoning the farm buildings and a stone wall. The Merchants hadn’t committed many forces to the farm complex and those that had were completely routed by the elite Sharpshooters of the 37th.

    At 16:30 hours, the rearguard units of MPA troops were committed to the fight in a massive flanking manoeuvre striking the Loyalist extreme right on Jura Road. 

    The MPA force known as the Shield of Mercia was a force of 38,000 men, the vast majority of it infantry with only 100 cavalry, and roughly 3,000 other troops including noncombatants and a total of 50 trained artillery gunners manning 6 24 pounder howitzers. They were commanded by Sarvan War Veteran, the retired General Victor Larfton, nicknamed Zadkiel’s Finest for his unwavering stubbornness in battle.

    The force that struck the Fifteenth Legion on the Jura Road was 6,000 men strong including two grenadier regiments who along with their standard infantry equipment had dynamite and other throwing explosive devices.

    The assault struck two concentrated points on the right flank, the first charge came through the woods. The Merchant troops yelled and screamed at the top of their lungs as they sprinted through the thick brush. The Loyalist line infantry confused and scared by the poor visibility and chaos of battle panicked when the MPA Grenadiers hurled bombs at the line. The first bomb exploded in the very centre of the 49th Antilonican Fusilier Regiment’s line killing the Colonel and both flag bearers. The 49th subordinate officers young and inexperienced gave whatever orders they saw fit to their men driving the formation into complete disarray. Two Companies, directed by Captain Gelirn Wheadon, rushed to the Colours and retrieved them before trying to reorganise the line. He found the Lieutenant Colonel Willem Hepmann badly wounded having lost an arm. Hepmann officially gave command over to Wheadon before standing using his one arm to grasp the Regimental Colours. The rest of the regiment was in full route. The MPA pressed their advantage flooding the wound in the Eclenian line with as many troops as they could. There’s only so much two companies of wavering infantry can do against 3,000 veteran enemy troops.

    The Legate of the Fifteenth legion, Brigadier General Kelar Syon prepared to move troops to plug the enemy breakthrough when the other enemy assault began striking right down Jura Road.

    This enemy assault did not go as well when 4 light guns opened fire with canister shot, followed by the well-directed volley fire of the 45th Antilonica Fusilier Regiment.

    General Syon sent her aide, Second Lieutenant Garret Jyrison to send for reinforcements.

    In the woods things had devolved into a bloody melee, small groups of troops of the 49th led by Junior Officers rallied together and fired volleys at point blank range, before getting wiped out by bombs, bullets, and bayonets.

    Most of the remnants of the 49th centred around Captain Wheadon and the Colours who held a fragile circle, Lieutenant Colonel Hepmann was killed by an enemy Sharpshooter, his body fell on the flag nearly knocking it to the ground.

    Lieutenant Jyrison returned with troops from the Twentieth Legion. A full regiment of Line Infantry rushed into the woods pushing the MPA troops out from behind the Loyalist line, but bloody melee fighting continued.

    Meanwhile, at the centre, the MPA Infantry pressed up the heights attacking the entrenched forces of the Fifth, and Twenty Fourth Legions. Loyalist Officers ordered their men to hold fire until the last possible moment. The MPA Infantry got within 50 yards before eating volleys.

    The Merchants, in turn, brought up their 24 pounders within minimum range, hiding guns and gunners in the midst of infantry formations. When the artillery teams reached their desired positions, the infantry that was covering them charged at full tilt forward, drawing fire long enough for the gunners to load and fire before taking cover.

    At 16:50 hours, General Larfton dispatched all of his cavalry with a fresh Light Infantry regiment as well as mixed Line infantry to go around the right (The Loyalist left) flank and hit the heights from the rear, attacking whatever baggage, and reserve forces were there.

    As the MPA flanking force moved into position, they to their complete surprise began receiving fire from Sefin’s Farm.

    The 37th Rifles, and the 68th Dragoons at this point about 600 men strong, had for hours remained in their defensive position, having never received their orders to retreat with the rest of the Ninth Legion, and with the heavy smoke caused by the battle they had no idea what was going on to their right. The Loyalist troops had not remained idle during their long respite from the action, they had dug well into the walled Farmstead, they used wagons and hay bales to make it possible to shoot over the walls, Sharpshooters were posted at every window, and the rest of the soldiers just found whatever crevice they could shoot through, many climbing onto the rooftops of the barn, stables, and main house.

    The commanding officer of the MPA troops sent on this flanking manoeuvre was Colonel Colyn Stroffer, with Commissar Aeric Prelin in tow. Neither of them knew that the position in front of them was cut off and even if they did, they couldn’t move past to continue their objective until it was dealt with.

    So at 17:45 hours, Colonel Stroffer ordered his 1,800 men to assault the Farmstead.

    The forces in Sefin’s Farm, commanded by Colonel Rhys Luwen (Commander of the 37th) and Acting Captain Conwyn Jodoc (In Command of the remnants of the 68th) knew that they couldn’t hold their position forever as they had already expended close to if not a little more than half of their ammunition in the earlier engagement.

    The two officers both agreed however that they could be an obstacle and annoyance to the enemy from their strategic position, and so they beckoned the enemy to charge.

    A sharpshooter of the 37th, Corporal Jyris Freeman shot Commissar Prelin from off his horse killing him. The enraged Merchant Light Infantry (Prelin was their commanding officer,) charged ahead of the mixed Line Infantry, they were riddled with fire being forced back to the Line Infantry.

    Next, the combined infantry force pushed up to the stone wall outside the fortified farm where a close range firefight began.

    Colonel Stroffer urged his men to press forward from his horse, quickly drawing the attention of a sharpshooter who shot his horse out from under him. Before the Colonel could even get up from his dead horse another shot hit the Colonel in the arm. His men told him to retreat to a safer position but Stroffer refused and continued to lead his men at the wall.

    Soon, the volume of fire from Sefin’s Farm began to wane as men were killed, and ammunition ran lower.

    At 18:50 hours, Stroffer ordered his men to fix bayonets and charge the farm. They leapt over the bullet battered stone wall and with a ferocious yell, hurled themselves at the walls.

    The first two attacks were repulsed as they couldn’t break down the large wooden doors to the courtyard. Upon the third, however, at 19:20 hours, a dismounted Merchant cavalryman finally hacked through the door’s bar. Stroffer and his men flooded into the courtyard, they were met by Captain Jodoc’s few remaining dismounted cavalry who stormed into the fray swords in hand.

    During the ensuing melee, Colonel Stroffer was once again wounded, taking a bayonet to the leg. His men rushed to protect him and pulled him out of the fight.

    Taking advantage of the enemy’s moment of weakness, and using everything they had, the Loyalists defending Sefin’s farm pushed the Merchants back out of the courtyard closing the doors and heaping whatever they could in front of it.

    Stroffer furiously screamed at his subordinate officers saying, “We’ve almost got them beat damn it! Don’t let up the attack! Give them Remiel’s fury!” They were his last words.

    Inside Sefin’s Farm, things weren’t looking much better for the Loyalists, they were almost completely out of ammunition with the few remaining rounds being given over to the Sharpshooters, who used them well. Colonel Luwen was dead, Captain Jodoc was wounded, and as it stood a few more than half of their men were dead or wounded.

    Knowing their position was hopeless, Captain Jodoc prepared a small barrel of gunpowder to be used to blow out the back wall of the barn providing an escape route.

    Jodoc and the other remaining officers organised their men, they needed at least a handful of men to stay behind and hold the line while the rest of the defenders retreated. Many of the wounded, too badly hurt to retreat fast enough, or at all volunteered, they were joined by three Sharpshooters and a couple other volunteers.

    Stroffer’s highest ranking subordinate Major Frei Jossin, ordered the remaining troops to recommence the attack. The exhausted Merchant troops smashed open the door and broke through the barricade clashing with the few remaining defenders in the courtyard. At the moment the melee re-commenced there was a loud explosion as the gunpowder was detonated. The majority of the defenders left, the wounded first poured out of the newly created door pulling back towards the road and the heights.

    Out of the 1,000 men of the 37th Antilonica Rifle Regiment, only 360 survived the battle the rest were killed or captured They lost their Colonel, Major, 6 Captains, and 11 Lieutenants. Out of the 1,000 men of the 68th Imperial Dragoons, only 182 of them survived the battle the rest were killed or captured, they lost Their Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, 8 Captains, and 17 Lieutenants. Out of the 600 men who took part in the main engagement at Sefin’s Farm, only 119 escaped, the rest were killed.

    The Merchant flanking force didn’t fare much better, out of 1,800 men, they took 400 killed and more than 600 wounded. Among the dead were Colonel Stroffer, Commissar Prelin, and at least a dozen more officers from the various units. By the time Sefin’s Farm was captured at 20:20 hours their force was under the command of Major Jossin who was wounded and was by all accounts no longer combat effective.

    During the three and a half hour struggle for Sefin’s Farm, the fighting across the rest of the line began to peter out with the last shots being fired at about 20:30 on the Loyalist extreme right in the woods.

    The Merchant forces pulled back to their encampment five kilometres from Uthred’s Heights.

    The first day of the battle proved to be a bloody stalemate. The Merchants had failed to remove the Loyalist troops from the heights.

    During the night after the first day of battle, the Loyalists gathered the dead and wounded taking tallies. The field hospitals were overfilled to the brim, with only 32 surgeons supplemented by other support staff, things were so bad by some accounts that some officers had to wait hours before getting proper treatment.

    The Loyalist casualties were terrible, with the Ninth Legion facing upwards of 70 percent losses, the Fifteenth took about 20 percent losses, the Twenty Fourth took a little more than 16 percent, and the Fifth Legion lost about 11 percent.

    The battle proved most devastating on the Officer Corps particularly due to the Merchant’s use of their artillery in the first engagements bringing the guns up to point blank, the gunners targeting the Colours.

