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[INTEREST] Wintreath Pathfinder
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  • See you later space cowboy.
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  • Nocturnus Cantankorous
  • Yes? Did you call for me?
    • Nocturnus Cantankorous
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  • I figured from your post in the table-top thread, that you might be interested in this and was unsure if you saw it or not.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Nocturnus Cantankorous
  • I certainly am interested. I've never played pathfinder before, although I'm familiar and have played both 3.5 and 5. Do you have any resources I could look at for pathfinder? I like to make characters to familiarize myself with new systems.
    • Nocturnus Cantankorous
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  • Well This playlist might help, although it is primarily for brand new players, still though.

    I would suggest reading through something like the d20pfsrd, which (while unofficial) is rather good (you can also use the official resource document by paizo here although d20pfsrd is generally better formatted and stuff).
    See you later space cowboy.
    Old Signature

    Current Positions in Wintreath
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  • Pathfinder is pretty much 3.75 in all but name. The vast majority of systems are the same, but some classes (i.e. NOT FUCKING WIZARDS OR CoDZILLA) got buffs, grappling got pretty immensely simplified, and skills got pared down to more logical numbers.
    Oh, and cantrips are at wills now, so that's awesome.
    You'll very likely find it very easy to pick up if you've got much experience with 3.5.

    5e though. Dear god. The struggle could not be more real. BAB and Skill points are the SAME THING now and only increase every 4 levels? Why are my spells not getting stronger as I level? Why do I have to use up my attack of opportunity to uncanny dodge? What happened to all my saves, why do I have one for each ability score now instead of just Fort/Ref/Will?
    Where the fuck are my feats!? Where the fuck is my 5'!? Where are my full-round attacks? Where are my flanks!? WHAT IS THIS ADVANTAGE CRAP!? (I know what Advantage is, I'm just asking why, and also why can't I stack multiple sources of it to get as many rerolls as possible)

    Sure, not having to confirm anymore is nice, Finesse affecting damage too is nice, and no more negatives is also a nice bonus,
    That was a very stressful game, realizing I no longer really properly understood how the system worked.
    (I skipped 4e entirely)
    I also note that it felt way too game-y, like I was playing Dragon Age or something. I mean, I like Dragon Age, but 3.5 strikes me as much more XCOM than Dragon Age, to continue video game metaphors.
    Proud Burner
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  • I would love a Play-by-post game. Be aware though: Pathfinder requires some amount of trust between the players and the GM, due to the insane amount of cheese possible. In my games I try to ban most of the significant exploits, but even without 14,000+ caster levels, people can do stupid things.
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  • Ethereal Dream
  • If there is any chance of this still happening, I would like to join. Pathfinder, 3.5, I'm familiar with those, but would like to try 5e so that's okay too.
    • Ethereal Dream
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