1) Why are you running for Underhusen? What do you plan on doing if you are elected?
So many reasons*. I have a lot of them. Like China. China is a good reason.
And plans. All of the plans. I love plans, they're great. Huge plans in the works, it'll be incredible. Gonna build a wall. Muslim registry. Gotta keep our region safe. Muslims, Mexicans, they're just gonna come in, so we have to have a wall, like China. China has a wall. Did Mexicans come in? No! So y'see, wall's gonna work, and it's gonna be huge, it's gonna be great. It'll be a Great Wall. But of Wintreath, because this is Wintreath, not China. Gotta show China we can beat them. Great Wall of Wintreath.
It's gonna be huge.
*I am not actually running for Underhusen, but I am committing to the bit.
2) What have you attempted to accomplish in the region over the past several months? Do you feel you were successful in accomplishing what you set out to do?
I've made, just, huge, huge accomplishments, they were incredible. But the accomplishments we're gonna have in the next term, wow, incredible. It'll be incredible. We're gonna make Wintreath great again.
No, I can't, just, it's under review, okay, I can't talk about it, when is Hillary gonna release her accomplishments, huh? I'll do it when she does. But they're great, okay, I mean, look at me, I've got a lot of accomplishments.
3b) If you have not been a member of government over the last several months, what kind of time and energy do you feel you'll be able to put into the Underhusen?
A lot of energy. Look at me. I'm high energy. Look at Marco. Low. Energy. That's not me. I mean, I grab a lot of women, that needs a lot of energy. And grabbing, I mean, my hands are massive. Just huge. How else am I gonna grab a woman? Small hands? You know what they say about a guy with big hands.
And time. Wow, I've got a lot of time. We've all got the same amount of time, but me, I'm a businessman, I'm an investor, I invest my time, I don't just spend it, I don't just waste it, I invest it. I'm an investor. I make a lot of use of my time. And I've got a lot of friends, like good people, I know the best people, and they help me with this, and they have time too, so really I've got more time than anyone. And time is money, I'm a billionaire, I got a lot of money, so I got a lot of time.
4) As a member of the Underhusen, what would you do to promote interest in the Storting and legislative activity?
Uh, fake news, fake news. You're fake news. Fake. Next question.
5) As you may know, the Underhusen has not been all that active for quite awhile now. What are your ideas to change this?
Well we're gonna need to shake things up, y'know, drain the swamp. There's a lot of people in there, and they're not the best, they're murderers, rapists, and some of them, probably they're good people. But they're low energy, so we need to bring in good people with high energy. But I know the best people, the best. We're gonna bring them in, and it's gonna be great. It's gonna be amazing, and we're gonna just do the best work, with the best people. We've got a lot of plans.
6) Just in general, where do you want to see the region go in the next several months?
I'm gonna, I'm just, we, we're gonna make, we're gonna make this region great again. It's always great, but it's gonna be great again, so it'll be great great. It's gonna be so great that it's gonna be huge. Greater than that. It'll be massive. But it's gonna be great. We're gonna become great, greater than we are, again, and we're gonna be that, for the next months.