Should Wintreath consider embracing official faith or faiths? Perhaps it's the opposite that should be enforced?
Should Wintreath establish an official currency? How could it be integrated to the daily ongoings? Why?
Yes. I have given ideas for potential integration points, such as getting an amount per X amount of posts and having things like certain areas cost currency as a meaningful sink. Things like the adult area. However the exact implementation should be up to the Administration.
What makes a good skrifa, what makes you think you would be a good fit for such a position?
I know our laws inside and out, for the most part. I helped write a good portion of them or gave advice on those laws. I've served many sessions in the Underhusen.
Point out an unresolved issue that either divides the people or completely disbenefits the public. Why hasn't it been solved? How will you solve it?
The current Judicial setup. Let me explain, our current judicial setup doesn't allow the complainant to actually argue their cases in front of the Judges, they must instead be called as a Witness. Further the Defendant can't actually call Witness, it is up to the Court Officers (the Judges). This leads to cases where the Defense may want to call someone as a Witness, but the Court Officers refuse to call them as such. Meaning said person can not actually be asked any questions. Further it prevents the Defense from actually posing any questions to the Witness as well. This can lead to cases where either the Defense is unable to make their point as well as they could have, and undermine their defense, or make the Complainant unable to actually prove their case, aside from their evidence should they never be called as Witness. This disbenefits the public by making it legally possible to have trials that are a bit one-sided, BUT are legally considered 'fair'. There are also numerous oddities with our current procedure and legal system.
As to why it hasn't been solved, it's partially because of a lack of work and communication on a solution and partially because certain people believe that our current system needs a test, as it changed since our last (and only) trial. However this isn't the case as the only thing that really changed in that trial is the judge selection and the appeal procedure, nothing else of substance has changed. This makes it, rather objectively, the same in the issues that I described and makes the necessity of a test trial needless.
As to what I will do to solve it, I have already proposed a solution to this, the
Judicial Procedure Act. This Act even has, or at least had, the support of Weissreich, the initial author of the Judicial Offices Act, our current law over court procedure. While I will admit there are some potential issues with the act, it is better than what we have now. Further I have not received much communication over any grammatical flaws of the act, as I do tend to read over such flaws due to me writing it. This act has been available to be voted on since September 14, 2016. However I have gone through and made some changes recently in hopes that we can get this change done.