    One regiment in the Twenty Fourth Legion, the 52nd Antilonica Fusiliers, lost every officer in its ranks down to the last lieutenant who died on the operating table in the late evening.

    The Army of Northern Antilonica lost so many senior officers on the first day, out of the 30 regimental colonels, only 14 lived through the first day (10 were in the reserve and didn’t engage in the fight)

    Total casualties on the first day of battle for the Loyalists were as follows.

    Ninth Legion, 1,200 killed, 2,300 wounded

    Fifth Legion, 127 killed, 440 wounded

    Fifteenth Legion, 600 killed, 1,600 wounded

    Twenty Fourth Legion, 500 killed, 1,900 wounded

    Twenty Second Legion, 160 killed, 400 wounded

     Total                           2,487 killed, 6,640 wounded

    The Merchants too had lost thousands of men, though records were not as well kept, out of the roughly 38,000 men of the MPA forces under General Larfton it is estimated that they took upwards of 5,500 killed, and another 10,000 wounded, losing nearly half of their fighting force.

    Luckily for Larfton, at 22:00 hours on the first day, the vanguard of the First Legion Brigade Eclenian Third Corps arrived at their encampment, under Brigadier General Bran Cadwel. His 15,000 men were the head of a 65,000 man column which continued to arrive through the night and into the morning of the second day.

    Around the same time, General Cadwel arrived at Larfton’s HQ, General Greene and his staff met to assess the situation, and decide what to do next.

    While they had done serious damage to the enemy forces they had engaged, Greene’s forces had taken a good beating as well. It concurred among all of the senior staff as well as battlefield commanders that without reinforcements there wasn’t enough strength or morale to make a push for Belchor. The matter of reinforcements was the real question on the Loyalists’ minds, they weren’t sure if entire legions from the Second were playing catch up, the word had been sent by telegram to both Antilonica and the Heartlands that Greene’s forces were on the Jura Road on their way to Belchor with request for more Second Corps troops to meet him there.

    Some officers in Greene’s staff argued that the chance of reinforcements wasn’t enough to continue on for, and as such, they should retreat to preserve the army; officers holding that opinion were a very small vocal minority, however.

    Most of Greene’s staff were still determined to carry on the fight, even if there wasn’t a chance that they could reach Belchor, it was sure that they could kill as many enemy troops as possible weakening the Merchant’s military strength.

    Greene made a compromise, the army would hold their defensive position for another day to both deal the enemy more damage, as well as wait to see if reinforcements were on the way.

    The decision was acceptable to both sides of the argument leaving them at ease.

    Something which is well documented among the ranks of both armies engaged at Uthred’s heights before the battle and then updated after the first day is that both sides were not expecting the other to fight wholeheartedly. The Loyalists thought that with a bit of force the Merchants would lay down their weapons and order could be restored. The Merchants, in turn, thought the Loyalists would see what the Merchant’s cause was righteous and that they would perhaps even switch sides and aid them in overthrowing the oppressive nobles in the senate. Upon the intense bloodbath, their opinions quickly changed.

    The tone of most accounts on the subject is almost heartbroken. Major Jossin following the fight at Sefin’s Farm standing in the middle of the body strewn courtyard said to a Colour Sergeant, “I have a terrible premonition that this war will last for years to come."

    General Greene too was quoted as saying to his staff, “It is clear to me now that this crimson fire of war will burn bright until it consumes all of the old breed like us. Only then will peace be possible.” By old breed, of course, he is referring to the old Eclenian Army professionals.

    On the morning of the second day upon taking position at their defences on the heights were greeted by a terrible sight in the hour before dawn, as they observed thousands more campfires in the wood past the battlefield. By that moment every soldier in the Loyalist force knew that their situation was hopeless. In my honest opinion, they knew their situation was hopeless even before then, but I think even the most naive lads who had been in reserve the whole first day realised this fact.

    The Merchants began the day by rolling out their artillery, combining the 4 remaining MPA heavy guns the Third Corps batteries brought that number up to 25 guns lined up at the edge of the forest.

    At 06:30 hours the fighting recommenced as the Merchant artillery opened fire lobbing heavy explosive and solid shot at the heights. The first defensive line that on the first day was made up of the Twenty Fourth Legion, and the Fifth Legion, was now made up of the Twenty Fourth, and the Forty Second which had been in reserve on the first day. The Ninth (Which had taken the Vanguard) was completely rotated out and was stationed as a rearguard on Jura Road, while the Fifth was moved to the second line of defence.

    The Loyalist guns responded blasting away at the unprotected batteries.

    At 08:30 hours the Merchant bombardment ceased as the infantry emerged, Eclenian regulars of the Third Corps, flanked by MPA troops marched out in a line that spanned the entire Loyalist defensive line.

    The Loyalist guns pounded the infantry formations all the way across the field, but it didn’t make much difference. The enemy lines were in some places more than a dozen men deep, it was clear that General Larfton wanted to end the fight in one bloody swing. General Greene was determined to make it a hard day, and the Imperial Engineers of the Fifth Legion had done well to aid their commander in his endeavour.

    The defensive lines on the Heights were heavily dug in providing excellent cover for the Loyalist troops. At the very front about halfway up the heights was as I mentioned before the Twenty Fourth and Forty Second Legions, the second line maybe a hundred yards further up was defended by the Fifth and half of the Twenty Second, finally just in front of the peak of the Heights was the Red Rose Auxiliaries as well as the Artillery Guard Regiments of the Forty Second Legion, and the Combat Engineers of the Fifth Legion. At the very peak of the Heights were the Loyalist guns and their crews.

    On the right flank on the Jura Road was what remained of the Fifteenth Legion, and the other half of the Twenty Second Legion, and in the reserve was the wreckage of the Ninth Legion who held defensive positions around the field hospital and supplies.

    At 09:00 hours the Merchant Infantry got within rifle range, around this moment there was a lull in the artillery fire, which is recorded by almost every single source I’ve read. What’s more is the dozens of accounts of Loyalist soldiers officers especially hesitating to give the orders to fire, unlike the MPA officers who were from the previous generation of academy graduates, the officers of the Third Corps Regulars were for the most part classmates of the officers among the Loyalists, some accounts record the officers as having tears visibly rolling down their cheeks as they gave the order to fire. Hundreds if not thousands were cut down in the opening volleys, bodies rolled down the heights and piled up at the base, but never once was the order to retreat given. The Merchants pushed up the Heights shoving their fallen comrades out of the way, picking up the colours if they fell and never faltering in their advance.
    The first Eclenian line tried to hold, but they simply couldn’t fire enough bullets fast enough to stop the Merchant advance. The thin Loyalist line was overwhelmed by thousands of Merchant soldiers who showed no mercy or remorse in the brutal hand to hand fighting in the trench where bodies once again piled high. The Legate of the Twenty Fourth Legion, General Jaap Appelo, realised his position was hopeless but instead of retreating, he sent a runner back to the second line with a message for his friend and former rival General Aeron Emerens Legate of the Fifth Legion and commander of the second defensive line, the message was this, “Open fire and show the Merchants the fire of Remiel, friendly fire be damned.”

    General Emerens at first refused but the messenger had been prepared for that very situation by General Appelo and gave General Emerens a personal message from Appelo. To this day I don’t know what that message was as General Appelo would die not an hour after this message was sent, and General Emerens refused to tell me what it was.

    Whatever that message was though it worked, General Emerens ordered his men to fire into the first defensive line. They poured volley after volley down on the line, this on top of the Loyalist troops in the first line’s refusal to retreat fighting to the near last man slowed down the Merchant advance for three straight hours.

    Around 13:45 the Merchants advanced past the first line and by 14:20 they reached the second line in hand to hand fighting. The fighting here proved to be even more lethal for the Merchant Forces as the speciality of the Fifth Legion was its discipline with the bayonet.

    On the right flank of the Loyalist lines, the forces of the Fifteenth and the other half of the Twenty Second fought in another deadly bloodbath in the woods against the lightest of the Merchant attacks. The battle there would last most of the day until around 16:00 hours when the brush caught fire and spread lighting the whole wood ablaze forcing both sides to retreat from the battle.

    Around that same time, the Second Defensive line was given the order to retreat by General Greene, the retreat was, for the most part, a disorganised mess but the forces under General Emeren managed to survive falling back to the rearguard positions with the Ninth.

    Following the retreat of General Emeren’s forces, there was a lull in the fighting as the Merchants took some time to recover having fought for eight straight hours without stopping. At the same time Lieutenant Colonel Uthred prepared for what would become one the most iconic moments in the early Eclenian Civil War, he gathered his Knights and the riders of the 12th Antilonica Carabiner Regiment and lined up at the peak of the Heights. The Carabiners’ armour shined in the red light of the setting sun. From what I’ve heard and read from first-hand accounts of the battle is that the exhausted and badly bloodied troops of the Merchant forces took one look at the heavily armed and armoured cavalry and some just dropped their weapons and stood there, others dropped to their knees and prayed, and most of the others braced themselves for what was to come.

    At 17:30 hours the Bugler of the 12th sounded the charge and 1,100 cavalrymen and horses thundered down the Heights. Cheers erupted from the third and final Loyalist Defensive line where the artillery gunners were rolling the guns down to the trenches aiming straight down at the Merchant lines, loading canister shot ready for when the next assault would come.

    Uthred’s charge smashed into the Merchant forces like a hammer hitting glass. They pushed the Merchants back to the first defensive line before they were finally halted by a wall of bayonets. The heroic cavalrymen provided much needed time for the majority of Loyalist forces, now behind the heights, to rally. The Charge would prove the brave Cavalry's end as the Merchants brought the riders down from their horses and returned the slaughter. Those who survived retreated back to the third line of defence where they took position along their infantry compatriots. General Greene prepared to stand by his men and lead the last line himself, but a blood covered Lieutenant Colonel Uthred arrived back at the line in time to stop the General. One record from General Greene’s Aide puts their conversation somewhere along the lines of Uthred observing what a beautiful day it was, and that if Greene was going to die in the field it would be holding the last line of Eclenia’s defence, and this certainly wasn’t Eclenia’s last line of defence. I’m paraphrasing of course because records vary on Uthred’s exact words.

