1. Before we get into the real meat of this event, as always, I want to ask all of you—what make you decide to run for the Underhusen? What should the main goals of the new, 21st legislature be?
Activity? Also, I really want a steak. Its not the only thing, but it is quite important.
2. As has been shown throughout history, both online and in the real world, a community must grow if it is to survive and prosper. What do you believe is the best way to catalyse growth and the expansion of Wintreath in NationStates and beyond? Do you see the Underhusen as being able to legislate in ways that would encourage growth?
Not really, other than being active at all.
3. What do you think is the biggest problem facing Wintreath at this point?
Inactivity. Also, a distinct lack of steaks.
4. Do other NS regions have any programs or operations that you think we could emulate to enrich our community here in Wintreath? What are they?
Other than the NWP, which is pretty ok, and Equinox, and fuck them, I have no real experience with other regions
5. Who is your favourite politician from history and why?
FDR. Which other politician had Polio, won 4 separate elections, a world war, and beat depression?
6. What is your favourite form of government? Why?
Social democracy.
7. What do you think makes a successful democracy?
Participation of the people and banning money donations.
8. Are you capable of being online for the duration of this session of the Underhusen? How "active" do you consider yourself on the forums?
Yes and quite.
9. Are there any other questions that you believe all of the candidates should answer? As this is a more informal debate (it's a steak fry, after all) feel free to engage in debate (but preferably productive discussion) with your fellow candidates and upstanding citizens of the Wintreath community!

Not really.
10. And now, arguably the most important question of them all—how would you like your steak?