Ruusan campaign was the last campaign of the New Sith Wars. The campaign also is referred to simply as the Battle of Ruusan, although that is also used to describe the seventh battle. They consisted of seven battles and a number of minor skirmishes on the planet Ruusan that were stretched over a two year span from 1002 BBY to 1000 BBY.
During the campaign, the Galactic Republic's Army of Light was commanded by Jedi Lord Hoth, and the Brotherhood of Darkness was led by Skere Kaan, Dark Lord of the Sith. Throughout the course of the battles, additional reinforcements attempted to land on Ruusan, though many Jedi forces were destroyed by an orbiting Sith blockade and many Sith reinforcements were destroyed by the Republic Navy en route to Ruusan. Four of the seven battles were won by the Army of Light, although the first battle of Ruusan was an absolute victory for the Sith; the Republic's forces were utterly destroyed and not a single Republican escaped that battle alive.