    General Greene reluctantly agreed and pulled back to organise a retreat while Uthred would lead a rearguard action.

    At 19:40 hours the Merchants rallied their strength and charged back up the hill, the final fight for Uthred’s Heights began. The Merchants soon found themselves under the worst hail of lead they’d experience the whole day when every Loyalist heavy gun on top of the hill blasted down at them with canister shot. As they got closer reaching a hundred yards the Infantry opened fire. The front of the Merchant lines was torn to shreds with some records saying men in the front ranks would be hit so many times that there was nothing left but a pile of steaming red flesh and bone. Eventually, through the very fires of Remiel those brave and heroic Merchant boys reached the final line and gave them the bayonet, they were met by the equally brave Soldiers of the Red Rose, as well as some volunteers from the Loyalist Artillery, both gunners and guard. It is described even to this day as being one of the bloodiest melee fights in the entire Civil War, and that is saying something. Records show Loyalist soldiers fighting with supernatural strength and determination, taking multiple bullets and bayonet wounds and still trying to stick the enemy with their bayonet or bash their brains in with a rock. I read one report from a Merchant Officer who took part in the cleanup of the battlefield; He said that he could easily tell the difference between the regular Loyalist defenders and the Red Rose troops as the Red Rose troopers were the most drenched in blood and had more fatal wounds to them than most of the other bodies combined.

    The few thousand men of the Loyalist rearguard would buy the rest of the army four hours before finally the last of them were cut down. Not one soldier of the rearguard was captured, they fought to the very last man.

    Upon cresting the Heights the Merchants found the skeletal remains of the Loyalist camp and field hospital lanterns still burning. General Larfton was particularly angry that the Loyalist army which he had been so eager to destroy had slipped through his fingers all because of the Knights of the Red Rose, who he would hold a well-known hatred for through the rest of the war. The Merchant Regular Commanders, couldn’t help but be impressed that General Greene had managed to evacuate his army in a matter of only four hours with a heavy load of wounded in tow.

    The battle was declared a Merchant Victory and began the panicked retreat of all Loyalist Forces to the Heartland passes.

    Though by the number of dead Eclenian boys I would call it a defeat for all involved.

    By the end of the second day, the Merchant forces suffered 8,600 killed, and more than 25,000 wounded. In total out of the total 103,000 Merchant soldiers at the Battle of Uthred’s Heights, a little more than 14,100 were killed, and more than 35,000 were wounded.

    The Loyalists in turn also took absolutely terrible losses, on the second day taking the following casualties.

    Twenty Fourth Legion (2,600 engaged on day two) 930 killed, 1,400 wounded

    Forty Second Legion(5,000 engaged on day two) 1,150 killed, 2,000 wounded

    Fifth Legion (4,433 engaged on day two) 679 killed, 1,650 wounded

    Twenty Second Legion (4,440 engaged on day two) 1,890 killed, 2,260 wounded

    Fifteenth Legion (2,800 engaged on day two) 767 killed, 1250 wounded

    Knightly Order of the Red Rose (2,600 engaged on day two) 2,581 killed, 19 wounded (7 Knights, 12 Auxiliary Infantry)

    Total                                                                   7,997 killed,  8,579 wounded.

    In total during the battle of Uthred’s Heights the Loyalist Army suffered, 10,484 killed, 15,219 wounded.

    Once again the Loyalist Officer Corps proved to take some of the worst hits, out of the 14 Colonels who lived through the first day 6 of them made it out of day two, only 1 of them unhurt. Out of the 6 Legates of the Army only 2 of them made it out alive, out of lower Officers the Centurion (Or Junior Corps) especially, casualties were disproportionately bad, leaving entire companies under the command of hastily promoted serjeants. Among the glorious dead of the Loyalist Officer Corps was Major Uthred who while sources differ is said to have died holding onto the Imperial Standard before being stabbed and shot to death by more than a dozen MRE soldiers. During the retreat from the battle General Greene’s army had more wounded than healthy soldiers, out of the 32,600 soldiers who marched out on this campaign, only 27,516 of them survived, and out of those only 12,297 were in fighting condition.

    And so the Battle of Uthred’s Heights ended; News soon spread of the defeat, Emperor Maria would send out the order for all Loyalist forces in the west to fall back to the Western Heartland pass, and for forces in the north to send forces to the northern pass. This along with the aforementioned news of the defeat of Greene’s army caused the now infamous panicked retreat to the western pass. During this time the Second Corps lost even more of its strength when thirty percent of the entire Corps mutinied and decided to stay and defend their garrisons from the Merchants. Those that didn’t mutiny led their forces and civilians on a desperate run for the pass as the Merchant army though bloodied swept into Antilonica seeking vengeance. The Provincial Capital fell in days, and the whole province was conquered in weeks with only a handful of strongholds of Loyalist forces remaining on the outskirts.

    During the disorganised retreat to the pass, the Second Corps would lose half of its total fighting force. Some died on the rearguard actions to buy time for their comrades and civilians, and the previously mentioned thirty percent refused to abandon Antilonica holding their garrisons as long as possible.

    The Fourth Corps was far luckier in sending their forces to the passes, as the Merchant Army was occupied conquering Antilonica. The Fourth Corps devoted seventy-five percent of its forces to the northern pass and used the remaining quarter to strategically garrison the Capital of Haragladia, as well as the hugely important industrial centres. They would also organise a force to meet the Merchants head on, and this force wasn’t quite as lucky as General Greene’s with the entire army being destroyed.

    The fighting in these first months was defined by brutal old school tactics like those used at the battle of Uthred’s Heights which proved absolutely deadly.

    By the summer of 1883, the Eclenian Loyalist forces had ground the MRE advance to a halt at the two major passes into the Heartlands, in the north and west. The war had devolved into trench warfare, much like what had been developing in Orliend in the Eternal Fangese-Aspyian War.

    Now before I continue I must address something, it is a question asked by the vast majority of people who weren’t around during the war. That question being, “Why wasn’t the Fifth Corps brought in,”

    And to answer that question in my next post I’ll go over the organisation of the Eclenian Army as a whole and some other details, but for the sake of time basically the Eclenian Fifth Corps, the largest and most combat experienced Corps aside from the Third, was and still is the Colonial Corps, and at this time and through the first part of the war it was seen as a mainland affair and as such the Fifth Corps didn’t belong on those battlefields. People often ask why the Emperor who was the Commander and Chief of all Eclenian Armed Forces would let such a petty BS reason like that fly, well this is somewhat because she agreed with that sentiment but it had more to do with other outside problems which the Fifth Corps could handle while the mainlanders dealt with their internal strife.

    Now back on track. The War had as I previously mentioned devolved into trench warfare, something which would prove deadly to the old guard of the Eclenian army used to honourable open warfare, fortunately for the MRE they also had the MPA in the early days who had no qualms with the dirty tactics needed to gain a few meters of ground at a time.

    By 1884 the vast majority of the MRE’s Hero Corps, the old Eclenian Third Corps had been so badly reduced in numbers that they were pulled entirely off the front lines and placed in the honorary role of guarding Redris, replacing the oppressor Watchers of Redris, many of whom were imprisoned, and those who refused to give up their title as knights were executed.

    Indeed one of the things that began to emerge in 1884 was the beginnings of the MRE’s crusade to purge Eclenia of nobility, with the birth of the MRE Commissariat, who would gain notoriety through many actions throughout the war, such things I will discuss later.

    With the exodus of the Hero Corps from the frontline of the war the MRE’s army changed as well, the hardened veterans of the Sarvanist War were replaced by Party fanatics (and eventually large numbers of mercenaries), something which sent waves of deja-vu through the minds of any Loyalist Officer versed in history.

    The Loyalist army began to change as well, first the early waves of volunteers from the Heartlands who joined in 1883 were still being trained to the same standards of pre-war Eclenia and as such didn’t get rotated into action until mid 1884, so when the vastly depleted Second and Fourth Corps were in need of replacement they were supplemented at first by Auxiliaries of the Knightly Orders, the level of training and discipline among these forces proved to vary greatly.

    And once the volunteers were sent into action they were subjected to the horrors of a war they were not trained to fight, casualties proved devastating at every engagement.

    The Western Front was bloody enough as it was with ground moving but a few meters with every offensive on either side.

    The North, however, proved to be more successful for the Loyalists through most of the war but at a far higher cost. General Grant Hadley, would take command of the Fourth Corps after his superior and the former commander of the Fourth stayed behind to defend the Capital of Haragladia. Hadley was an ambitious man who would accept nothing but victory and had little patience for defence, which still makes me wonder why he was placed in command of the forces sent to defend the north. In the early stages of the war he launched a counterattack on the MRE forces, he lost ten thousand men doing it, two entire legions whittled to nothing in a matter of two weeks, but victory was achieved. This made Hadley even more arrogant than he already was, and solidified his lust for attacking the enemy. His preferred method of doing so being full frontal assaults with massed infantry. Something which I speculate he picked up in Orliend.

    The Northern Front was not only a war in the trenches, as I said before a quarter of the Fourth Corps, stayed behind to defend Haragladia. Unlike the mutinous forces of the Second Corps, however, the Fourth did so in an organised fashion, every unit in the beginning at least was in communication with one another, and there were contingency plans put in place for each garrison. The objective of these forces was to hold the capital city of Felmoor, as well as the two major industrial centres of Bayfare, and Ilmarn and the Fourth did very well to harass supply lines and reinforcements on their way to the northern front. It was bloody and messy for the MRE forces, and made the Fourth Corps very good as they helped mould more modern infantry tactics, at least those behind the lines, those under Hadley learned very little but to show no value for their lives.

    The War dragged on in a bloody stalemate for years, during that time many great and terrible battles were fought, and within both sides, things began to change. On the Loyalist side, the war proved to be rather unpopular among the common people from the very beginning and the pool of recruits dried up very quickly once the horror stories of the western front reached the ears of the people. The Merchant side saw an increasingly more brutal policy on nobility under the guise of the Commissariat, they would put the brutal noble recompense program which would earn horrendous infamy starting in 1885. The program was designed to punish nobles for the oppressive damage they and their ancestors caused to the common folk of Eclenia. It was in truth a thinly veiled method of acquiring noble’s wealth and possessions, and unleashing pent up hatred against them in the form of rape and murder.

     In the late summer of 1886, a massive offensive would finally break the fragile Eclenian Western Front. For three months the war turned into a series of holding and delaying actions to protect the civilians and soldiers who were running for their lives from the oncoming Merchant horde. During one of the first of these desperate holding actions, General Greene would heroically give his life leading the last line of defence.

    Eventually, the fight reached the Capital of Fenrock where after two weeks the Emperor gave the order for all Loyalist forces to withdraw from the Heartlands and regroup in the colonial province of Al-Lat. Emperor Maria would stay behind and lead the rearguard action with the Knights of the Imperial Retinue and the Praetorian Guard Legions.

    During the heat of the battle of Fenrock one company of Imperial Fusiliers led by Captain Thomas Karlton were secretly dispatched to escort the Crowned Princess Koralia to the sea, but they were pursued by Merchant Forces. Karlton and his company would make the ultimate sacrifice and stay behind to delay the enemy giving Koralia a chance to escape. They would succeed buying Koralia more than enough time to get to the overwhelmed southern coast on a ship bound for Al-Lat.

    Karlton’s men would last five days in their makeshift redoubt which they named Fort Invictus eventually being wiped out to the last man. It was the last official battle of the first phase of the Eclenian Civil War, and at the time was hailed as the Republic’s final victory before the end of the war, how very wrong they were.

    This war would set the stage for a Princess who had no interest in ruling the Eclenian Empire to go on a journey that would forge her into one of Eclenia’s greatest and most tragic leaders. But that is a story to be told later, it is a tale far too long and full of great details for me to summarise here.

    I hope you’ve all enjoyed the History of Eclenia up to the end of the first act of my main story (Though most of the said first act isn’t really relevant to a broad history and thus hasn’t been mentioned) I will be moving on to other lore of Mithra to share with you all, as well as continuing to work on the story itself. I would finally just like to thank you all for reading, and give just as big of thanks to those who took the time out of their day to respond and leave their thoughts and comments I really appreciate it and  I look forward to hearing your response to this part as well as just in general in the future. Once again thank you, and I hope you all have an awesome day!  :wave:

    « Last Edit: July 21, 2017, 03:59:46 PM by Fortis_Scriptor »

    Fortis Scriptor
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  • Any comments from @Gattoartico @Elbbsas ? We'd love to hear your opinion :D
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    So it looks like I deleted my bookmark to this page by mistake.

    Sotiris Dynasty:
    As I said at the end of my previous post, battles really aren't my thing... so I can't really give any meaningful comentary. I'm enjoying these, but I don't have anything to say. So, I'm going to skip over the numbers and battles. (Plus I want to catch up).

    It is said that if you walk the charred remains of Sakura No Numa you can still hear the screams of the dead on the wind.

    Yesssss little bits of urban legends! Urban legends are the best, especially ones that make people double take as they walk. Ok, I had a proper reason for isolating this line, and that is because you isolated the line! It's isolated, adding that little pow of impact that the empty space around it allows. It's just nice to see this kinda stuff in historical outlining.

    The earlier line of "The regiment was massacred" would also have been cool to do that to. It'll artifically give a moment of silence, and stuff like that is fun. I also appreciate the small note of how Empress Maria's army was mirroring history, and later how it mirrored Marius's loss. Layers within layers, patterns within patterns.

    I deeply, deeply appreciate how there are different theories up for debate for the Haragladians origins. It's a shame they might die off though.

    As an aside, I think I've mentioned this before but you've quite a few run on sentences and sentence fragments. And again, I'll mention how this is an outline so it really isn't important. =D

    Eclenian Civil War:
    Say, is there anything in particular you're using as inspiration for these battle and war plottings? Or is it "all of human history"? I ask because again -- you are pretty dang good at keeping track of everything and making it seem like actual history.

    This war would set the stage for a Princess who had no interest in ruling the Eclenian Empire to go on a journey that would forge her into one of Eclenia’s greatest and most tragic leaders. But that is a story to be told later, it is a tale far too long and full of great details for me to summarise here.
    I see what you did there. XD I'm certainly looking forward to all these great details and tragedies!
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  • Elbbsas, first I'd just like to say, thank you once again for the response it is much appreciated.

    On your comments about the Sotiris Dynasty:

    That's no problem, the battles themselves aren't the most important part really, it's their effect and the people they build up or tear down that are. *cough cough* Titus Greene *cough cough*  ;)

    Yeah urban legends and such are certainly missing from a lot of fantasy universes, unless it has to do directly with the plot.

    I considered doing that with the 'regiment was massacred' line, but I decided against it.

    Oh yes, the wars against the Sarvanists always seem to make history repeat itself for the Eclenians.

    On the Haragladians:

    I'm glad you do.

    "It's a shame they might die off though" yeah, but such are the times, luckily they live longer than your average human (assuming they don't get killed) so perhaps science will catch up in time to save them.

    On the Eclenian Civil War:

    Well, uh it would for all intents and purposes be "all of human history"

    The battle of Uthred's Heights takes some inspirations though, for instance the battle for Sefin's Farm is inspired by La Haye Sainte at the battle of Waterloo, and the fight in the woods, was very roughly inspired by The Hornet's Nest from the battle of Shiloh in the American Civil War. And the central battle for the Heights could, although I wasn't really thinking of it at the time be related to the battle of Bunker Hill in the American War of Independence.

    Yes, good segue I know  :P Now I really need to light a fire under my ass and get to finishing my outline for the first act and getting to the second. (I should mention those might be separated into a book per act, I'm just not finalizing anything yet.)

    Anyways thanks again for responding, I hope you have a great day, and there may be more to come from this thread soon.  :D
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  • Since I've noticed he's done some worldbuilding himself I wonder if @Daeron Targaryen would be interested in this?
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  • Idk tbh
  • Oh look, I'm behind.

    I'm like a decent bit behind on you guys So I'm just going to say thanks for mentioning me Crush and I'll catch up in like three days once the program is over.
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    End of Time

    I remember there in the dawn,
    When the suns rose and rose,
    That never could I know,
    A sight more grand than this.

    Now I sit here in the dusk,
    While the suns die and die,
    That never will I see a sight more sad,
    Or a sight more beautiful.
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  • Attention Wintreath brethren, new lore incoming soon be on the lookout!  8)
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  • Hello everyone and welcome to the new ‘season’ so to speak of Mithran History and Lore, today and for the near future we will be moving a bit further north up the continent of Galindia to Eclenia’s northern neighbor the rather young nation known as Strennora.

    Brought into the world soaked in the blood and ashes of rebellion with a sword clutched in her mouth and a musket in her hand the Kingdom of Strennora is today one of the most powerful nations in the world with hands down the best conventional navy prowling the seas across the globe. I do plan full well to go into good detail on Strennoran History, but to set the tone for what you’re going to be seeing a lot of, going from 1883, in the 118 years Strennora has been a country, it has had a grand total of 58 years of peace, with the longest being a period of 34 years. It has taken part in a total of 13 wars including being an official part of the Eternal Fangese-Aspyian War as of 1859. Out of those 13 wars it has won 12 of them, and the 13th is still being fought, though don’t get me wrong there have been a couple of close calls as you will discover.

    Now before we jump into the history, I’ll start you off with some basic information. The Kingdom of Strennora lies on the northern half of the continent of Galindia, it has a cool temperate climate, though things begin to get a bit more harsh when you reach its northernmost provinces. Strennora’s economy is rather diverse with some similarities to it’s southern ally Eclenia, but Strennora unfortunately does not have nearly as long of a harvesting season. One of Strennora’s greatest exports comes in the form of exquisite timber for the purpose of construction, a thriving coal, iron, tin, and copper mining trade, as well as specialised equipment of all shapes and sizes. Strennora’s economy does however suffer from sea trade limitations as their two largest ports, both sitting on the east coast has one of the largest hotbeds of pirates in the world directly adjacent to them, as such the safest bet for intercontinental trade is through Eclenia, who take a fair sum in the name of safe passage.

    The people of Strennora are typically taller than your average southern Galindian (I.E Eclenians and Burjionese) standing at about an average height of 188 centimeters tall for men, and 179 for women. They’re very pale in complexion due to the northern climate they grow up in. The typical image of a Strennoran would be someone with Blonde or Light Pinkish Red hair, with amber or green eyes. They are a tough hardworking people who won’t turn from a fight both physical and verbal, as they are well known for a very loud, blunt and honest nature, making them shrewd traders, but sometimes harsh diplomats. They get along well with the Eclenians in most cases though Strennorans throw around a lot of insults in conversation which the softer spoken though equally (if not a little more so) fierce Eclenians will take personally.

    As far as religious beliefs are concerned the population in split pretty evenly between Felbrist Siglaeism, and Auskelist Siglaeism, with a tiny minority following a locally based religion known as Valkyrism based out of the province of the former Papal State of Valkyrie.

    Now onto history!
    The nation of Strennora was officially founded August 8th 1765 (Keep in mind all dates are in Gregorian calendar) when Queen Nora, of the Kingdom of Nora, married King Blucher of the Kingdom of Stren. However I feel this does not do it justice so for some context, in the 1700’s the realm known as Strennora today was inhabited by a large number of small nationstates under complete control of or were client states of a dying Empire of Burjion, which had been losing control of more and more territory since their defeat at the hands of Eclenian Emperor Marius in the 15th century.

    Queen Nora was born into the royal family of the Kingdom of Nora (Which she’s named after if you hadn’t guessed)  in 1741. From a young age she was a very strong willed and adventurous girl often sneaking out to explore the countryside, and even once stowing away in carriage to the Kingdom of Stren where she met the young prince Blucher who would become a lifelong friend. When she was 12, her parents died in a rather suspicious accident which left Nora a rather lonely girl, however this led her to pursue extending her realms of adventuring. During her time as a wandering adventurer she travelled all across Galindia, from the freezing cold plains of Bothnia, to the rocky coasts of Southern Soeria, she learned a lot on the road and discovered that the seemingly oppressive nature of Burjion was not just limited to her small homeland, she could tell that in the home territories of Burjion a rebellion was fertilizing in the sickly and weak kingdom. Along the way she also discovered that the Burjionese government had been behind the death of her parents, due to their pro-independence views which they were beginning to act upon through secret negotiations with Eclenia

    Nora decided then that she would take her revenge on Burjion and lead her kin to freedom. What stood in her way, was something which could unite the petty kingdoms of the north under Burjion’s control to side with her in rebellion. She would find it in the tomb of a long dead Polletun Mage Lord, the ancient Warhammer Ddraig’s Fist, made from the bones of the mighty dragon Ddraig it was said to give its wielder the power of the elements of fire and lightning. With the relic in her possession Nora first enlisted the help of her long time friend Prince Blucher who had recently graduated from Eclenia’s Military Institute, Orphirian Academy to go back to Eclenia and secure aid from them.

    The Eclenians, fearing another war with Burjion in upcoming times decided to help the young northern would-be rebels and gave them access to weapons, and a number of experienced military advisors. Blucher returned to his homeland with the supplies from Eclenia and soon he would join Nora in travelling around the region speaking to the various petty lord and kings to convince them to join their cause when the time was right. At the end of it, the rebel supporters were the Kingdom of Nora, the Kingdom of Stren, The Earldom of Mörner, and the Principality of Moltke. From that point it was a matter of waiting, but they wouldn’t have to do so for very long.

     In 1759 the Grand Revolution to regain Burjionese pride began, throwing Burjion into utter chaos. Queen Nora and her allies soon took advantage of the chaos to launch their rebellion, they began by marching to the nearest Burjionese garrison at a fort outside the Kingdom of Nora’s Capital of Cadfan. Queen Nora started the battle by using her mighty hammer and striking down the gates allowing her troops to rush through and overwhelm the Burjionese garrison. Upon going through the fortress the rebels discovered that the Prince of Burjion had been taking refuge there, as the rest of the Burjionese Royal family had been hunted down and executed by the Burjionese revolutionaries. Nora finally took revenge for her parents by publicly executing the young prince. For the rest of the year the Noran rebels cleared out the rest of the Burjionese garrisons and finally secured their borders, the rebel states, had gained their full independence.

    In 1765, after a few years of negotiation the kingdoms of Stren and Nora became one through the marriage of King Blucher and Queen Nora, soon after the Earldom of Morner would swear their allegiance to Strennora. The Principality of Moltke however chose to remain independent, the reason why soon became clear.

    In 1766, the Principality of Moltke made an Alliance with Bothnia and the other petty kingdoms of the north to destroy the newborn Strennoran Kingdom out of fear of a complete overturn of the balance of power in the north beginning the “Great Northern War”. The Strennorans would have to fight tooth and nail just to survive, but thanks to more military aid from their allies in Eclenia (The first nation to acknowledge the new kingdom) and The State of Rhiannon, along with a lot of determination, the Strennorans successfully beat back the combined attacks from all three sides in 1769.

    The Petty Northern kings who took part in the attempt to crush Strennora found themselves in a very lonely place in the shadow of a rather pissed off Kingdom of Strennora but their execution was stayed when the new ‘Kingdom’ of Burjion tried to launch an invasion of the north in 1770, but when they tried to raise troops from their remaining northern provinces they revolted starting in the province of Kallstrom, but it quickly spread like wildfire through the other northern provinces. The Kallstrom rebels called on the Strennorans for help, which Queen Nora gladly accepted sending an army into Kallstrom, thus officially beginning the first Strennoran War of Unification.

    The Burjionese responded by diverting one of their most elite armies to the rebelling provinces but as they passed through the Kalmarck Forest they were ambushed by the Strennoran Army under Queen Nora. It was a slaughterhouse as the highly trained and experienced Strennoran troops cut their way through the well trained but ill experienced Burjionese. During the heat of the battle Nora led a charge of lancers to the Burjionese General’s Staff, during which, Nora personally killed the Burjionese Commanding General splitting his head open with Ddraig’s Fist, what remained of Burjionese resistance soon snapped like a twig bringing the bloody battle to a swift close.

    The War ended soon after in 1771 as the Burjionese war against the Eclenians was now in full swing. The Burjionese would surrender control of the Provinces of Kallstrom, Schultzberg, and Valkyrie to Strennora. Within weeks after being handed over to Strennora, The Papal State of Valkyrie revolted for the stated reasons of Strennoran diplomats not coming to properly appease the Goddess Valkyrie. Something which the Burjionese had conveniently failed to mention to the Strennorans. Within a week after the rebellion began a regiment of Strennoran Landwehr armed with matchlock muskets and pikes marched into Valkyrie and ended the rebellion. Upon the end of the rebellion King Blucher made an agreement with Valkyrie that from that day forward Strennora would hold no state religion and allow its people to worship whomever they wish without any possibility of repercussions by the state. Since then the Valkyrians have lived in relative peace with their Siglaeist kin.

    Following the end of the Valkyrian revolt in 1771, Strennora came into its longest period of peace known as the Noran restoration, during which King Blucher and Queen Nora spearheaded many initiatives to build up the new nation, from building projects of schools, hospitals, and other such facilities, humanitarian actions, and a large overhaul of the Strennoran military. Such actions included a massive expansion of the new capital city of Eisenberg from a small town, to a city which easily rivaled Eclenia’s capital of Fenrock. Among King Blucher’s many projects his pet project was the founding of The Eisenberg Military Academy, a school based on the model of Orphirian Academy, where Blucher had spent some of his teenage years, it would become the primary military school of Strennora and produce some of its finest officers. Among Queen Nora’s favourite achievements was the founding of The Royal Strennoran Academy of Sciences, which has continued to serve as the main Strennoran research center for more than a century. Nora and Blucher would personally help set up the Royal Strennoran Field of Heroes, a national military cemetery in honour of those who fell in the line of duty. They took what would be considered a very progressive and at the time known as a ‘Felbrist’ approach to the lives of its citizens, without the seemingly ridiculous bans on other races, those of different sexual orientation, and most importantly those of magical ability, this was generally well received though some of the people of the southern provinces who were more traditional Auskelists were not fans of such decisions causing some minor tensions.

    With Strennora in the midst of a great golden age, finally it was time for the vengeance to be enacted upon the northern petty kings.

    In 1805 Strennora invaded the Principality of Moltke beginning The Second Strennoran Unification War. Within four years the Strennorans had brought up it’s size by a whole third, but it had come at the cost of King Blucher who died in battle against Moltke, and had in turn cost Moltke its capital when Nora burned it in vengeance for the loss of her husband. On top of that loss the Strennoran conquests of the rest of the petty kingdoms was abruptly halted when Bothnia declared war on Strennora in 1812. Officially their reason was to retake the lands of their fallen client state Moltke, but it is more often speculated that they were not happy with having a rival so close to their borders. Though one should keep in mind that this is Bothnia so it is possible that they simply saw what looked like a good fight and decided to throw a punch.

    On land the Strennorans dominated enemy forces with troops far more experienced in modern warfare. Unfortunately the virgin Strennoran Konigsmarine was utterly crushed at the hands of the elite Bothnian raid fleets, in the end the war ended in what was technically a Strennoran victory when they took some of Bothnia’s southern territory in 1815, however within a decade the land was returned to Bothnia.

    Following the end of the Burjion-Eclenian Wars in 1811, the Burjionese had begun preparing to retake their northern territories. It is often speculated that the only reason the Burjionese ended their war with Eclenia was so that they could declare war on Strennora.

    In 1816 Queen Nora would die peacefully in her sleep, and just a few days after her funeral, the Burjionese declared war… But that is a story for another day, I hope you’ve enjoyed this installment of Strennoran Lore, I’d love to hear your thoughts so feel free to respond here in the thread, thank you for reading, I hope you all have an awesome day!
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    Fortis Scriptor
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  • I'm glad to see this back!

    Poor Queen Nora, she must have been teased something fierce as a kid. That's like being called England or America... which probably explains why she kept sneaking off and why her parents died "mysteriously," dun dun dun. Sorry, bad joke is bad. I can't help but get Nora Valkyrie vibes what with the lightning and the hammer and the Valkyrism, but that's likely because both draw inspiration from Thor. At least, that's what I'm assuming.

    Also: the Burjionese are nasty people, my word. Hopefully someone in Strennora knows where Ddraig’s Fist went off to. I lost track of it in the 1770s.

    Strennora as a whole seems interesting. Hopefully their 12/13 win record doesn't have too many sour victories lying in wait for us.
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  • heh heh heh, Nora Valkyrie? Never heard of her *whistles innocently* Definitely not an obvious reference hehehehe.   ;)

    I wouldn't be surprised if she was, but she was a pretty patriotic gal, so I also wouldn't be surprised if she was quite proud of her name. Aside from the definitely not a RWBY reference, there are some just straight up old school germanic and norse references within Strennora.

    Indeed the Burjionese are some nasty sons of bitches, especially the Royalists after the Great Revolution. Oh yes Ddraig's Fist is still around, kept in the Royal Mausoleum of the Field of Heroes. (Although eventually it'll probably get a move to a museum.)

    I'm glad you find Strennora interesting, I've found them to be a bit like Eclenia's young nephew, with a far shorter temper XD but what can you expect from a country that's basically an infant by Mithran standards.

    Anyways, it's good to be back, the next installment should be out soon, and I hope you have a good day!  :wave:
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  • Hey everybody and welcome to the second installment of the History of Strennora, today we're going to be looking at the next generation of Strennora's history and leadership under King Tillo and his wife Queen Kerstin during the first half of the 19th century Gregorian calendar.


    Following the death of Queen Nora, the ‘Kingdom’ of Burjion declared war on Strennora. Their hope had been to catch the nation off guard and in the mourning period so that they could sweep across southern Strennora, and for the most part their plan had worked. The vast majority of the Strennoran army in the south was in no condition fight off an invasion.

    The main obstacle to the Burjionese entering Strennora was in the form of the Loarc river, today known as Blut river. It was incredibly deep and wide with only a few crossing points large enough to support an entire army. On September 5th, the Burjionese army attempted to storm across, but they were met by a single brigade of the Strennoran Krieg Pioneers, who are well known for their use of fire mages and explosives of various types, and a regiment of Kallstrom Wald Jaegers. Both units had been observing the increasing activity on the other side of the river and had prepared for an attack, even when the Queen died, their commander, Generalmajor Hans Fromm forbid them from taking part in mourning. The shame had proved a worthy price, as the first wave of Burjionese troops charged forward, General Fromm sent messengers to the capital of Kallstrom calling for reinforcements. The brave brigade under General Fromm would manage to hold the largest crossing point for 6 days giving the rest of the Strennoran army time to organise and begin marching towards Kallstrom.The heroic Krieg Pioneers and Wald Jaegers were eventually overrun and forced to retreat, but they had truly done well. Burjion’s invasion was neutered from the start, and the water of Loarc river was muddied with so much blood that it ran red for weeks after the battle was over thus earning its renaming of Blut river.

    The Burjionese would successfully manage to capture vast amounts of territory in Kallstrom, but after four years of bloody fighting they were eventually pushed back across Blut river by the new King Tillo, but once again the sanctity of Strennora’s borders would come at the cost of royal blood as Tillo’s younger brother Prince Albert would die defending the capital of Kallstrom in 1817.

    In 1820 the war ended with a Strennoran victory. The Strennorans had been fortunate that the Royalist Party of Burjion had begun their invasion without the approval of the Auskelist Seric and as such the Incarnate of Raguel had become involved to bring an end to the war. If not for his actions, the war could have easily lasted another few decades much like the previous Burjion-Eclenian Wars which Burjion had not yet been given any time to recover from.

    Following the end of the war with Burjion King Tillo went about truly beginning his time as the ruler of Strennora. His first act was to put a significant amount of funds towards reconstruction in Kallstrom which had taken serious damage during the war, one of the most famous of these projects being the Prince Albert Orphanage in the Capital of Kallstrom. During the grand opening of the Orphanage King Tillo and his wife Kerstin were the first to adopt a child from the establishment, taking a baby girl who they named Erys.

    Along with projects in Kallstrom, King Tillo and the Military Council began to put into motion, plans to reform and drastically improve the Konigsmarine after their humiliating defeat at the hands of the Bothnians. Advisors were brought on from both the Eclenian and Fangese Navies on the topics of ship design, fleet composition, and crew training. All of which were found to be lacking by modern standards.

    In most of Strennora it seemed things were finally settling back into peace, but it would not last long.In the province of Fuer-Beinne, which took up a large portion the southern Strennoran highlands along the border with Eclenia there was a large minority populace of Haragladians who had originally broken away from their home nation when Emperor Marius came into power. Now the Haragladians wished to once again be part of Eclenia, which was home to the vast majority of their kin both ethnically and culturally. So in 1825 after being refused a chance to leave Strennora and become a part of Eclenia, the Haragladians of Fuer-Beinne rebelled.

    From the beginning the rebellion proved to be a complete nightmare as the vast majority of the populace in Eclenia saw the Haragladian’s rebellion as just, but the Strennoran government made it very clear from the beginning that these were rebels who were no better than criminals. As such the Eclenians were forced to publically declare the Haragladian rebellion as unlawful.

    This was the first time in the young history of Strennora that she was at odds with Eclenia, of the nations in the world which it was known it was not wise to agitate it was the Eclenians, but if the Strennorans caved into what they wanted now then they would be considered weak, and what would stop other provinces from taking similar paths, with Moltke being the most worrisome. It was then that King Tillo with aid from multiple advisors made a decision which would shape not only himself, but his entire kingdom. He knew that if the Haragladian rebellion gained too much traction then the Eclenians might be convinced to change their position on the matter and intervene on the side of the rebels. So he decided to make an example of the Haragladians, one which is brought up to this day to quell traitorous thoughts.

    The Haragladian Rebels, aided with weapons, money, and volunteers undoubtedly from Eclenia won a number of hard fought victories, but their efforts were fleeting, and futile. Three months after the rebellion began, a force of Strennora’s most hardened troops arrived with the express purpose of crushing the Haragladians to dust. For another month the Haragladian rebels and their Strennoran pursuers engaged in running skirmishes across Fuer-Beinne, but on May 16th 1825, the chase came to an end on the rolling hills near Castrund village. The Haragladians, 7,000 men strong, met on an open field with the Strennoran Army, who had a strength of over 16,000.

    Every guide to military strategy in the world would have told the Haragladians to keep running, to drag things into a guerilla war, but there they stood in full battle array wearing traditional Haragladian clothing and along with their firelocks, most of them wielded swords and shields.

    The Strennoran troops rushed from their encampment into formation expecting an assault, but the Haragladians didn’t budge. The Strennoran forces, observing the unusually fine state of dress their foes were in, then took the time to get into full uniform before reforming for battle.

    As the Strennoran government forces formed up, the Rebels began to sing in Old Haragladian, a near dead language even in those times.

    Among the general’s staff of the Strennoran army, was an observer from the Eclenian army, the Haragladian, Captain Kalmran Wolfe, who according to the journal of Major Erwin Weiss, who was also among the staff, “The somber tune which floated across the plain was quite beautiful. It reminded me of the hymns sung at the seric of Zadkiel in particular, but upon looking to ask Captain Wolfe what they were singing, I was surprised to see tears in his eyes, the man had barely let any sort of emotion cross his expression since I met him, it was quite unsettling. When I asked the Captain what the song was his only reply was that this day would be among the bloodiest I’d ever see.”

    The general consensus among the rank and file of the Strennoran forces also seemed to find the tune hauntingly beautiful, but also unsettling.

    The thing that among the Strennoran side only Captain Wolfe knew, was that the song the Haragladians were proudly serenading them with, was a funeral hymn written for the tragic heroes who died in Haragladia’s wars with Burjion in the middle ages.

    After finishing their sad song, there was a moment of what is recorded as being an utter silence.

    The silence was broken by the sound of musket butts striking the ground, the Strennorans began responding to the Haragladians final tune with one of Strennoran glory telling of Queen Nora and her unification of the Strennoran people.

    As the Strennorans ended their song, it was followed by a loud roar from the Haragladians and the screaming of bagpipes before the front ranks of the Haragladians dropped their firelocks and drew swords before charging full tilt towards the Strennoran lines.

    In an unexpected turn, the Strennoran Lancers, so taken by the chance of a glorious charge, broke formation and charged as well.

    The Haragladian charge came within range of the Strennoran lines, but their entire right flank was rendered useless as their cavalry was in the way.

    The first volleys were fired on the Strennoran left flank causing massive casualties on the Haragladian troops, but they continued forward. On the other flank, thanks to the foolish charge of the Strennoran lancers which ended in a bloody failure, the Haragladian charge was able to slam into the Strennoran line unmolested and began a brutal melee.

    The Haragladians put everything they had into the assault, but due to being outnumbered more than two to one the Haragladians were soon surrounded.

    During the height of the battle, a number of Haragladian warriors broke through the Strennoran encirclement and attempted to attack the Strennoran general’s staff, most of them were killed in a hail of bullets from the Strennoran guard, but one young lad, riddled with 6 musket balls in his chest staggered to Captain Wolfe’s horse, according to legend, Captain Wolfe dismounted and grabbed the dying boy in an embrace, they exchanged a few words in Old Haragladian before the boy bled to death.

    A little after sunset, the battle came to an end. More than 5,000 Haragladians laid dead upon the grassy plain, alongside them were a few more than 2,800 Strennoran regulars. The few remaining Haragladians surrendered, and the rebellion soon after came to an end.

    Following the end of the Rebellion, any Haragladian in Fuer-Beinne who had supported the rebels, were given the option to emigrate to Eclenia, many of them took up the offer. Overall the Haragladian Rebellion of 1825 proved to leave a sour taste in the mouths of just about everyone involved, and had left Strennora in a rather awkward place with Eclenia who felt things could have been solved peacefully and that the Strennoran government had let things get far out of hand.

    For the next decade Strennora would experience a period of peace, only minorly interrupted by the Yapian War in 1830 which Strennora symbolically joined in on to support Eclenia, in an attempt to mend relations with them.

    Notable things to occur in Strennora during this time would be the invention of the Bolt action: The Volkesfeld 1828 also known as the Lager Rifle in 1828, and the opening of the first factories making full use of steam engines. Strennora also made a number of territorial gains by peaceful integration of a number of the petty kingdoms, however this would lead to trouble…

    Of the states which Strennora took part in discussions with, the Kingdom of Silestria was the largest, and most important. Silestria sat in the middle of the cultural divide of the north between the eastern Aleman culture which dominated Strennora, and the western Draskovic culture which dominated the large Kingdom of Krasimir. The remaining petty kingdoms were generally split between these groups, and Silestria was the pinnacle of this divide. The Kingdom was centered around the Daistara river and its two tributaries, the Ugonik and the Vinonik. These tributaries forming its border with the surrounding nations, its tip being where they connect to form the Daistara. Almost needless to say, Silestria has some of the richest farmlands in Galindia, as well as access to Mount Riradon, which is the source of the tributary Vinonik, as well as the largest deposit of silver in Galindia, a vastly important resource to have access to.

    In 1836 it seemed the Council of Nobles in Silestria who had been negotiating with both Strennora, and Krasimir, would vote in favour of the former and join their eastern neighbour.

    The Krasimiran diplomats first pleaded with the Silestrians to change their minds, and then when that didn’t work, they told the Silestrians that the King of Krasimir would not allow Silestria to join Strennora. Something which the Silestrians took as an empty threat, it was really a warning.

    When the Krasimiran diplomats returned to their country and informed the King that the Silestrians were planning to vote in favour of joining Strennora, it was clear the days of peace were numbered.

    Within the month the Krasimiran army well hardened from war against their western neighbor and rival Csanbi (Who I will talk about in the future) crossed the Ugonik invading Silestria.

    The Silestrians, were never much of a military power, and they certainly weren’t strong enough to take on the tens of thousands of veteran soldiers under Krasimir’s banners.

    The Silestrian Noble Council begged the Strennorans for aid, which they were more than happy to give, the now middle aged King Tillo took personal command of the Strennoran army of Silestria as it was named, and marched across the Vinonik into Silestria, thus beginning the War of Silestrian Independence.

    For the next nine years the Strennoran-Silestrian Allied forces slogged it out with the Krasimirans in bloody campaign after bloody campaign.

    The war would see the first large scale use of the bolt action as the Strennoran Army replaced their muzzle loading Strauss Company Rifled Muskets with the Volkesfeld Lager Rifle, named for the beer which its inventor had drank to the point of inebriation before designing it.

    In 1842, after receiving a bullet wound to the hip, King Tillo lost the battle with a terrible fever and lead poisoning caused by his injury, dying at the age of 61.

    The rule of Strennora passed to Queen Kerstin, and the command of the army passed to Prince Mose.

    Two years later in 1844, in the midst of the third battle of the Ugonik Prince Mose too would die when a stray cannonball struck him directly in the head obliterating it.

    The war would finally be decided in 1845 at the battle of Terontun Fields when Strennoran forces under General Kalman Lorens, backed a Krasimiran force under the command of their crowned Prince Maximov into a corner, forcing them into an open field battle.

    The Krasmirians were heavily outnumbered and outmatched by the Strennoran combined cavalry and light infantry force and after only a couple of hours of fighting surrendered.

    With the Krasimiran Crowned Prince in their custody the Strennorans brought Krasimir to the negotiating table and after a few months of heated diplomacy the war finally came to an end after nine bloody years.

    The war proved most devastating on Silestria whose rich farmland was burned to the ground by both sides in the conflict, and their population was left decimated.

    In 1846, the Kingdom of Silestria officially joined Strennora, adding a powerful, but deeply scarred province into the flourishing Kingdom.

    For the next few years much of Strennora’s time was focused on rebuilding their new province, and continuing to modernize, making new innovations as the industrial revolution continued forward.

    In 1848, Queen Kerstin would die peacefully in her sleep, and soon after her daughter Princess Minna would take the throne as Queen of Strennora, ushering in a new and though it’s hard to believe, bloodier era.

    I hope you’ve enjoyed the second part of Strennoran History, I hope you all have a kick ass day! and as always please feel free to leave me your thoughts and questions, I always love to hear feedback as it truly aids in making my world even better and more alive.  :wave:

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  • Oh good, the Burjionese did lose that surprise war. Serves them right for attacking a grieving nation. That's just rude. And that Haragladian hymn successfully kicked me in the tear ducts. Ow. Again, I'm not so great with battles and the like, but the pacing for that one was written extremely well.

    In 1848, Queen Kerstin would die peacefully in her sleep, and soon after her daughter Princess Minna would take the throne as Queen of Strennora, ushering in a new and though it’s hard to believe, bloodier era.
    These guys just can't catch a break, can they?

    Question: Were there any other totally-not-references sneakily hidden away in there?
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  • Indeed they did lose it, losing seems to be a theme for the Burjionese XD

    The Battle of Castrund is probably the most tragic battle I've come up with thus far. I'm glad I paced it well enough for a good manly punch in the tear ducts.  :D

    No Elbbsas, the Strennorans can never catch a break.  :P

    Ah, well yes there are a couple of references, most of them not as on the nose.
    The battle of Castrund is the one which comes to mind actually, though I did a lot to make it my own, the entirety of the Haragladian Rebellion is inspired by the Jacobite Revolt of 1745, and the battle of Castrund is inspired by the battle of Culloden Moor. I should say though, I would only go as far as to say it was the inspiration for it as I did a lot of my own things with it.

    Another reference that is so on the nose it's kind of funny is one that you may have missed. The name Strennora, is based on a ship, specifically Ren and Nora from RWBY. the St was added to make it less obvious.

    Now to add some context, I have a number of friends who have helped me in developing the lore for Mithra, Crush is by far the most influential and important of these, at this point it's as much his world as mine. This nation however was created by me, and two of my other friends who help me mostly with military related lore, but both of them are massive RWBY fans, and hence after a good hour after having no luck coming up with a good name (Keep in mind this was way back in January, just before Crush got involved) we decided to go full meme on it and make the nation itself a, in some place subtle, in some places right on the nose, hat nod to RWBY and more specifically to one of those two friends favourite character Nora. Anyway, the nation sat relatively barren until early this month when I decided to go all in on developing the history of the various nations of (for now) Galindia. (Later I'll expand to the whole world) But one of those two friends has been helping me along the way as I would like to make sure at least one of them is involved in creating it, as a sort of thank you for the help, however I'm doing my damnedest to also make sure it makes sense within Mithra and isn't completely ridiculous, which I think thus far I've done a good job at accomplishing.

    Anyways, that's all of the references I can think of off the top of my head for this section.

    Good question *Thumbs up*  8)
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    Fortis Scriptor
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  • Hello everyone and Welcome to the third, and final installment of Strennoran History, today we'll be covering the rule of Queen Minna from the 1850's to the 1880's, and introducing her successor.


    The first nine years of Queen Minna’s rule were a time of peace in Strennora, with nothing really of note to bring up. The Queen herself spent most of her time doing fairly routine administrative duties and raising her daughter Anna. She took part in a few passion projects including founding a number of charities and most famously, joining forces with Eclenian Emperor Jyris the Second to work on connecting the Capital of Strennora, and the Capital of Haragladia by railroad, the most ambitious railway project to date at the time. She also took in Eclenian Princess (And future Emperor) Maria as an apprentice for a couple of years during this time forming a lifelong friendship.

    However, the times of peace and happiness in Minna’s life would come to an abrupt end in 1858 when the Strennoran ship Weiss Falke was sunk by unknown forces. Onboard the Weiss Falke had been nearly two thousand people, and among them were Queen Minna’s husband the Royal Consort Conrad Hertz, and her 18 year old daughter Princess Anna. The two of them had been on their return voyage from Nan Fang when the attack occurred.

    Following the tragedy, it was clear that the Weiss Falke had been sunk by a military vessel of some sort, and so looking for someone to blame, the Strennorans looked to Bothnia, whose Raiding Fleets were well known to prowl the waters the Weiss Falke had been sunk in.

    Within two weeks, (Against the position of multiple advisors) the Strennorans declared war on Bothnia thus beginning the Second Strennoran-Bothnian War.

    For some extra context, the Strennoran Military were more than willing to take part in this war, even if it seemed a bit premature. The young and beautiful Princess Anna had become a mascot to the Strennoran Army and Navy, and her loss hit them rather hard.

    The Revenge for the fallen royals would come in two fronts, the land and the sea.

    The Land forces would follow the same path as they had under Queen Nora more than 60 years before working their way north into the heart of Bothnia.

    The more important of the two fronts however would be the naval campaign which in the previous war with Bothnia had proven a mess for the young Strennoran Konigsmarine.

    This time things were different, the Konigsmarine was much more experienced, and their ships were the best and most modern available.

    Indeed it would be the Konigsmarine to fire the first shots of the war as a large war fleet of Ironclad Frigates and Siege Gunboats sailed into the Bay of Akka, their orders were incredibly simple, and came personally from their monarch. “Send their souls to Remiel, take no prisoners.”

    So the Flotte Der Toten, began their campaign of vengeance.

    Many a Bothnian Raider Ship tried to attack the Strennoran attack fleet, only to be blasted to pieces by explosive shells and canister shot.

    The Bothnians had done little to improve their ships over the years as they had never needed to, but now their outdated nature was painfully clear.

    It was then that the Flotte Der Toten broke into three pieces. The first, patrolled the entrance to the Bay. The second sailed up the west coast of the Bay, and the third sailed up the east coast.

    Together they annihilated the densely populated and productive harbours and coastal fishing towns without a shred of remorse.

    Unfortunately, even the highly effective Flotte Der Toten could not destroy the bulk of Bothnia’s real warships which were docked in the harbours of the fortress islands known as the Shields of Juhannus. Even if most of the guns mounted on the walls of those forts were outdated, they still had the range and power to keep the modern Strennoran warships at bay.

    If they wished to take the forts, they would have to come up with a different strategy.

    Back on land the Strennoran Army under the command of the young General Bruno Turm started their campaign with the same success the army had in the previous war, and they had met even less resistance. Everything changed when they received reports of a large Bothnian army gathering in the Groß Norden Forest. These reports coming from multiple accounts from Elven slaves which the Strennorans had freed.

    So with more than enough sources to make it trustworthy intelligence, General Turm turned his army west and marched into the Groß Norden Forest.

    As you may have guessed, this was a trap. As the rearguard of the Strennoran column entered the forest, they sent reports of movement to their rear.

    General Turm soon found himself and his entire army trapped, with the only road out being heavily guarded by Bothnian regulars.

    On top of that, the woods were crawling with Wolkfin Irregular infantry, and Bothnian Light Infantry.

    Turm had two choices, try to navigate through the thick woods until he found an alternate exit, taking casualties from the Bothnian skirmishers the whole time,  probably losing most of his supplies in the process, or, he could attempt a breakout and charge headlong into hail of Bothnian musketry.

    He chose what any sensible commander would, and prepared to breakthrough the Bothnian defenses at the entrance of the forest road.

    The battle was fierce and bloody, with the first three assaults on the Bothnian lines failing. General Turm took personal command of the Guards Brigade, and led the assault.

    The Guards braved through shot and shell until they closed in for bayonets, General Turm at the front line with standard bearers. Then just as they closed for the melee, a shot from one of the Bothnian slave troops struck Turm in the head knocking him to the ground, his adjutant thought him dead, but moments later the General shot upwards from the ground sword in hand, the ball had grazed the top of his skull, but did not fatally hit him. The Bothnians have been called brave to the point of stupidity, but even they shook with fear when a man who had been shot in the head rose up with blood streaming down his face like nothing had happened and continued on charging with his men.

    The Bothnian frontline broke, and the army poured through the breach like a divine flood of men, horses, and wagons.

    The Strennoran army was saved by the bravery and determination of General Turm and the Guards Brigade.

    General Turm was never the same after the battle of the Forest Road, he started acting oddly, his mood could change on a dime, he lost any sense of social tact, often times speaking what most would understand to be what was supposed to be his inner monologue, and as the campaign progressed he gave what seemed like utterly insane orders, but his men followed them nonetheless. Strangest of all, he would at times break into conversation with people who weren’t there. All of these things and more would eventually earn him the moniker of Bruno ‘The Mad.’ 

    As 1858 came to a close, with the Army making winter camp, the Konigsmarine prepared to launch an amphibious landing on the Shields of Juhannus, a hugely ambitious operation, and one which would certainly cause massive casualties, but just days before the operation was set to be launched in March of 1859, something came to light which no one was expecting.

    On March 1 1859, an armada of Aspyian Warships was seen sailing for the Bay of Akka. The massive, magically powered Dreadnaughts smashed their way through the Strennoran blockade of the bay of Akka gaining the attention of both the Bothnians and Strennorans.

    From the decks of the Aspyian warships came a message amplified by magic to be heard by everyone in the bay. “Warships of Strennora! End hostilities with Bothnian Forces immediately, or face the consequences!”

    Following the end of the message, a massive projection appeared above the Aspyian fleet showing the deck of their flagship. There in chains was the Strennoran Royal Consort, and Princess Anne.

    Then another message followed, “If you leave the bay in peace, we will return these prisoners to you. You have one week to comply.”

    For an hour there was silence, as the Strennorans aboard their ships tried to figure out what to do.

    However it would be the Bothnians who would answer first, as all of their warships docked at the Shields of Juhannus set sail.

    The Strennorans prepared to defend themselves, but the Bothnians sailed right past them, and began attacking the Aspyian fleet.

    From what reports I’ve read the reasoning for this move was to inform the Aspyians to “Butt out of their fight.”

    Among the Strennorans, there was a sense of fear and anger. They didn’t know what to do. So the first order of business for the Strennoran forces was to send word back to the Queen.

    Within two days word had spread all across Galindia that for the first time in recorded history, an Aspyian Warfleet was sitting off of Galindia’s coast sending alarms all across the continent. The Eclenian Navy scrambled together their fleets in preparation for hostilities and sent word to Soeria of the danger as well. Even Rhiannon prepared their small fleet of Ironclads.

    On day five it was decided that the Strennorans would attempt to rescue the Princess and Consort from the Aspyian Flagship. So that evening, in the midst of the Bothnian assault, a small craft loaded with Strennoran Marines and Knights of the Iron Flower, sailed to the Aspyian fleet and boarded the flagship.

    At first things went well, they seemed to slip in undetected, but just as they reached where they thought the prisoners were being held, the Aspyian marines onboard discovered the Strennoran rescue party, and a bloodbath ensued, of the more than 30 Strennoran troops, only 6 managed to escape, and with their failure the fates of the royals onboard was sealed.

    The next morning the Strennorans awoke to see the massive projection above the Aspyian flagship showing its deck. At the center of the view stood the Aspyian Admiral in an ornate dress uniform, and behind chained up, were his two prisoners.

    The Admiral proceeded to make a speech to the Strennorans in a tone similar to a father scolding his children. As he wrapped it up he said this, “We gave you a chance to leave in peace with your royals. And you responded by spitting in our face and spilling your filthy blood on my ship… Now you will pay the price.”

    A sailor handed the Admiral a dagger, and the Strennorans watched in horror as the Aspyian Admiral first slit the throat of the Royal Consort. But that was only the beginning.

    He had the Princess unchained from the post, and then had his officers strip her bare before the Admiral and his officers proceeded to rape her.

    A few of the smaller Strennoran warships broke off from their formation and charged towards the Aspyian fleet only to be blasted out of the water by a massive volley.

    The majority sat at their posts, their gazes fixed to the projection in anger and horror, as they heard their Princess scream for the Aspyians to stop and for someone, anyone to help her.

    Finally the Aspyian admiral ended it slitting the Princesses throat and casting her defiled body to the deck.

    It was then that every ship in the Flotte Der Toten sounded the attack order, and flung themselves upon the Aspyians guns.

    They would not cease their efforts for two days, as they sacrificed three of their own ships to take down even one of the Aspyian’s.

    On the second day, having already exhausted their fleet, the last of the Strennoran Flotte Der Toten prepared to throw everything they had at the Aspyian Flagship so they could if nothing else recover the bodies of their fallen Princess and the Royal Consort, and kill the Aspyian Admiral.

    It was then that reinforcements arrived. It was the largest fleet to sail off of Galindia’s Coast, a force of more than 300 warships, half of them Eclenian, the rest were a mixed force of, Strennoran, Soerian, Roncaleon, Al-Lation, Magdalenian, and Rhian ships. There were even a few Fangese, and Burjionese Warships.

    Thus began the largest naval battle ever fought off of Galindia’s Coast.

    The Allied armada had their work cut out for them as the Aspyians had 25 dreadnaughts fully armed to the teeth.

    During the height of the battle, every ship left in the Flotte Der Toten, rammed into the Aspyian Flagship from all sides and boarded as many of their crew as they could. By the end of the bloody melee on the Aspyian Flagship, a group of marines had secured the bodies of their royals, and the Captain of one of the Strennoran ships had fought and beheaded the Aspyian Admiral.

    After 13 hours of intense fighting, the two surviving Aspyian Dreadnaughts limped out of the enemy encirclement heading back east.

    The battle was over, but it came at a massive cost. More than 80 ships of varying size on the allied side were sunk, and more than ten thousand sailors and marines were dead.

    Soon after the war with Bothnia came to an end with an apology from Strennora for acting without thought, an apology which was not accepted, as the Bothnians thanked the Strennorans for giving them the best war they had ever fought.

    The war cost many lives, but the Strennorans had made an ally in Bothnia from it. At the funeral held for the Princess and Royal Consort, Queen Minna would make a speech to her people, in which she said, “The Aspyians have proven to have no sense of honour or dignity, and committed an act so barbarous, I can find no place in my heart to ever forgive them.”

    In her speech she would announce that Strennora would officially join the Fangese in fighting the Aspyians, with a claim that there would be no peace until the Aspyians had paid in full for the damage they had caused to Strennora and her people with the blood of their soldiers.

    The Strennorans would soon after commit to sending a land force of 200,000 soldiers, and a full two thirds of the Konigsmarine to fight in Orliend.

    By fighting in the Eternal Fangese-Aspyian War, Strennora’s Konigsmarine would become the most effective conventional navy on the waves, and their army would have the most combat experienced troops of any army on Galindia for the rest of the century.

    Queen Minna would never fully recover from the loss of her husband and daughter. The once fierce but kind Queen, would become cold and angry with little patience.

    There was a small light reignited in her life, when after a brief sexual relationship with the Strennoran Lord Victor Amzel, Queen Minna unexpectedly became pregnant, and at the age of 42 in 1865 gave birth to Princess Nora the Second.

    The Queen would raise Nora on her own as Lord Amzel mysteriously disappeared following the discovery that Minna was pregnant. The two would have a strained relationship but it was clear that the young Princess, who truly did take after her namesake was the only source of happiness for ‘Remiel’s Queen’ as Minna came to be called.

    Aside from the war in Orliend, Strennora experienced another time of peace in the homeland, with the nation continuing to modernize, but also become increasingly geared solely towards war. Naval technology improved leaps and bounds as, it had to to keep up with the brutally powerful Magic Dreadnaughts of Aspyia.

    In 1874, with Eclenia knee deep in the bloodbath of the Second Sarvan-Eclenian War, the Burjionese made one of the worst possible decisions they could have, and declared war on Strennora, once again attempting to retake their long lost northern provinces.

    For the next 6 years, the Strennorans beat the Burjionese into a bloody pulp like a wolf playing with an old worn out chewtoy, ending with the Incarnate of Raguel pleading for peace as the Eclenians returned from Manat with equally sharp teeth from their war.

    Soon after, the Strennorans would be left awestruck at the start of the Eclenian Civil War in 1883, with a number of Strennoran generals seeking to offer aid to their oldest ally, but after Queen Minna and Emperor Maria had a meeting, any such notions were squashed. Unless the Eclenians changed their minds, the Strennorans would sit on the sidelines and let things play out. This would not stop a number of Strennoran Officers to resign their commissions and go to Eclenia to serve with the Loyalists.

    In 1886, Queen Minna would die peacefully in her sleep, thus beginning the reign of Queen Nora the Second.

    And that is as far as I can take you. I hope you’ve all enjoyed this the third and final chapter of Strennoran History, as always, feedback is very much appreciated, so feel free to respond to the thread with your thoughts, questions, etc. I hope you all have a fantastic day!  :wave:

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